2014-02-12 10:40:42 +00:00

37 lines
1 KiB

sinon = require('sinon')
chai = require('chai')
should = chai.should()
modulePath = "../../../../app/js/RedisManager"
SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module')
describe "RedisManager.getPreviousDocOpsTests", ->
beforeEach ->
@callback = sinon.stub()
@RedisManager = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires:
"redis" : createClient: () =>
@rclient =
auth: ->
multi: => @rclient
@doc_id = "doc-id-123"
beforeEach ->
@version = 70
@op =
{ "mock": "op-1" }
@jsonOp = JSON.stringify @op
@rclient.rpush = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2, null)
@rclient.incr = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, @version.toString())
@RedisManager.pushDocOp(@doc_id, @op, @callback)
it "should push the op into redis", ->
.calledWith("DocOps:#{@doc_id}", @jsonOp)
.should.equal true
it "should increment the version number", ->
.should.equal true
it "should call the callback with the new version", ->
@callback.calledWith(null, @version).should.equal true