Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/overleaf/overleaf.git synced 2025-03-01 04:02:33 +00:00
2017-10-16 14:10:06 +01:00

80 lines
2.3 KiB

pipeline {
agent {
docker {
image 'node:6.9.5'
args "-v /var/lib/jenkins/.npm:/tmp/.npm"
environment {
HOME = "/tmp"
triggers {
pollSCM('* * * * *')
stages {
stage('Set up') {
steps {
// we need to disable logallrefupdates, else git clones during the npm install will require git to lookup the user id
// which does not exist in the container's /etc/passwd file, causing the clone to fail.
sh 'git config --global core.logallrefupdates false'
stage('Install') {
steps {
sh 'rm -fr node_modules'
sh 'npm install'
sh 'npm rebuild'
sh 'npm install --quiet grunt-cli'
stage('Compile') {
steps {
sh 'node_modules/.bin/grunt compile'
stage('Test') {
steps {
sh 'NODE_ENV=development node_modules/.bin/grunt test:unit'
stage('Package') {
steps {
sh 'echo ${BUILD_NUMBER} > build_number.txt'
sh 'touch build.tar.gz' // Avoid tar warning about files changing during read
sh 'tar -czf build.tar.gz --exclude=build.tar.gz --exclude-vcs .'
stage('Publish') {
steps {
withAWS(credentials:'S3_CI_BUILDS_AWS_KEYS', region:"${S3_REGION_BUILD_ARTEFACTS}") {
s3Upload(file:'build.tar.gz', bucket:"${S3_BUCKET_BUILD_ARTEFACTS}", path:"${JOB_NAME}/${BUILD_NUMBER}.tar.gz")
// The deployment process uses this file to figure out the latest build
s3Upload(file:'build_number.txt', bucket:"${S3_BUCKET_BUILD_ARTEFACTS}", path:"${JOB_NAME}/latest")
post {
failure {
mail(from: "${EMAIL_ALERT_FROM}",
to: "${EMAIL_ALERT_TO}",
subject: "Jenkins build failed: ${JOB_NAME}:${BUILD_NUMBER}",
body: "Build: ${BUILD_URL}")
// The options directive is for configuration that applies to the whole job.
options {
// we'd like to make sure remove old builds, so we don't fill up our storage!
// And we'd really like to be sure that this build doesn't hang forever, so let's time it out after:
timeout(time: 30, unit: 'MINUTES')