#!/usr/bin/env python3 """Script to add non-"latest" miniconda releases. Written for python 3.7. Checks the miniconda download archives for new versions, then writes a build script for any which do not exist locally, saving it to plugins/python-build/share/python-build. Ignores releases below 4.3.30. Also ignores sub-patch releases if that major.minor.patch already exists, but otherwise, takes the latest sub-patch release for given OS/arch. Assumes all miniconda3 releases < 4.7 default to python 3.6, and anything else 3.7. """ import textwrap from argparse import ArgumentParser from collections import defaultdict from enum import Enum from functools import total_ordering from pathlib import Path from typing import NamedTuple, List, Optional, DefaultDict, Dict import logging import string import requests_html logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONDA_REPO = "https://repo.anaconda.com" MINICONDA_REPO = CONDA_REPO + "/miniconda" ANACONDA_REPO = CONDA_REPO + "/archive" install_script_fmt = """ case "$(anaconda_architecture 2>/dev/null || true)" in {install_lines} * ) {{ echo colorize 1 "ERROR" echo ": The binary distribution of {tflavor} is not available for $(anaconda_architecture 2>/dev/null || true)." echo }} >&2 exit 1 ;; esac """.lstrip() install_line_fmt = """ "{os}-{arch}" ) install_script "{tflavor}{suffix}-{version_py_version}{version_str}-{os}-{arch}" "{repo}/{tflavor}{suffix}-{version_py_version}{version_str}-{os}-{arch}.sh#{md5}" "{flavor}" verify_{py_version} ;; """.strip() here = Path(__file__).resolve() out_dir: Path = here.parent.parent / "share" / "python-build" class StrEnum(str, Enum): """Enum subclass whose members are also instances of str and directly comparable to strings. str type is forced at declaration. Adapted from https://github.com/kissgyorgy/enum34-custom/blob/dbc89596761c970398701d26c6a5bbcfcf70f548/enum_custom.py#L100 (MIT license) """ def __new__(cls, *args): for arg in args: if not isinstance(arg, str): raise TypeError("Not text %s:" % arg) return super(StrEnum, cls).__new__(cls, *args) def __str__(self): return str(self.value) class SupportedOS(StrEnum): LINUX = "Linux" MACOSX = "MacOSX" class SupportedArch(StrEnum): AARCH64 = "aarch64" ARM64 = "arm64" PPC64LE = "ppc64le" S390X = "s390x" X86_64 = "x86_64" X86 = "x86" class Flavor(StrEnum): ANACONDA = "anaconda" MINICONDA = "miniconda" class TFlavor(StrEnum): ANACONDA = "Anaconda" MINICONDA = "Miniconda" class Suffix(StrEnum): TWO = "2" THREE = "3" NONE = "" class PyVersion(StrEnum): PY27 = "py27" PY36 = "py36" PY37 = "py37" PY38 = "py38" PY39 = "py39" PY310 = "py310" def version(self): first, *others = self.value[2:] return f"{first}.{''.join(others)}" def version_info(self): return tuple(int(n) for n in self.version().split(".")) @total_ordering class VersionStr(str): def info(self): return tuple(int(n) for n in self.replace("-", ".").split(".")) def __eq__(self, other): return str(self) == str(other) def __lt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, VersionStr): return self.info() < other.info() raise ValueError("VersionStr can only be compared to other VersionStr") @classmethod def from_info(cls, version_info): return VersionStr(".".join(str(n) for n in version_info)) def __hash__(self): return hash(str(self)) class CondaVersion(NamedTuple): flavor: Flavor suffix: Suffix version_str: VersionStr py_version: Optional[PyVersion] @classmethod def from_str(cls, s): """ Convert a string of the form "miniconda_n-ver" or "miniconda_n-py_ver-ver" to a :class:`CondaVersion` object. """ components = s.split("-") if len(components) == 3: miniconda_n, py_ver, ver = components py_ver = PyVersion(f"py{py_ver.replace('.', '')}") else: miniconda_n, ver = components py_ver = None suffix = miniconda_n[-1] if suffix in string.digits: flavor = miniconda_n[:-1] else: flavor = miniconda_n suffix = "" return CondaVersion(Flavor(flavor), Suffix(suffix), VersionStr(ver), py_ver) def to_filename(self): if self.py_version: return f"{self.flavor}{self.suffix}-{self.py_version.version()}-{self.version_str}" else: return f"{self.flavor}{self.suffix}-{self.version_str}" def default_py_version(self): """ :class:`PyVersion` of Python used with this Miniconda version """ if self.py_version: return self.py_version elif self.suffix == Suffix.TWO: return PyVersion.PY27 v = self.version_str.info() if self.flavor == "miniconda": # https://docs.conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/user-guide/tasks/manage-python.html if v < (4, 7): return PyVersion.PY36 else: return PyVersion.PY37 if self.flavor == "anaconda": # https://docs.anaconda.com/anaconda/reference/release-notes/ if v >= (2021,11): return PyVersion.PY39 if v >= (2020,7): return PyVersion.PY38 if v >= (2020,2): return PyVersion.PY37 if v >= (5,3,0): return PyVersion.PY37 return PyVersion.PY36 raise ValueError(self.flavor) class CondaSpec(NamedTuple): tflavor: TFlavor version: CondaVersion os: SupportedOS arch: SupportedArch md5: str repo: str py_version: Optional[PyVersion] = None @classmethod def from_filestem(cls, stem, md5, repo, py_version=None): # The `*vers` captures the new trailing `-1` in some file names (a build number?) # so they can be processed properly. miniconda_n, *vers, os, arch = stem.split("-") ver = "-".join(vers) suffix = miniconda_n[-1] if suffix in string.digits: tflavor = miniconda_n[:-1] else: tflavor = miniconda_n suffix = "" flavor = tflavor.lower() if ver.startswith("py"): py_ver, ver = ver.split("_", maxsplit=1) py_ver = PyVersion(py_ver) else: py_ver = None spec = CondaSpec( TFlavor(tflavor), CondaVersion(Flavor(flavor), Suffix(suffix), VersionStr(ver), py_ver), SupportedOS(os), SupportedArch(arch), md5, repo, ) if py_version is None: spec = spec.with_py_version(spec.version.default_py_version()) return spec def to_install_lines(self): """ Installation command for this version of Miniconda for use in a Pyenv installation script """ return install_line_fmt.format( tflavor=self.tflavor, flavor=self.version.flavor, repo=self.repo, suffix=self.version.suffix, version_str=self.version.version_str, version_py_version=f"{self.version.py_version}_" if self.version.py_version else "", os=self.os, arch=self.arch, md5=self.md5, py_version=self.py_version, ) def with_py_version(self, py_version: PyVersion): return CondaSpec(*self[:-1], py_version=py_version) def make_script(specs: List[CondaSpec]): install_lines = [s.to_install_lines() for s in specs] return install_script_fmt.format( install_lines="\n".join(install_lines), tflavor=specs[0].tflavor, ) def get_existing_condas(name): """ Enumerate existing Miniconda installation scripts in share/python-build/ except rolling releases. :returns: A generator of :class:`CondaVersion` objects. """ logger.info("Getting known %(name)s versions",locals()) for p in out_dir.iterdir(): entry_name = p.name if not p.is_file() or not entry_name.startswith(name): continue try: v = CondaVersion.from_str(entry_name) if v.version_str != "latest": logger.debug("Found existing %(name)s version %(v)s", locals()) yield v except ValueError: pass def get_available_condas(name, repo): """ Fetch remote miniconda versions. :returns: A generator of :class:`CondaSpec` objects for each release available for download except rolling releases. """ logger.info("Fetching remote %(name)s versions",locals()) session = requests_html.HTMLSession() response = session.get(repo) page: requests_html.HTML = response.html table = page.find("table", first=True) rows = table.find("tr")[1:] for row in rows: f, size, date, md5 = row.find("td") fname = f.text md5 = md5.text if not fname.endswith(".sh"): continue stem = fname[:-3] try: s = CondaSpec.from_filestem(stem, md5, repo) if s.version.version_str != "latest": logger.debug("Found remote %(name)s version %(s)s", locals()) yield s except ValueError: pass def key_fn(spec: CondaSpec): return ( spec.tflavor, spec.version.version_str.info(), spec.version.suffix.value, spec.os.value, spec.arch.value, ) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument( "-d", "--dry-run", action="store_true", help="Do not write scripts, just report them to stdout", ) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", action="count", default=0, help="Increase verbosity of logging", ) parsed = parser.parse_args() log_level = { 0: logging.WARNING, 1: logging.INFO, 2: logging.DEBUG, }.get(parsed.verbose, logging.DEBUG) logging.basicConfig(level=log_level) if parsed.verbose < 3: logging.getLogger("requests").setLevel(logging.WARNING) existing_versions = set() available_specs = set() for name,repo in ("miniconda",MINICONDA_REPO),("anaconda",ANACONDA_REPO): existing_versions |= set(get_existing_condas(name)) available_specs |= set(get_available_condas(name, repo)) # version triple to triple-ified spec to raw spec to_add: DefaultDict[ CondaVersion, Dict[CondaSpec, CondaSpec] ] = defaultdict(dict) logger.info("Checking for new versions") for s in sorted(available_specs, key=key_fn): key = s.version vv = key.version_str.info() reason = None if key in existing_versions: reason = "already exists" elif key.version_str.info() <= (4, 3, 30): reason = "too old" elif len(key.version_str.info()) >= 4 and "-" not in key.version_str: reason = "ignoring hotfix releases" if reason: logger.debug("Ignoring version %(s)s (%(reason)s)", locals()) continue to_add[key][s] = s logger.info("Writing %s scripts", len(to_add)) for ver, d in to_add.items(): specs = list(d.values()) fpath = out_dir / ver.to_filename() script_str = make_script(specs) logger.info("Writing script for %s", ver) if parsed.dry_run: print(f"Would write spec to {fpath}:\n" + textwrap.indent(script_str, " ")) else: with open(fpath, "w") as f: f.write(script_str)