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define [
], (App) ->
App.directive "asyncForm", ($http) ->
return {
link: (scope, element, attrs) ->
formName = attrs.asyncForm
scope[attrs.name].response = response = {}
scope[attrs.name].inflight = false
element.on "submit", (e) ->
formData = {}
for data in element.serializeArray()
formData[data.name] = data.value
scope[attrs.name].inflight = true
.post(element.attr('action'), formData)
.success (data, status, headers, config) ->
scope[attrs.name].inflight = false
response.success = true
response.error = false
if data.redir?
ga('send', 'event', formName, 'success')
window.location = data.redir
else if data.message?
response.message = data.message
if data.message.type == "error"
response.success = false
response.error = true
ga('send', 'event', formName, 'failure', data.message)
ga('send', 'event', formName, 'success')
.error (data, status, headers, config) ->
scope[attrs.name].inflight = false
response.success = false
response.error = true
response.message =
text: data.message?.text or "Something went wrong talking to the server :(. Please try again."
type: 'error'
ga('send', 'event', formName, 'failure', data.message)
App.directive "formMessages", () ->
return {
restrict: "E"
template: """
<div class="alert" ng-class="{
'alert-danger': form.response.message.type == 'error',
'alert-success': form.response.message.type != 'error'
}" ng-show="!!form.response.message">
<div ng-transclude></div>
transclude: true
scope: {
form: "=for"