Brian Gough 81e8243827 fallback check for missing files
dot files are not examined by OutputFileFinder, so do an extra check to
make sure those exist

also check for any relative paths in the resources
2017-09-15 13:41:56 +01:00

81 lines
3.4 KiB

Path = require "path"
fs = require "fs"
logger = require "logger-sharelatex"
settings = require("settings-sharelatex")
Errors = require "./Errors"
SafeReader = require "./SafeReader"
async = require "async"
module.exports = ResourceStateManager =
# The sync state is an identifier which must match for an
# incremental update to be allowed.
# The initial value is passed in and stored on a full
# compile, along with the list of resources..
# Subsequent incremental compiles must come with the same value - if
# not they will be rejected with a 409 Conflict response. The
# previous list of resources is returned.
# An incremental compile can only update existing files with new
# content. The sync state identifier must change if any docs or
# files are moved, added, deleted or renamed.
SYNC_STATE_FILE: ".project-sync-state"
saveProjectState: (state, resources, basePath, callback = (error) ->) ->
stateFile = Path.join(basePath, @SYNC_STATE_FILE)
if not state? # remove the file if no state passed in
logger.log state:state, basePath:basePath, "clearing sync state"
fs.unlink stateFile, (err) ->
if err? and err.code isnt 'ENOENT'
return callback(err)
return callback()
logger.log state:state, basePath:basePath, "writing sync state"
resourceList = (resource.path for resource in resources)
fs.writeFile stateFile, [resourceList..., "stateHash:#{state}"].join("\n"), callback
checkProjectStateMatches: (state, basePath, callback = (error, resources) ->) ->
stateFile = Path.join(basePath, @SYNC_STATE_FILE)
SafeReader.readFile stateFile, 128*1024, 'utf8', (err, result) ->
return callback(err) if err?
[resourceList..., oldState] = result?.toString()?.split("\n") or []
newState = "stateHash:#{state}"
logger.log state:state, oldState: oldState, basePath:basePath, stateMatches: (newState is oldState), "checking sync state"
if newState isnt oldState
return callback new Errors.FilesOutOfSyncError("invalid state for incremental update")
resources = ({path: path} for path in resourceList)
callback(null, resources)
checkResourceFiles: (resources, allFiles, basePath, callback = (error) ->) ->
# check the paths are all relative to current directory
for file in resources or []
for dir in file?.path?.split('/')
if dir == '..'
return callback new Error("relative path in resource file list")
# check if any of the input files are not present in list of files
seenFile = {}
for file in allFiles
seenFile[file] = true
missingFileCandidates = (resource.path for resource in resources when not seenFile[resource.path])
# now check if they are really missing
ResourceStateManager._checkMissingFiles missingFileCandidates, basePath, (missingFiles) ->
if missingFiles?.length > 0
logger.err missingFiles:missingFiles, basePath:basePath, allFiles:allFiles, resources:resources, "missing input files for project"
return callback new Errors.FilesOutOfSyncError("resource files missing in incremental update")
_checkMissingFiles: (missingFileCandidates, basePath, callback = (missingFiles) ->) ->
if missingFileCandidates.length > 0
fileDoesNotExist = (file, cb) ->
fs.stat Path.join(basePath, file), (err) ->
logger.log file:file, err:err, result: err?, "stating potential missing file"
async.filterSeries missingFileCandidates, fileDoesNotExist, callback