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logger = require("logger-sharelatex")
request = require("request")
settings = require("settings-sharelatex")
Project = require("../../models/Project").Project
DocumentUpdaterHandler = require('../DocumentUpdater/DocumentUpdaterHandler')
U = require('underscore')
Async = require('async')
oneMinInMs = 60 * 1000
fiveMinsInMs = oneMinInMs * 5
module.exports = ReferencesSearchHandler =
_buildDocUrl: (projectId, docId) ->
_findBibDocIds: (project) ->
ids = []
_process = (folder) ->
folder.docs.forEach (doc) ->
if doc?.name?.match(/^.*\.bib$/)
folder.folders.forEach (folder) ->
project.rootFolder.forEach (rootFolder) ->
return ids
_isFullIndex: (project, callback = (err, result) ->) ->
owner = project.owner_ref
callback(null, owner.features.references == true)
# projectId: String, docIds: List[String]|Null
index: (projectId, docIds, callback=(err, data)->) ->
Project.findPopulatedById projectId, (err, project) ->
if err
logger.err {err, projectId}, "error finding project"
return callback(err)
if docIds == "ALL"
logger.log {projectId}, "indexing all bib files in project"
docIds = ReferencesSearchHandler._findBibDocIds(project)
ReferencesSearchHandler._isFullIndex project, (err, isFullIndex) ->
if err
logger.err {err, projectId}, "error checking whether to do full index"
return callback(err)
# TODO: flush documents to mongo
logger.log {projectId, docIds}, 'flushing docs to mongo before calling references service'
docIds.map((docId) -> (cb) -> DocumentUpdaterHandler.flushDocToMongo(projectId, docId, cb)),
(err) ->
# continue
if err
logger.err {err, projectId, docIds}, "error flushing docs to mongo"
return callback(err)
bibDocUrls = docIds.map (docId) ->
ReferencesSearchHandler._buildDocUrl projectId, docId
logger.log {projectId, isFullIndex, docIds, bibDocUrls}, "sending request to references service"
request.post {
url: "#{settings.apis.references.url}/project/#{projectId}/index"
docUrls: bibDocUrls
fullIndex: isFullIndex
}, (err, res, data) ->
if err
logger.err {err, projectId}, "error communicating with references api"
return callback(err)
if 200 <= res.statusCode < 300
logger.log {projectId}, "got keys from references api"
return callback(null, data)
err = new Error("references api responded with non-success code: #{res.statusCode}")
logger.log {err, projectId}, "error updating references"
return callback(err)