
165 lines
4.6 KiB

Settings = require "settings-sharelatex"
async = require "async"
_ = require "underscore"
logger = require "logger-sharelatex"
class Client
constructor: (@clients) ->
multi: () ->
return new MultiClient(
@clients.map (client) -> {
rclient: client.rclient.multi()
key_schema: client.key_schema
primary: client.primary
driver: client.driver
healthCheck: (callback) ->
jobs = @clients.map (client) =>
(cb) => @_healthCheckClient(client, cb)
async.parallel jobs, callback
_healthCheckClient: (client, callback) ->
if client.driver == "ioredis"
@_healthCheckClusterClient(client, callback)
@_healthCheckNodeRedisClient(client, callback)
_healthCheckNodeRedisClient: (client, callback) ->
client.healthCheck ?= require("redis-sharelatex").activeHealthCheckRedis(Settings.redis.web)
if client.healthCheck.isAlive()
return callback()
return callback(new Error("node-redis client failed health check"))
_healthCheckClusterClient: (client, callback) ->
jobs = client.rclient.nodes("all").map (n) =>
(cb) => @_checkNode(n, cb)
async.parallel jobs, callback
_checkNode: (node, _callback) ->
callback = (args...) ->
_callback = () ->
timer = setTimeout () ->
error = new Error("ioredis node ping check timed out")
logger.error {err: error, key: node.options.key}, "node timed out"
node.ping (err) ->
clearTimeout timer
class MultiClient
constructor: (@clients) ->
exec: (callback) ->
jobs = @clients.map (client) ->
(cb) ->
client.rclient.exec (error, result) ->
if client.driver == "ioredis"
# ioredis returns an results like:
# [ [null, 42], [null, "foo"] ]
# where the first entries in each 2-tuple are
# presumably errors for each individual command,
# and the second entry is the result. We need to transform
# this into the same result as the old redis driver:
# [ 42, "foo" ]
filtered_result = []
for entry in result or []
if entry[0]?
return cb(entry[0])
filtered_result.push entry[1]
result = filtered_result
if client.primary
# Return this result as the actual result
callback(error, result)
# Send the rest through for comparison
cb(error, result)
async.parallel jobs, (error, results) ->
if error?
logger.error {err: error}, "error in redis backend"
"get": 0,
"smembers": 0,
"set": 0,
"srem": 0,
"sadd": 0,
"del": 0,
"lrange": 0,
"llen": 0,
"rpush": 0,
"expire": 0,
"ltrim": 0,
"incr": 0,
"eval": 2
for command, key_pos of COMMANDS
do (command, key_pos) ->
Client.prototype[command] = (args..., callback) ->
jobs = @clients.map (client) ->
(cb) ->
key_builder = args[key_pos]
key = key_builder(client.key_schema)
args_with_key = args.slice(0)
args_with_key[key_pos] = key
client.rclient[command] args_with_key..., (error, result...) ->
if client.primary
# Return this result as the actual result
callback(error, result...)
# Send the rest through for comparison
cb(error, result...)
async.parallel jobs, (error, results) ->
if error?
logger.error {err: error}, "error in redis backend"
MultiClient.prototype[command] = (args...) ->
for client in @clients
key_builder = args[key_pos]
key = key_builder(client.key_schema)
args_with_key = args.slice(0)
args_with_key[key_pos] = key
client.rclient[command] args_with_key...
compareResults = (results) ->
return if results.length < 2
first = results[0]
for result in results.slice(1)
if not _.isEqual(first, result)
logger.warn { results }, "redis return values do not match"
module.exports =
createClient: () ->
client_configs = Settings.redis.documentupdater
unless client_configs instanceof Array
client_configs.primary = true
client_configs = [client_configs]
clients = client_configs.map (config) ->
if config.cluster?
Redis = require("ioredis")
rclient = new Redis.Cluster(config.cluster)
driver = "ioredis"
redis_config = {}
for key in ["host", "port", "password", "endpoints", "masterName"]
if config[key]?
redis_config[key] = config[key]
rclient = require("redis-sharelatex").createClient(redis_config)
driver = "redis"
return {
rclient: rclient
key_schema: config.key_schema
primary: config.primary
driver: driver
return new Client(clients)