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FileWriter = require('../../infrastructure/FileWriter')
AuthorizationManager = require('../Authorization/AuthorizationManager')
ProjectGetter = require('../Project/ProjectGetter')
FileWriter = require('../../infrastructure/FileWriter')
Settings = require 'settings-sharelatex'
CompileManager = require '../Compile/CompileManager'
CompileController = require '../Compile/CompileController'
ClsiCookieManager = require '../Compile/ClsiCookieManager'
_ = require "underscore"
request = require "request"
BadDataError = (message) ->
error = new Error(message)
error.name = 'BadData'
error.__proto__ = BadDataError.prototype
return error
BadDataError.prototype.__proto__ = Error.prototype
ProjectNotFoundError = (message) ->
error = new Error(message)
error.name = 'ProjectNotFound'
error.__proto__ = ProjectNotFoundError.prototype
return error
ProjectNotFoundError.prototype.__proto__ = Error.prototype
OutputFileFetchFailedError = (message) ->
error = new Error(message)
error.name = 'OutputFileFetchFailedError'
error.__proto__ = OutputFileFetchFailedError.prototype
return error
OutputFileFetchFailedError.prototype.__proto__ = Error.prototype
module.exports = ProjectOutputFileAgent = {
sanitizeData: (data) ->
return {
source_project_id: data.source_project_id,
source_output_file_path: data.source_output_file_path
canCreate: (data) -> true
decorateLinkedFileData: (data, callback = (err, newData) ->) ->
callback = _.once(callback)
ProjectGetter.getProject data.source_project_id, {name: 1}, (err, project) ->
return callback(err) if err?
if !project?
return callback(new ProjectNotFoundError())
callback(err, _.extend(data, {source_project_display_name: project.name}))
checkAuth: (project_id, data, current_user_id, callback = (error, allowed)->) ->
callback = _.once(callback)
{ source_project_id } = data
AuthorizationManager.canUserReadProject current_user_id, source_project_id, null, (err, canRead) ->
return callback(err) if err?
callback(null, canRead)
_validate: (data) ->
data.source_project_id? && data.source_output_file_path?
writeIncomingFileToDisk: (project_id, data, current_user_id, callback = (error, fsPath) ->) ->
callback = _.once(callback)
# - Compile project
# - Get output file content
# - Write to disk
# - callback with fs-path
if !ProjectOutputFileAgent._validate(data)
return callback(new BadDataError())
{ source_project_id, source_output_file_path } = data
CompileManager.compile source_project_id, null, {}, (err) ->
return callback(err) if err?
url = "#{Settings.apis.clsi.url}/project/#{source_project_id}/output/#{source_output_file_path}"
ClsiCookieManager.getCookieJar source_project_id, (err, jar)->
return callback(err) if err?
oneMinute = 60 * 1000
# the base request
options = { url: url, method: "GET", timeout: oneMinute, jar : jar }
readStream = request(options)
readStream.on "error", callback
readStream.on "response", (response) ->
if 200 <= response.statusCode < 300
FileWriter.writeStreamToDisk project_id, readStream, callback
error = new OutputFileFetchFailedError("Output file fetch failed: #{url}")
error.statusCode = response.statusCode
handleError: (error, req, res, next) ->
if error instanceof BadDataError
res.status(400).send("The submitted data is not valid")
else if error instanceof SourceFileNotFoundError
res.status(404).send("Source file not found")
else if error instanceof ProjectNotFoundError
res.status(404).send("Project not found")