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synced 2025-03-13 00:42:54 +00:00
This takes inspiration from the similar script for miniconda, but it simplifies in a couple of ways: 1. Use the GitHub Releases API instead of scraping HTML. 2. Don't perform a diff, simply add the latest release. Lots of intermediate miniconda releases have been skipped in the past, and it doesn't seem particularly valuable to backfill those.
104 lines
3.2 KiB
Executable file
104 lines
3.2 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env python3
'Adds the latest miniforge and mambaforge releases.'
from pathlib import Path
import logging
import os
import string
import requests
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
logging.basicConfig(level=os.environ.get('LOGLEVEL', 'INFO'))
MINIFORGE_REPO = 'conda-forge/miniforge'
DISTRIBUTIONS = ['miniforge', 'mambaforge']
install_script_fmt = """
case "$(anaconda_architecture 2>/dev/null || true)" in
* )
{{ echo
colorize 1 "ERROR"
echo ": The binary distribution of {flavor} is not available for $(anaconda_architecture 2>/dev/null || true)."
}} >&2
exit 1
install_line_fmt = """
"{os}-{arch}" )
install_script "{filename}" "{url}#{sha}" "miniconda" verify_py{py_version}
here = Path(__file__).resolve()
out_dir: Path = here.parent.parent / "share" / "python-build"
def download_sha(url):
logger.debug('Downloading SHA file %(url)s', locals())
tup = tuple(reversed(requests.get(url).text.replace('./', '').rstrip().split()))
logger.debug('Got %(tup)s', locals())
return tup
def create_spec(filename, sha, url):
flavor_with_suffix, version, subversion, os, arch = filename.replace('.sh', '').split('-')
suffix = flavor_with_suffix[-1]
if suffix in string.digits:
flavor = flavor_with_suffix[:-1]
flavor = flavor_with_suffix
spec = {
'filename': filename,
'sha': sha,
'url': url,
'py_version': PYTHON_VERSION,
'flavor': flavor,
'os': os,
'arch': arch,
'installer_filename': f'{flavor_with_suffix.lower()}-{version}-{subversion}',
logger.debug('Created spec %(spec)s', locals())
return spec
def supported(filename):
return ('pypy' not in filename) and ('Windows' not in filename)
def add_version(release):
download_urls = { f['name']: f['browser_download_url'] for f in release['assets'] }
shas = dict([download_sha(url) for (name, url) in download_urls.items() if name.endswith('.sha256')])
specs = [create_spec(filename, sha, download_urls[filename]) for (filename, sha) in shas.items() if supported(filename)]
for distribution in DISTRIBUTIONS:
distribution_specs = [spec for spec in specs if distribution in spec['flavor'].lower()]
count = len(distribution_specs)
if count > 0:
output_file = out_dir / distribution_specs[0]['installer_filename']
logger.info('Writing %(count)d specs for %(distribution)s to %(output_file)s', locals())
script_str = install_script_fmt.format(
install_lines="\n".join([install_line_fmt.format_map(s) for s in distribution_specs]),
with open(output_file, 'w') as f:
logger.info('Did not find specs for %(distribution)s', locals())
for release in requests.get(f'https://api.github.com/repos/{MINIFORGE_REPO}/releases').json():
version = release['tag_name']
logger.info('Looking for %(version)s in %(out_dir)s', locals())
if not list(out_dir.glob(f'*-{version}')):
logger.info('Downloading %(version)s', locals())