#!/usr/bin/env bash # Summary: Configure the shell environment for pyenv # Usage: eval "$(pyenv init [-|--path] [--no-rehash] [])" set -e [ -n "$PYENV_DEBUG" ] && set -x # Provide pyenv completions if [ "$1" = "--complete" ]; then echo - echo --path echo --no-rehash echo bash echo fish echo ksh echo zsh exit fi mode="help" no_rehash="" for args in "$@" do if [ "$args" = "-" ]; then mode="print" shift fi if [ "$args" = "--path" ]; then mode="path" shift fi if [ "$args" = "--no-rehash" ]; then no_rehash=1 shift fi done shell="$1" if [ -z "$shell" ]; then shell="$(ps -p "$PPID" -o 'args=' 2>/dev/null || true)" shell="${shell%% *}" shell="${shell##-}" shell="${shell:-$SHELL}" shell="${shell##*/}" shell="${shell%%-*}" fi root="${0%/*}/.." function main() { case "$mode" in "help") help_ exit 1 ;; "path") print_path print_rehash exit 0 ;; "print") init_dirs print_path print_env print_completion print_rehash print_shell_function exit 0 ;; esac # should never get here exit 2 } function help_() { case "$shell" in bash ) if [ -e '~/.bash_profile' ]; then profile='~/.bash_profile' else profile='~/.profile' fi profile_explain="~/.bash_profile if it exists, otherwise ~/.profile" rc='~/.bashrc' ;; zsh ) profile='~/.zprofile' rc='~/.zshrc' ;; ksh ) profile='~/.profile' rc='~/.profile' ;; * ) profile='your shell'\''s login startup file' rc='your shell'\''s interactive startup file' ;; esac { case "$shell" in fish ) echo "# Add pyenv executable to PATH by running" echo "# the following interactively:" echo echo 'set -Ux PYENV_ROOT $HOME/.pyenv' echo 'set -U fish_user_paths $PYENV_ROOT/bin $fish_user_paths' echo echo "# Load pyenv automatically by appending" echo "# the following to ~/.config/fish/config.fish:" echo echo 'pyenv init - | source' echo ;; * ) echo '# Load pyenv automatically by appending' echo -n "# the following to " if [ "$profile" == "$rc" ]; then echo "$profile :" else echo echo "${profile_explain:-$profile} (for login shells)" echo "and $rc (for interactive shells) :" fi echo echo 'export PYENV_ROOT="$HOME/.pyenv"' echo 'command -v pyenv >/dev/null || export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH"' echo 'eval "$(pyenv init -)"' ;; esac echo echo '# Restart your shell for the changes to take effect.' echo } >&2 } function init_dirs() { mkdir -p "${PYENV_ROOT}/"{shims,versions} } function print_path() { case "$shell" in fish ) echo 'while set index (contains -i -- '\'"${PYENV_ROOT}/shims"\'' $PATH)' echo 'set -eg PATH[$index]; end; set -e index' echo 'set -gx PATH '\'"${PYENV_ROOT}/shims"\'' $PATH' ;; * ) echo 'PATH="$(bash -ec '\''IFS=:; paths=($PATH); for i in ${!paths[@]}; do if [[ ${paths[i]} == "'\'"${PYENV_ROOT}/shims"\''" ]]; then unset '\'\\\'\''paths[i]'\'\\\'\''; fi; done; echo "${paths[*]}"'\'')"' echo 'export PATH="'"${PYENV_ROOT}"'/shims:${PATH}"' ;; esac } function print_env() { case "$shell" in fish ) echo "set -gx PYENV_SHELL $shell" ;; * ) echo "export PYENV_SHELL=$shell" ;; esac } function print_completion() { completion="${root}/completions/pyenv.${shell}" if [ -r "$completion" ]; then echo "source '$completion'" fi } function print_rehash() { if [ -z "$no_rehash" ]; then echo 'command pyenv rehash 2>/dev/null' fi } function print_shell_function() { commands=(`pyenv-commands --sh`) case "$shell" in fish ) cat <