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SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module')
assert = require('assert')
expect = require('chai').expect
sinon = require('sinon')
modulePath = require('path').join __dirname, '../../../../app/js/Features/History/RestoreManager'
Errors = require '../../../../app/js/Features/Errors/Errors'
tk = require("timekeeper")
moment = require('moment')
describe 'RestoreManager', ->
beforeEach ->
tk.freeze Date.now() # freeze the time for these tests
@RestoreManager = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires:
'../../infrastructure/FileWriter': @FileWriter = {}
'../Uploads/FileSystemImportManager': @FileSystemImportManager = {}
'../Project/ProjectLocator': @ProjectLocator = {}
'../Errors/Errors': Errors
'../Project/ProjectEntityHandler': @ProjectEntityHandler = {}
'../Editor/EditorController': @EditorController = {}
'logger-sharelatex': @logger = {log: sinon.stub(), err: sinon.stub()}
@user_id = 'mock-user-id'
@project_id = 'mock-project-id'
@version = 42
@callback = sinon.stub()
afterEach ->
describe 'restoreFileFromV2', ->
beforeEach ->
@RestoreManager._writeFileVersionToDisk = sinon.stub().yields(null, @fsPath = "/tmp/path/on/disk")
@RestoreManager._findOrCreateFolder = sinon.stub().yields(null, @folder_id = 'mock-folder-id')
@FileSystemImportManager.addEntity = sinon.stub().yields(null, @entity = 'mock-entity')
describe "with a file not in a folder", ->
beforeEach ->
@pathname = 'foo.tex'
@RestoreManager.restoreFileFromV2 @user_id, @project_id, @version, @pathname, @callback
it 'should write the file version to disk', ->
.calledWith(@project_id, @version, @pathname)
.should.equal true
it 'should find the root folder', ->
.calledWith(@project_id, "")
.should.equal true
it 'should add the entity', ->
.calledWith(@user_id, @project_id, @folder_id, 'foo.tex', @fsPath, false)
.should.equal true
it 'should call the callback with the entity', ->
@callback.calledWith(null, @entity).should.equal true
describe "with a file in a folder", ->
beforeEach ->
@pathname = 'foo/bar.tex'
@RestoreManager.restoreFileFromV2 @user_id, @project_id, @version, @pathname, @callback
it 'should find the folder', ->
.calledWith(@project_id, "foo")
.should.equal true
it 'should add the entity by its basename', ->
.calledWith(@user_id, @project_id, @folder_id, 'bar.tex', @fsPath, false)
.should.equal true
describe '_findOrCreateFolder', ->
beforeEach ->
@EditorController.mkdirp = sinon.stub().yields(null, [], {_id: @folder_id = 'mock-folder-id'})
@RestoreManager._findOrCreateFolder @project_id, 'folder/name', @callback
it 'should look up or create the folder', ->
.calledWith(@project_id, 'folder/name')
.should.equal true
it 'should return the folder_id', ->
@callback.calledWith(null, @folder_id).should.equal true
describe '_addEntityWithUniqueName', ->
beforeEach ->
@addEntityWithName = sinon.stub()
@name = 'foo.tex'
describe 'with a valid name', ->
beforeEach ->
@addEntityWithName.yields(null, @entity = 'mock-entity')
@RestoreManager._addEntityWithUniqueName @addEntityWithName, @name, @callback
it 'should add the entity', ->
@addEntityWithName.calledWith(@name).should.equal true
it 'should return the entity', ->
@callback.calledWith(null, @entity).should.equal true
describe "with an invalid name", ->
beforeEach ->
@addEntityWithName.onFirstCall().yields(new Errors.InvalidNameError())
@addEntityWithName.onSecondCall().yields(null, @entity = 'mock-entity')
@RestoreManager._addEntityWithUniqueName @addEntityWithName, @name, @callback
it 'should try to add the entity with its original name', ->
@addEntityWithName.calledWith('foo.tex').should.equal true
it 'should try to add the entity with a unique name', ->
date = moment(new Date()).format('Do MMM YY H:mm:ss')
@addEntityWithName.calledWith("foo (Restored on #{date}).tex").should.equal true
it 'should return the entity', ->
@callback.calledWith(null, @entity).should.equal true