DEPS = utf8 lowdown sxml-transforms clojurian symbol-utils scss srfi-1 srfi-13 srfi-14 ersatz SRC = main.scm DIR_INSTALL ?= /usr/local/bin DIR_BUILD = . BIN = repo2html all: compile compile: mkdir -p $(DIR_BUILD)/ csc -O3 -static ./$(SRC) -o $(DIR_BUILD)/$(BIN) rm ./$(DIR_BUILD)/$(BIN).link @echo "Finished compiling a static binary in $(DIR_BUILD)/$(BIN)!" dependencies: chicken-install $(DEPS) install: install -Dm755 $(DIR_BUILD)/$(BIN) -D $(DIR_INSTALL)/$(PROG) uninstall: rm $(DIR_INSTALL)/$(PROG) clean: rm $(DIR_BUILD)/$(BIN) compile-on-debian-11: # builds repo2html compatible with systems running glibc-2.31 and higher. docker build docker docker run -v $(shell pwd):/tmp/x -w /tmp/x --rm repo2htmlbuilder make compile # the docker image "repo2htmlbuilder:latest" now exists on your system. # this will make the next time you run this command go faster. # to delete it and reclaim the space run "docker image rm repo2htmlbuilder:latest"