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unless WEB?
types = require '../types'
if WEB?
exports.extendDoc = (name, fn) ->
Doc::[name] = fn
# A Doc is a client's view on a sharejs document.
# Documents are created by calling Connection.open().
# Documents are event emitters - use doc.on(eventname, fn) to subscribe.
# Documents get mixed in with their type's API methods. So, you can .insert('foo', 0) into
# a text document and stuff like that.
# Events:
# - remoteop (op)
# - changed (op)
# - acknowledge (op)
# - error
# - open, closing, closed. 'closing' is not guaranteed to fire before closed.
class Doc
# connection is a Connection object.
# name is the documents' docName.
# data can optionally contain known document data, and initial open() call arguments:
# {v[erson], snapshot={...}, type, create=true/false/undefined}
# callback will be called once the document is first opened.
constructor: (@connection, @name, openData) ->
# Any of these can be null / undefined at this stage.
openData ||= {}
@version = openData.v
@snapshot = openData.snaphot
@_setType openData.type if openData.type
@state = 'closed'
@autoOpen = false
# Has the document already been created?
@_create = openData.create
# The op that is currently roundtripping to the server, or null.
# When the connection reconnects, the inflight op is resubmitted.
@inflightOp = null
@inflightCallbacks = []
# The auth ids which the client has previously used to attempt to send inflightOp. This is
# usually empty.
@inflightSubmittedIds = []
# All ops that are waiting for the server to acknowledge @inflightOp
@pendingOp = null
@pendingCallbacks = []
# Some recent ops, incase submitOp is called with an old op version number.
@serverOps = {}
# Transform a server op by a client op, and vice versa.
_xf: (client, server) ->
if @type.transformX
@type.transformX(client, server)
client_ = @type.transform client, server, 'left'
server_ = @type.transform server, client, 'right'
return [client_, server_]
_otApply: (docOp, isRemote) ->
oldSnapshot = @snapshot
@snapshot = @type.apply(@snapshot, docOp)
# Its important that these event handlers are called with oldSnapshot.
# The reason is that the OT type APIs might need to access the snapshots to
# determine information about the received op.
@emit 'change', docOp, oldSnapshot
@emit 'remoteop', docOp, oldSnapshot if isRemote
_connectionStateChanged: (state, data) ->
switch state
when 'disconnected'
@state = 'closed'
# This is used by the server to make sure that when an op is resubmitted it
# doesn't end up getting applied twice.
@inflightSubmittedIds.push @connection.id if @inflightOp
@emit 'closed'
when 'ok' # Might be able to do this when we're connecting... that would save a roundtrip.
@open() if @autoOpen
when 'stopped'
@_openCallback? data
@emit state, data
_setType: (type) ->
if typeof type is 'string'
type = types[type]
throw new Error 'Support for types without compose() is not implemented' unless type and type.compose
@type = type
if type.api
this[k] = v for k, v of type.api
@provides = {}
_onMessage: (msg) ->
#console.warn 's->c', msg
if msg.open == true
# The document has been successfully opened.
@state = 'open'
@_create = false # Don't try and create the document again next time open() is called.
unless @created?
@created = !!msg.create
@_setType msg.type if msg.type
if msg.create
@created = true
@snapshot = @type.create()
@created = false unless @created is true
@snapshot = msg.snapshot if msg.snapshot isnt undefined
@version = msg.v if msg.v?
# Resend any previously queued operation.
if @inflightOp
response =
doc: @name
op: @inflightOp
v: @version
response.dupIfSource = @inflightSubmittedIds if @inflightSubmittedIds.length
@connection.send response
@emit 'open'
@_openCallback? null
else if msg.open == false
# The document has either been closed, or an open request has failed.
if msg.error
# An error occurred opening the document.
console?.error "Could not open document: #{msg.error}"
@emit 'error', msg.error
@_openCallback? msg.error
@state = 'closed'
@emit 'closed'
@_closeCallback = null
else if msg.op is null and error is 'Op already submitted'
# We've tried to resend an op to the server, which has already been received successfully. Do nothing.
# The op will be confirmed normally when we get the op itself was echoed back from the server
# (handled below).
else if (msg.op is undefined and msg.v isnt undefined) or (msg.op and msg.meta.source in @inflightSubmittedIds)
# Our inflight op has been acknowledged.
oldInflightOp = @inflightOp
@inflightOp = null
@inflightSubmittedIds.length = 0
error = msg.error
if error
# The server has rejected an op from the client for some reason.
# We'll send the error message to the user and roll back the change.
# If the server isn't going to allow edits anyway, we should probably
# figure out some way to flag that (readonly:true in the open request?)
if @type.invert
undo = @type.invert oldInflightOp
# Now we have to transform the undo operation by any server ops & pending ops
if @pendingOp
[@pendingOp, undo] = @_xf @pendingOp, undo
# ... and apply it locally, reverting the changes.
# This call will also call @emit 'remoteop'. I'm still not 100% sure about this
# functionality, because its really a local op. Basically, the problem is that
# if the client's op is rejected by the server, the editor window should update
# to reflect the undo.
@_otApply undo, true
@emit 'error', "Op apply failed (#{error}) and the op could not be reverted"
callback error for callback in @inflightCallbacks
# The op applied successfully.
throw new Error('Invalid version from server') unless msg.v == @version
@serverOps[@version] = oldInflightOp
@emit 'acknowledge', oldInflightOp
callback null, oldInflightOp for callback in @inflightCallbacks
# Send the next op.
else if msg.op
# We got a new op from the server.
# msg is {doc:, op:, v:}
# There is a bug in socket.io (produced on firefox 3.6) which causes messages
# to be duplicated sometimes.
# We'll just silently drop subsequent messages.
return if msg.v < @version
return @emit 'error', "Expected docName '#{@name}' but got #{msg.doc}" unless msg.doc == @name
return @emit 'error', "Expected version #{@version} but got #{msg.v}" unless msg.v == @version
# p "if: #{i @inflightOp} pending: #{i @pendingOp} doc '#{@snapshot}' op: #{i msg.op}"
op = msg.op
@serverOps[@version] = op
docOp = op
if @inflightOp != null
[@inflightOp, docOp] = @_xf @inflightOp, docOp
if @pendingOp != null
[@pendingOp, docOp] = @_xf @pendingOp, docOp
# Finally, apply the op to @snapshot and trigger any event listeners
@_otApply docOp, true
else if msg.meta
{path, value} = msg.meta
switch path?[0]
when 'shout'
return @emit 'shout', value
console?.warn 'Unhandled meta op:', msg
console?.warn 'Unhandled document message:', msg
# Send ops to the server, if appropriate.
# Only one op can be in-flight at a time, so if an op is already on its way then
# this method does nothing.
flush: =>
return unless @connection.state == 'ok' and @inflightOp == null and @pendingOp != null
# Rotate null -> pending -> inflight
@inflightOp = @pendingOp
@inflightCallbacks = @pendingCallbacks
@pendingOp = null
@pendingCallbacks = []
@connection.send {doc:@name, op:@inflightOp, v:@version}
# Submit an op to the server. The op maybe held for a little while before being sent, as only one
# op can be inflight at any time.
submitOp: (op, callback) ->
op = @type.normalize(op) if @type.normalize?
# If this throws an exception, no changes should have been made to the doc
@snapshot = @type.apply @snapshot, op
if @pendingOp != null
@pendingOp = @type.compose(@pendingOp, op)
@pendingOp = op
@pendingCallbacks.push callback if callback
@emit 'change', op
# A timeout is used so if the user sends multiple ops at the same time, they'll be composed
# & sent together.
setTimeout @flush, 0
shout: (msg) =>
# Meta ops don't have to queue, they can go direct. Good/bad idea?
@connection.send {doc:@name, meta: { path: ['shout'], value: msg } }
# Open a document. The document starts closed.
open: (callback) ->
@autoOpen = true
return unless @state is 'closed'
message =
doc: @name
open: true
message.snapshot = null if @snapshot is undefined
message.type = @type.name if @type
message.v = @version if @version?
message.create = true if @_create
@connection.send message
@state = 'opening'
@_openCallback = (error) =>
@_openCallback = null
callback? error
# Close a document.
close: (callback) ->
@autoOpen = false
return callback?() if @state is 'closed'
@connection.send {doc:@name, open:false}
# Should this happen immediately or when we get open:false back from the server?
@state = 'closed'
@emit 'closing'
@_closeCallback = callback
# Make documents event emitters
unless WEB?
MicroEvent = require './microevent'
MicroEvent.mixin Doc
exports.Doc = Doc