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222 lines
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222 lines
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chai = require('chai')
expect = chai.expect
should = chai.should()
modulePath = "../../../../app/js/Features/Project/ProjectEditorHandler"
SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module')
describe "ProjectEditorHandler", ->
beforeEach ->
@project =
_id : "project-id"
name : "Project Name"
rootDoc_id : "file-id"
publicAccesLevel : "private"
deletedByExternalDataSource: false
rootFolder : [{
_id : "root-folder-id"
name : ""
docs : []
fileRefs : []
folders : [{
_id : "sub-folder-id"
name : "folder"
docs : [{
_id : "doc-id"
name : "main.tex"
lines : @lines = [
"line 1"
"line 2"
"line 3"
fileRefs : [{
_id : "file-id"
name : "image.png"
created : new Date()
size : 1234
folders : []
deletedDocs: [{
_id: "deleted-doc-id"
name: "main.tex"
@members = [{
user: @owner = {
_id: "owner-id"
first_name : "Owner"
last_name : "ShareLaTeX"
email : "owner@sharelatex.com"
privilegeLevel: "owner"
user: {
_id: "read-only-id"
first_name : "Read"
last_name : "Only"
email : "read-only@sharelatex.com"
privilegeLevel: "readOnly"
user: {
_id: "read-write-id"
first_name : "Read"
last_name : "Write"
email : "read-write@sharelatex.com"
privilegeLevel: "readAndWrite"
@invites = [
{_id: "invite_one", email: "user-one@example.com", privileges: "readOnly", projectId: @project._id}
{_id: "invite_two", email: "user-two@example.com", privileges: "readOnly", projectId: @project._id}
@handler = SandboxedModule.require modulePath
describe "buildProjectModelView", ->
describe "with owner and members included", ->
beforeEach ->
@result = @handler.buildProjectModelView @project, @members, @invites
it "should include the id", ->
should.exist @result._id
@result._id.should.equal "project-id"
it "should include the name", ->
should.exist @result.name
@result.name.should.equal "Project Name"
it "should include the root doc id", ->
should.exist @result.rootDoc_id
@result.rootDoc_id.should.equal "file-id"
it "should include the public access level", ->
should.exist @result.publicAccesLevel
@result.publicAccesLevel.should.equal "private"
it "should include the owner", ->
should.exist @result.owner
@result.owner._id.should.equal "owner-id"
@result.owner.email.should.equal "owner@sharelatex.com"
@result.owner.first_name.should.equal "Owner"
@result.owner.last_name.should.equal "ShareLaTeX"
@result.owner.privileges.should.equal "owner"
it "should include the deletedDocs", ->
should.exist @result.deletedDocs
@result.deletedDocs.should.equal @project.deletedDocs
it "should gather readOnly_refs and collaberators_refs into a list of members", ->
findMember = (id) =>
for member in @result.members
return member if member._id == id
return null
@result.members.length.should.equal 2
should.exist findMember("read-only-id")
findMember("read-only-id").privileges.should.equal "readOnly"
findMember("read-only-id").first_name.should.equal "Read"
findMember("read-only-id").last_name.should.equal "Only"
findMember("read-only-id").email.should.equal "read-only@sharelatex.com"
should.exist findMember("read-write-id")
findMember("read-write-id").privileges.should.equal "readAndWrite"
findMember("read-write-id").first_name.should.equal "Read"
findMember("read-write-id").last_name.should.equal "Write"
findMember("read-write-id").email.should.equal "read-write@sharelatex.com"
it "should include folders in the project", ->
@result.rootFolder[0]._id.should.equal "root-folder-id"
@result.rootFolder[0].name.should.equal ""
@result.rootFolder[0].folders[0]._id.should.equal "sub-folder-id"
@result.rootFolder[0].folders[0].name.should.equal "folder"
it "should not duplicate folder contents", ->
@result.rootFolder[0].docs.length.should.equal 0
@result.rootFolder[0].fileRefs.length.should.equal 0
it "should include files in the project", ->
@result.rootFolder[0].folders[0].fileRefs[0]._id.should.equal "file-id"
@result.rootFolder[0].folders[0].fileRefs[0].name.should.equal "image.png"
should.not.exist @result.rootFolder[0].folders[0].fileRefs[0].created
should.not.exist @result.rootFolder[0].folders[0].fileRefs[0].size
it "should include docs in the project but not the lines", ->
@result.rootFolder[0].folders[0].docs[0]._id.should.equal "doc-id"
@result.rootFolder[0].folders[0].docs[0].name.should.equal "main.tex"
should.not.exist @result.rootFolder[0].folders[0].docs[0].lines
it 'should include invites', ->
should.exist @result.invites
@result.invites.should.deep.equal @invites
describe "deletedByExternalDataSource", ->
it "should set the deletedByExternalDataSource flag to false when it is not there", ->
delete @project.deletedByExternalDataSource
result = @handler.buildProjectModelView @project, @members, [], []
result.deletedByExternalDataSource.should.equal false
it "should set the deletedByExternalDataSource flag to false when it is false", ->
result = @handler.buildProjectModelView @project, @members, [], []
result.deletedByExternalDataSource.should.equal false
it "should set the deletedByExternalDataSource flag to true when it is true", ->
@project.deletedByExternalDataSource = true
result = @handler.buildProjectModelView @project, @members, [], []
result.deletedByExternalDataSource.should.equal true
describe "features", ->
beforeEach ->
@owner.features =
versioning: true
collaborators: 3
compileTimeout: 96
@result = @handler.buildProjectModelView @project, @members, [], []
it "should copy the owner features to the project", ->
@result.features.versioning.should.equal @owner.features.versioning
@result.features.collaborators.should.equal @owner.features.collaborators
@result.features.compileGroup.should.equal @owner.features.compileGroup
@result.features.compileTimeout.should.equal @owner.features.compileTimeout
describe 'buildOwnerAndMembersViews', ->
beforeEach ->
@owner.features =
versioning: true
collaborators: 3
compileTimeout: 22
@result = @handler.buildOwnerAndMembersViews @members
it 'should produce an object with the right keys', ->
expect(@result).to.have.all.keys ['owner', 'ownerFeatures', 'members']
it 'should separate the owner from the members', ->
expect(@result.owner._id).to.equal @owner._id
expect(@result.owner.email).to.equal @owner.email
expect(@result.members.filter((m) => m._id == @owner._id).length).to.equal 0
it 'should extract the ownerFeatures from the owner object', ->
expect(@result.ownerFeatures).to.deep.equal @owner.features
describe 'when there is no owner', ->
beforeEach ->
# remove the owner from members list
@membersWithoutOwner = @members.filter((m) => m.user._id != @owner._id)
@result = @handler.buildOwnerAndMembersViews @membersWithoutOwner
it 'should produce an object with the right keys', ->
expect(@result).to.have.all.keys ['owner', 'ownerFeatures', 'members']
it 'should not separate out an owner', ->
@result.members.length.should.equal @membersWithoutOwner.length
expect(@result.owner).to.equal null
it 'should not extract the ownerFeatures from the owner object', ->
expect(@result.ownerFeatures).to.equal null