Brian Gough f1179f0fa7 Merge pull request #1384 from sharelatex/bg-use-queued-lock
use queued locks

GitOrigin-RevId: b5a3bfb55af201392a50ffb3fe30e740e56da30d
2019-01-15 10:55:32 +00:00

128 lines
5.1 KiB

metrics = require('metrics-sharelatex')
Settings = require('settings-sharelatex')
RedisWrapper = require("./RedisWrapper")
rclient = RedisWrapper.client("lock")
logger = require "logger-sharelatex"
os = require "os"
crypto = require "crypto"
async = require "async"
HOST = os.hostname()
PID = process.pid
RND = crypto.randomBytes(4).toString('hex')
LOCK_QUEUES = new Map() # queue lock requests for each name/id so they get the lock on a first-come first-served basis
module.exports = LockManager =
LOCK_TEST_INTERVAL: 50 # 50ms between each test of the lock
MAX_TEST_INTERVAL: 1000 # back off to 1s between each test of the lock
MAX_LOCK_WAIT_TIME: 10000 # 10s maximum time to spend trying to get the lock
REDIS_LOCK_EXPIRY: 30 # seconds. Time until lock auto expires in redis
SLOW_EXECUTION_THRESHOLD: 5000 # 5s, if execution takes longer than this then log
# Use a signed lock value as described in
# http://redis.io/topics/distlock#correct-implementation-with-a-single-instance
# to prevent accidental unlocking by multiple processes
randomLock : () ->
time = Date.now()
return "locked:host=#{HOST}:pid=#{PID}:random=#{RND}:time=#{time}:count=#{COUNT++}"
unlockScript: 'if redis.call("get", KEYS[1]) == ARGV[1] then return redis.call("del", KEYS[1]) else return 0 end'
runWithLock: (namespace, id, runner = ( (releaseLock = (error) ->) -> ), callback = ( (error) -> )) ->
# This error is defined here so we get a useful stacktrace
slowExecutionError = new Error "slow execution during lock"
timer = new metrics.Timer("lock.#{namespace}")
key = "lock:web:#{namespace}:#{id}"
LockManager._getLock key, namespace, (error, lockValue) ->
return callback(error) if error?
# The lock can expire in redis but the process carry on. This setTimout call
# is designed to log if this happens.
countIfExceededLockTimeout = () ->
metrics.inc "lock.#{namespace}.exceeded_lock_timeout"
logger.log "exceeded lock timeout", { namespace, id, slowExecutionError }
exceededLockTimeout = setTimeout countIfExceededLockTimeout, LockManager.REDIS_LOCK_EXPIRY * 1000
runner (error1, values...) ->
LockManager._releaseLock key, lockValue, (error2) ->
clearTimeout exceededLockTimeout
timeTaken = new Date - timer.start
if timeTaken > LockManager.SLOW_EXECUTION_THRESHOLD
logger.log "slow execution during lock", { namespace, id, timeTaken, slowExecutionError }
error = error1 or error2
return callback(error) if error?
callback null, values...
_tryLock : (key, namespace, callback = (err, isFree, lockValue)->)->
lockValue = LockManager.randomLock()
rclient.set key, lockValue, "EX", LockManager.REDIS_LOCK_EXPIRY, "NX", (err, gotLock)->
return callback(err) if err?
if gotLock == "OK"
metrics.inc "lock.#{namespace}.try.success"
callback err, true, lockValue
metrics.inc "lock.#{namespace}.try.failed"
logger.log key: key, redis_response: gotLock, "lock is locked"
callback err, false
# it's sufficient to serialize within a process because that is where the parallel operations occur
_getLock: (key, namespace, callback = (error, lockValue) ->) ->
# this is what we need to do for each lock we want to request
task = (next) ->
LockManager._getLockByPolling key, namespace, (error, lockValue) ->
# tell the queue to start trying to get the next lock (if any)
# we have got a lock result, so we can continue with our own execution
callback(error, lockValue)
# create a queue for this key if needed
queueName = "#{key}:#{namespace}"
queue = LOCK_QUEUES.get queueName
if !queue?
handler = (fn, cb) ->
fn(cb) # execute any function as our task
# set up a new queue for this key
queue = async.queue handler, 1
queue.push task
# remove the queue object when queue is empty
queue.drain = () ->
LOCK_QUEUES.delete queueName
# store the queue in our global map
LOCK_QUEUES.set queueName, queue
# queue the request to get the lock
queue.push task
_getLockByPolling: (key, namespace, callback = (error, lockValue) ->) ->
startTime = Date.now()
testInterval = LockManager.LOCK_TEST_INTERVAL
attempts = 0
do attempt = () ->
if Date.now() - startTime > LockManager.MAX_LOCK_WAIT_TIME
metrics.inc "lock.#{namespace}.get.failed"
return callback(new Error("Timeout"))
attempts += 1
LockManager._tryLock key, namespace, (error, gotLock, lockValue) ->
return callback(error) if error?
if gotLock
metrics.gauge "lock.#{namespace}.get.success.tries", attempts
callback(null, lockValue)
setTimeout attempt, testInterval
_releaseLock: (key, lockValue, callback)->
rclient.eval LockManager.unlockScript, 1, key, lockValue, (err, result) ->
if err?
return callback(err)
else if result? and result isnt 1 # successful unlock should release exactly one key
logger.error {key:key, lockValue:lockValue, redis_err:err, redis_result:result}, "unlocking error"
metrics.inc "unlock-error"
return callback(new Error("tried to release timed out lock"))