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logger = require 'logger-sharelatex'
metrics = require "metrics-sharelatex"
{EventEmitter} = require 'events'
IdMap = new Map() # keep track of whether ids are from projects or docs
RoomEvents = new EventEmitter() # emits {project,doc}-active and {project,doc}-empty events
# Manage socket.io rooms for individual projects and docs
# The first time someone joins a project or doc we emit a 'project-active' or
# 'doc-active' event.
# When the last person leaves a project or doc, we emit 'project-empty' or
# 'doc-empty' event.
# The pubsub side is handled by ChannelManager
module.exports = RoomManager =
joinProject: (client, project_id, callback = () ->) ->
@joinEntity client, "project", project_id, callback
joinDoc: (client, doc_id, callback = () ->) ->
@joinEntity client, "doc", doc_id, callback
leaveDoc: (client, doc_id) ->
@leaveEntity client, "doc", doc_id
leaveProjectAndDocs: (client) ->
# what rooms is this client in? we need to leave them all. socket.io
# will cause us to leave the rooms, so we only need to manage our
# channel subscriptions... but it will be safer if we leave them
# explicitly, and then socket.io will just regard this as a client that
# has not joined any rooms and do a final disconnection.
roomsToLeave = @_roomsClientIsIn(client)
logger.log {client: client.id, roomsToLeave: roomsToLeave}, "client leaving project"
for id in roomsToLeave
entity = IdMap.get(id)
@leaveEntity client, entity, id
emitOnCompletion: (promiseList, eventName) ->
result = Promise.all(promiseList)
result.then () -> RoomEvents.emit(eventName)
result.catch (err) -> RoomEvents.emit(eventName, err)
eventSource: () ->
return RoomEvents
joinEntity: (client, entity, id, callback) ->
beforeCount = @_clientsInRoom(client, id)
# client joins room immediately but joinDoc request does not complete
# until room is subscribed
client.join id
# is this a new room? if so, subscribe
if beforeCount == 0
logger.log {entity, id}, "room is now active"
RoomEvents.once "#{entity}-subscribed-#{id}", (err) ->
# only allow the client to join when all the relevant channels have subscribed
logger.log {client: client.id, entity, id, beforeCount}, "client joined new room and subscribed to channel"
RoomEvents.emit "#{entity}-active", id
IdMap.set(id, entity)
# keep track of the number of listeners
metrics.gauge "room-listeners", RoomEvents.eventNames().length
logger.log {client: client.id, entity, id, beforeCount}, "client joined existing room"
client.join id
leaveEntity: (client, entity, id) ->
# Ignore any requests to leave when the client is not actually in the
# room. This can happen if the client sends spurious leaveDoc requests
# for old docs after a reconnection.
if !@_clientAlreadyInRoom(client, id)
logger.warn {client: client.id, entity, id}, "ignoring request from client to leave room it is not in"
client.leave id
afterCount = @_clientsInRoom(client, id)
logger.log {client: client.id, entity, id, afterCount}, "client left room"
# is the room now empty? if so, unsubscribe
if !entity?
logger.error {entity: id}, "unknown entity when leaving with id"
if afterCount == 0
logger.log {entity, id}, "room is now empty"
RoomEvents.emit "#{entity}-empty", id
metrics.gauge "room-listeners", RoomEvents.eventNames().length
# internal functions below, these access socket.io rooms data directly and
# will need updating for socket.io v2
_clientsInRoom: (client, room) ->
nsp = client.namespace.name
name = (nsp + '/') + room;
return (client.manager?.rooms?[name] || []).length
_roomsClientIsIn: (client) ->
roomList = for fullRoomPath of client.manager.roomClients?[client.id] when fullRoomPath isnt ''
# strip socket.io prefix from room to get original id
[prefix, room] = fullRoomPath.split('/', 2)
return roomList
_clientAlreadyInRoom: (client, room) ->
nsp = client.namespace.name
name = (nsp + '/') + room;
return client.manager.roomClients?[client.id]?[name] |