
93 lines
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/* eslint-disable
// TODO: This file was created by bulk-decaffeinate.
// Fix any style issues and re-enable lint.
* decaffeinate suggestions:
* DS101: Remove unnecessary use of Array.from
* DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns
* DS207: Consider shorter variations of null checks
* Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md
// These methods let you build a transform function from a transformComponent function
// for OT types like text and JSON in which operations are lists of components
// and transforming them requires N^2 work.
// Add transform and transformX functions for an OT type which has transformComponent defined.
// transformComponent(destination array, component, other component, side)
let bootstrapTransform;
exports._bt = (bootstrapTransform = function(type, transformComponent, checkValidOp, append) {
let transformX;
const transformComponentX = function(left, right, destLeft, destRight) {
transformComponent(destLeft, left, right, 'left');
return transformComponent(destRight, right, left, 'right');
// Transforms rightOp by leftOp. Returns ['rightOp', clientOp']
type.transformX = (type.transformX = (transformX = function(leftOp, rightOp) {
const newRightOp = [];
for (let rightComponent of Array.from(rightOp)) {
// Generate newLeftOp by composing leftOp by rightComponent
const newLeftOp = [];
let k = 0;
while (k < leftOp.length) {
var l;
const nextC = [];
transformComponentX(leftOp[k], rightComponent, newLeftOp, nextC);
if (nextC.length === 1) {
rightComponent = nextC[0];
} else if (nextC.length === 0) {
for (l of Array.from(leftOp.slice(k))) { append(newLeftOp, l); }
rightComponent = null;
} else {
// Recurse.
const [l_, r_] = Array.from(transformX(leftOp.slice(k), nextC));
for (l of Array.from(l_)) { append(newLeftOp, l); }
for (const r of Array.from(r_)) { append(newRightOp, r); }
rightComponent = null;
if (rightComponent != null) { append(newRightOp, rightComponent); }
leftOp = newLeftOp;
return [leftOp, newRightOp];
// Transforms op with specified type ('left' or 'right') by otherOp.
return type.transform = (type.transform = function(op, otherOp, type) {
let _;
if ((type !== 'left') && (type !== 'right')) { throw new Error("type must be 'left' or 'right'"); }
if (otherOp.length === 0) { return op; }
// TODO: Benchmark with and without this line. I _think_ it'll make a big difference...?
if ((op.length === 1) && (otherOp.length === 1)) { return transformComponent([], op[0], otherOp[0], type); }
if (type === 'left') {
let left;
[left, _] = Array.from(transformX(op, otherOp));
return left;
} else {
let right;
[_, right] = Array.from(transformX(otherOp, op));
return right;
if (typeof WEB === 'undefined') {
exports.bootstrapTransform = bootstrapTransform;