Jakob Ackermann d2e6449e79 Merge pull request #3897 from overleaf/tm-meta-tags-billing
[views] migrate subscription templates to meta tags, re-issue

GitOrigin-RevId: c18bb7c96186cc8c34344ecf7cee35f9da19698e
2021-04-16 02:05:27 +00:00

633 lines
23 KiB
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import _ from 'lodash'
/* eslint-disable
/* global recurly */
import App from '../base'
import getMeta from '../utils/meta'
export default App.controller(
function ($scope, MultiCurrencyPricing, $http, $location, eventTracking) {
window.couponCode = $location.search().cc || ''
window.plan_code = $location.search().planCode || ''
window.ITMCampaign = $location.search().itm_campaign || ''
window.ITMContent = $location.search().itm_content || ''
if (typeof recurly === 'undefined' || !recurly) {
$scope.recurlyLoadError = true
$scope.ui = {
addCompanyDetails: false
$scope.recurlyLoadError = false
$scope.currencyCode = MultiCurrencyPricing.currencyCode
$scope.allCurrencies = MultiCurrencyPricing.plans
$scope.availableCurrencies = {}
$scope.planCode = window.plan_code
$scope.switchToStudent = function () {
const currentPlanCode = window.plan_code
const planCode = currentPlanCode.replace('collaborator', 'student')
eventTracking.sendMB('subscription-form-switch-to-student', {
plan: window.plan_code
window.location = `/user/subscription/new?planCode=${planCode}&currency=${$scope.currencyCode}&cc=${$scope.data.coupon}&itm_campaign=${window.ITMCampaign}&itm_content=${window.ITMContent}`
eventTracking.sendMB('subscription-form', { plan: window.plan_code })
$scope.paymentMethod = { value: 'credit_card' }
$scope.data = {
first_name: '',
last_name: '',
postal_code: '',
address1: '',
address2: '',
state: '',
city: '',
company: '',
vat_number: '',
country: getMeta('ol-countryCode'),
coupon: window.couponCode
$scope.validation = {}
$scope.processing = false
$scope.threeDSecureFlow = false
$scope.threeDSecureContainer = document.querySelector(
$scope.threeDSecureRecurlyContainer = document.querySelector(
publicKey: getMeta('ol-recurlyApiKey'),
style: {
all: {
fontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
fontSize: '16px',
fontColor: '#7a7a7a'
month: {
placeholder: 'MM'
year: {
placeholder: 'YY'
cvv: {
placeholder: 'CVV'
const pricing = recurly.Pricing()
window.pricing = pricing
.plan(window.plan_code, { quantity: 1 })
country: $scope.data.country
.tax({ tax_code: 'digital', vat_number: '' })
pricing.on('change', () => {
$scope.planName = pricing.items.plan.name
if (pricing.items.plan.trial) {
$scope.trialLength = pricing.items.plan.trial.length
$scope.price = $scope.trialLength ? pricing.price.next : pricing.price.now
$scope.taxes = pricing.price.taxes
$scope.monthlyBilling = pricing.items.plan.period.length === 1
$scope.availableCurrencies = {}
for (let currencyCode in pricing.items.plan.price) {
if (MultiCurrencyPricing.plans[currencyCode]) {
$scope.availableCurrencies[currencyCode] =
if (
pricing.items &&
pricing.items.coupon &&
pricing.items.coupon.discount &&
pricing.items.coupon.discount.type === 'percent'
) {
const basePrice = parseInt(pricing.price.base.plan.unit, 10)
$scope.coupon = {
singleUse: pricing.items.coupon.single_use,
normalPrice: basePrice
if (
pricing.items.coupon.applies_for_months > 0 &&
pricing.items.coupon.discount.rate &&
) {
$scope.coupon.discountMonths = pricing.items.coupon.applies_for_months
$scope.coupon.discountRate = pricing.items.coupon.discount.rate * 100
if (pricing.price.taxes[0] && pricing.price.taxes[0].rate) {
$scope.coupon.normalPrice += basePrice * pricing.price.taxes[0].rate
} else {
$scope.coupon = null
$scope.applyCoupon = () => pricing.coupon($scope.data.coupon).done()
$scope.applyVatNumber = () =>
.tax({ tax_code: 'digital', vat_number: $scope.data.vat_number })
$scope.changeCurrency = function (newCurrency) {
$scope.currencyCode = newCurrency
return pricing.currency(newCurrency).done()
$scope.inputHasError = function (formItem) {
if (formItem == null) {
return false
return formItem.$touched && formItem.$invalid
$scope.isFormValid = function (form) {
if ($scope.paymentMethod.value === 'paypal') {
return $scope.data.country !== ''
} else {
return form.$valid
$scope.updateCountry = () =>
pricing.address({ country: $scope.data.country }).done()
$scope.setPaymentMethod = function (method) {
$scope.paymentMethod.value = method
$scope.validation.errorFields = {}
$scope.genericError = ''
let cachedRecurlyBillingToken
const completeSubscription = function (
) {
if (recurlyBillingToken) {
// temporary store the billing token as it might be needed when
// re-sending the request after SCA authentication
cachedRecurlyBillingToken = recurlyBillingToken
$scope.validation.errorFields = {}
if (err != null) {
eventTracking.sendMB('subscription-error', err)
eventTracking.send('subscription-funnel', 'subscription-error')
// We may or may not be in a digest loop here depending on
// whether recurly could do validation locally, so do it async
$scope.$evalAsync(function () {
$scope.processing = false
$scope.genericError = err.message
field => ($scope.validation.errorFields[field] = true)
} else {
const postData = {
_csrf: window.csrfToken,
recurly_token_id: cachedRecurlyBillingToken.id,
recurly3DSecureResultToken && recurly3DSecureResultToken.id,
subscriptionDetails: {
currencyCode: pricing.items.currency,
plan_code: pricing.items.plan.code,
coupon_code: pricing.items.coupon ? pricing.items.coupon.code : '',
first_name: $scope.data.first_name,
last_name: $scope.data.last_name,
isPaypal: $scope.paymentMethod.value === 'paypal',
address: {
address1: $scope.data.address1,
address2: $scope.data.address2,
country: $scope.data.country,
state: $scope.data.state,
zip: $scope.data.postal_code
ITMCampaign: window.ITMCampaign,
ITMContent: window.ITMContent
if (
postData.subscriptionDetails.isPaypal &&
) {
postData.subscriptionDetails.billing_info = {}
if ($scope.data.company && $scope.data.company !== '') {
postData.subscriptionDetails.billing_info.company =
if ($scope.data.vat_number && $scope.data.vat_number !== '') {
postData.subscriptionDetails.billing_info.vat_number =
eventTracking.sendMB('subscription-form-submitted', {
currencyCode: postData.subscriptionDetails.currencyCode,
plan_code: postData.subscriptionDetails.plan_code,
coupon_code: postData.subscriptionDetails.coupon_code,
isPaypal: postData.subscriptionDetails.isPaypal
return $http
.post('/user/subscription/create', postData)
.then(function () {
window.location.href = '/user/subscription/thank-you'
.catch(response => {
$scope.processing = false
const { data } = response
$scope.genericError =
(data && data.message) ||
'Something went wrong processing the request'
if (data.threeDSecureActionTokenId) {
$scope.submit = function () {
$scope.processing = true
if ($scope.paymentMethod.value === 'paypal') {
const opts = { description: $scope.planName }
recurly.paypal(opts, completeSubscription)
} else {
const tokenData = _.cloneDeep($scope.data)
if (!$scope.ui.addCompanyDetails) {
delete tokenData.company
delete tokenData.vat_number
recurly.token(tokenData, completeSubscription)
const initThreeDSecure = function (threeDSecureActionTokenId) {
// instanciate and configure Recurly 3DSecure flow
const risk = recurly.Risk()
const threeDSecure = risk.ThreeDSecure({
actionTokenId: threeDSecureActionTokenId
// on SCA verification error: show payment UI with the error message
threeDSecure.on('error', error => {
$scope.genericError = `Error: ${error.message}`
$scope.threeDSecureFlow = false
// on SCA verification success: show payment UI in processing mode and
// resubmit the payment with the new token final success or error will be
// handled by `completeSubscription`
threeDSecure.on('token', recurly3DSecureResultToken => {
completeSubscription(null, null, recurly3DSecureResultToken)
$scope.genericError = null
$scope.threeDSecureFlow = false
$scope.processing = true
// make sure the threeDSecureRecurlyContainer is empty (in case of
// retries) and show 3DSecure UI
$scope.threeDSecureRecurlyContainer.innerHTML = ''
$scope.threeDSecureFlow = true
// scroll the UI into view (timeout needed to make sure the element is
// visible)
window.setTimeout(() => {
}, 0)
// list taken from Recurly (see https://docs.recurly.com/docs/countries-provinces-and-states). Country code must exist on Recurly, so update with care
$scope.countries = [
{ code: 'AF', name: 'Afghanistan' },
{ code: 'AX', name: 'Åland Islands' },
{ code: 'AL', name: 'Albania' },
{ code: 'DZ', name: 'Algeria' },
{ code: 'AS', name: 'American Samoa' },
{ code: 'AD', name: 'Andorra' },
{ code: 'AO', name: 'Angola' },
{ code: 'AI', name: 'Anguilla' },
{ code: 'AQ', name: 'Antarctica' },
{ code: 'AG', name: 'Antigua and Barbuda' },
{ code: 'AR', name: 'Argentina' },
{ code: 'AM', name: 'Armenia' },
{ code: 'AW', name: 'Aruba' },
{ code: 'AC', name: 'Ascension Island' },
{ code: 'AU', name: 'Australia' },
{ code: 'AT', name: 'Austria' },
{ code: 'AZ', name: 'Azerbaijan' },
{ code: 'BS', name: 'Bahamas' },
{ code: 'BH', name: 'Bahrain' },
{ code: 'BD', name: 'Bangladesh' },
{ code: 'BB', name: 'Barbados' },
{ code: 'BY', name: 'Belarus' },
{ code: 'BE', name: 'Belgium' },
{ code: 'BZ', name: 'Belize' },
{ code: 'BJ', name: 'Benin' },
{ code: 'BM', name: 'Bermuda' },
{ code: 'BT', name: 'Bhutan' },
{ code: 'BO', name: 'Bolivia' },
{ code: 'BA', name: 'Bosnia and Herzegovina' },
{ code: 'BW', name: 'Botswana' },
{ code: 'BV', name: 'Bouvet Island' },
{ code: 'BR', name: 'Brazil' },
{ code: 'BQ', name: 'British Antarctic Territory' },
{ code: 'IO', name: 'British Indian Ocean Territory' },
{ code: 'VG', name: 'British Virgin Islands' },
{ code: 'BN', name: 'Brunei' },
{ code: 'BG', name: 'Bulgaria' },
{ code: 'BF', name: 'Burkina Faso' },
{ code: 'BI', name: 'Burundi' },
{ code: 'CV', name: 'Cabo Verde' },
{ code: 'KH', name: 'Cambodia' },
{ code: 'CM', name: 'Cameroon' },
{ code: 'CA', name: 'Canada' },
{ code: 'IC', name: 'Canary Islands' },
{ code: 'CT', name: 'Canton and Enderbury Islands' },
{ code: 'KY', name: 'Cayman Islands' },
{ code: 'CF', name: 'Central African Republic' },
{ code: 'EA', name: 'Ceuta and Melilla' },
{ code: 'TD', name: 'Chad' },
{ code: 'CL', name: 'Chile' },
{ code: 'CN', name: 'China' },
{ code: 'CX', name: 'Christmas Island' },
{ code: 'CP', name: 'Clipperton Island' },
{ code: 'CC', name: 'Cocos [Keeling] Islands' },
{ code: 'CO', name: 'Colombia' },
{ code: 'KM', name: 'Comoros' },
{ code: 'CG', name: 'Congo - Brazzaville' },
{ code: 'CD', name: 'Congo - Kinshasa' },
{ code: 'CD', name: 'Congo [DRC]' },
{ code: 'CG', name: 'Congo [Republic]' },
{ code: 'CK', name: 'Cook Islands' },
{ code: 'CR', name: 'Costa Rica' },
{ code: 'CI', name: 'Côte dIvoire' },
{ code: 'HR', name: 'Croatia' },
{ code: 'CU', name: 'Cuba' },
{ code: 'CY', name: 'Cyprus' },
{ code: 'CZ', name: 'Czech Republic' },
{ code: 'DK', name: 'Denmark' },
{ code: 'DG', name: 'Diego Garcia' },
{ code: 'DJ', name: 'Djibouti' },
{ code: 'DM', name: 'Dominica' },
{ code: 'DO', name: 'Dominican Republic' },
{ code: 'NQ', name: 'Dronning Maud Land' },
{ code: 'TL', name: 'East Timor' },
{ code: 'EC', name: 'Ecuador' },
{ code: 'EG', name: 'Egypt' },
{ code: 'SV', name: 'El Salvador' },
{ code: 'GQ', name: 'Equatorial Guinea' },
{ code: 'ER', name: 'Eritrea' },
{ code: 'EE', name: 'Estonia' },
{ code: 'ET', name: 'Ethiopia' },
{ code: 'FK', name: 'Falkland Islands [Islas Malvinas]' },
{ code: 'FK', name: 'Falkland Islands' },
{ code: 'FO', name: 'Faroe Islands' },
{ code: 'FJ', name: 'Fiji' },
{ code: 'FI', name: 'Finland' },
{ code: 'FR', name: 'France' },
{ code: 'GF', name: 'French Guiana' },
{ code: 'PF', name: 'French Polynesia' },
{ code: 'FQ', name: 'French Southern and Antarctic Territories' },
{ code: 'TF', name: 'French Southern Territories' },
{ code: 'GA', name: 'Gabon' },
{ code: 'GM', name: 'Gambia' },
{ code: 'GE', name: 'Georgia' },
{ code: 'DE', name: 'Germany' },
{ code: 'GH', name: 'Ghana' },
{ code: 'GI', name: 'Gibraltar' },
{ code: 'GR', name: 'Greece' },
{ code: 'GL', name: 'Greenland' },
{ code: 'GD', name: 'Grenada' },
{ code: 'GP', name: 'Guadeloupe' },
{ code: 'GU', name: 'Guam' },
{ code: 'GT', name: 'Guatemala' },
{ code: 'GG', name: 'Guernsey' },
{ code: 'GW', name: 'Guinea-Bissau' },
{ code: 'GN', name: 'Guinea' },
{ code: 'GY', name: 'Guyana' },
{ code: 'HT', name: 'Haiti' },
{ code: 'HM', name: 'Heard Island and McDonald Islands' },
{ code: 'HN', name: 'Honduras' },
{ code: 'HK', name: 'Hong Kong' },
{ code: 'HU', name: 'Hungary' },
{ code: 'IS', name: 'Iceland' },
{ code: 'IN', name: 'India' },
{ code: 'ID', name: 'Indonesia' },
{ code: 'IR', name: 'Iran' },
{ code: 'IQ', name: 'Iraq' },
{ code: 'IE', name: 'Ireland' },
{ code: 'IM', name: 'Isle of Man' },
{ code: 'IL', name: 'Israel' },
{ code: 'IT', name: 'Italy' },
{ code: 'CI', name: 'Ivory Coast' },
{ code: 'JM', name: 'Jamaica' },
{ code: 'JP', name: 'Japan' },
{ code: 'JE', name: 'Jersey' },
{ code: 'JT', name: 'Johnston Island' },
{ code: 'JO', name: 'Jordan' },
{ code: 'KZ', name: 'Kazakhstan' },
{ code: 'KE', name: 'Kenya' },
{ code: 'KI', name: 'Kiribati' },
{ code: 'KW', name: 'Kuwait' },
{ code: 'KG', name: 'Kyrgyzstan' },
{ code: 'LA', name: 'Laos' },
{ code: 'LV', name: 'Latvia' },
{ code: 'LB', name: 'Lebanon' },
{ code: 'LS', name: 'Lesotho' },
{ code: 'LR', name: 'Liberia' },
{ code: 'LY', name: 'Libya' },
{ code: 'LI', name: 'Liechtenstein' },
{ code: 'LT', name: 'Lithuania' },
{ code: 'LU', name: 'Luxembourg' },
{ code: 'MO', name: 'Macau SAR China' },
{ code: 'MO', name: 'Macau' },
{ code: 'MK', name: 'Macedonia [FYROM]' },
{ code: 'MK', name: 'Macedonia' },
{ code: 'MG', name: 'Madagascar' },
{ code: 'MW', name: 'Malawi' },
{ code: 'MY', name: 'Malaysia' },
{ code: 'MV', name: 'Maldives' },
{ code: 'ML', name: 'Mali' },
{ code: 'MT', name: 'Malta' },
{ code: 'MH', name: 'Marshall Islands' },
{ code: 'MQ', name: 'Martinique' },
{ code: 'MR', name: 'Mauritania' },
{ code: 'MU', name: 'Mauritius' },
{ code: 'YT', name: 'Mayotte' },
{ code: 'FX', name: 'Metropolitan France' },
{ code: 'MX', name: 'Mexico' },
{ code: 'FM', name: 'Micronesia' },
{ code: 'MI', name: 'Midway Islands' },
{ code: 'MD', name: 'Moldova' },
{ code: 'MC', name: 'Monaco' },
{ code: 'MN', name: 'Mongolia' },
{ code: 'ME', name: 'Montenegro' },
{ code: 'MS', name: 'Montserrat' },
{ code: 'MA', name: 'Morocco' },
{ code: 'MZ', name: 'Mozambique' },
{ code: 'MM', name: 'Myanmar [Burma]' },
{ code: 'NA', name: 'Namibia' },
{ code: 'NR', name: 'Nauru' },
{ code: 'NP', name: 'Nepal' },
{ code: 'AN', name: 'Netherlands Antilles' },
{ code: 'NL', name: 'Netherlands' },
{ code: 'NC', name: 'New Caledonia' },
{ code: 'NZ', name: 'New Zealand' },
{ code: 'NI', name: 'Nicaragua' },
{ code: 'NE', name: 'Niger' },
{ code: 'NG', name: 'Nigeria' },
{ code: 'NU', name: 'Niue' },
{ code: 'NF', name: 'Norfolk Island' },
{ code: 'KP', name: 'North Korea' },
{ code: 'VD', name: 'North Vietnam' },
{ code: 'MP', name: 'Northern Mariana Islands' },
{ code: 'NO', name: 'Norway' },
{ code: 'OM', name: 'Oman' },
{ code: 'QO', name: 'Outlying Oceania' },
{ code: 'PC', name: 'Pacific Islands Trust Territory' },
{ code: 'PK', name: 'Pakistan' },
{ code: 'PW', name: 'Palau' },
{ code: 'PS', name: 'Palestinian Territories' },
{ code: 'PZ', name: 'Panama Canal Zone' },
{ code: 'PA', name: 'Panama' },
{ code: 'PG', name: 'Papua New Guinea' },
{ code: 'PY', name: 'Paraguay' },
{ code: 'YD', name: "People's Democratic Republic of Yemen" },
{ code: 'PE', name: 'Peru' },
{ code: 'PH', name: 'Philippines' },
{ code: 'PN', name: 'Pitcairn Islands' },
{ code: 'PL', name: 'Poland' },
{ code: 'PT', name: 'Portugal' },
{ code: 'PR', name: 'Puerto Rico' },
{ code: 'QA', name: 'Qatar' },
{ code: 'RE', name: 'Réunion' },
{ code: 'RO', name: 'Romania' },
{ code: 'RU', name: 'Russia' },
{ code: 'RW', name: 'Rwanda' },
{ code: 'BL', name: 'Saint Barthélemy' },
{ code: 'SH', name: 'Saint Helena' },
{ code: 'KN', name: 'Saint Kitts and Nevis' },
{ code: 'LC', name: 'Saint Lucia' },
{ code: 'MF', name: 'Saint Martin' },
{ code: 'PM', name: 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon' },
{ code: 'VC', name: 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines' },
{ code: 'WS', name: 'Samoa' },
{ code: 'SM', name: 'San Marino' },
{ code: 'ST', name: 'São Tomé and Príncipe' },
{ code: 'SA', name: 'Saudi Arabia' },
{ code: 'SN', name: 'Senegal' },
{ code: 'CS', name: 'Serbia and Montenegro' },
{ code: 'RS', name: 'Serbia' },
{ code: 'SC', name: 'Seychelles' },
{ code: 'SL', name: 'Sierra Leone' },
{ code: 'SG', name: 'Singapore' },
{ code: 'SK', name: 'Slovakia' },
{ code: 'SI', name: 'Slovenia' },
{ code: 'SB', name: 'Solomon Islands' },
{ code: 'SO', name: 'Somalia' },
{ code: 'ZA', name: 'South Africa' },
{ code: 'GS', name: 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands' },
{ code: 'KR', name: 'South Korea' },
{ code: 'ES', name: 'Spain' },
{ code: 'LK', name: 'Sri Lanka' },
{ code: 'SD', name: 'Sudan' },
{ code: 'SR', name: 'Suriname' },
{ code: 'SJ', name: 'Svalbard and Jan Mayen' },
{ code: 'SZ', name: 'Swaziland' },
{ code: 'SE', name: 'Sweden' },
{ code: 'CH', name: 'Switzerland' },
{ code: 'SY', name: 'Syria' },
{ code: 'TW', name: 'Taiwan' },
{ code: 'TJ', name: 'Tajikistan' },
{ code: 'TZ', name: 'Tanzania' },
{ code: 'TH', name: 'Thailand' },
{ code: 'TL', name: 'Timor-Leste' },
{ code: 'TG', name: 'Togo' },
{ code: 'TK', name: 'Tokelau' },
{ code: 'TO', name: 'Tonga' },
{ code: 'TT', name: 'Trinidad and Tobago' },
{ code: 'TA', name: 'Tristan da Cunha' },
{ code: 'TN', name: 'Tunisia' },
{ code: 'TR', name: 'Turkey' },
{ code: 'TM', name: 'Turkmenistan' },
{ code: 'TC', name: 'Turks and Caicos Islands' },
{ code: 'TV', name: 'Tuvalu' },
{ code: 'UM', name: 'U.S. Minor Outlying Islands' },
{ code: 'PU', name: 'U.S. Miscellaneous Pacific Islands' },
{ code: 'VI', name: 'U.S. Virgin Islands' },
{ code: 'UG', name: 'Uganda' },
{ code: 'UA', name: 'Ukraine' },
{ code: 'AE', name: 'United Arab Emirates' },
{ code: 'GB', name: 'United Kingdom' },
{ code: 'US', name: 'United States' },
{ code: 'UY', name: 'Uruguay' },
{ code: 'UZ', name: 'Uzbekistan' },
{ code: 'VU', name: 'Vanuatu' },
{ code: 'VA', name: 'Vatican City' },
{ code: 'VE', name: 'Venezuela' },
{ code: 'VN', name: 'Vietnam' },
{ code: 'WK', name: 'Wake Island' },
{ code: 'WF', name: 'Wallis and Futuna' },
{ code: 'EH', name: 'Western Sahara' },
{ code: 'YE', name: 'Yemen' },
{ code: 'ZM', name: 'Zambia' },
{ code: 'ZW', name: 'Zimbabwe' }