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ConsistencyError = (message) ->
error = new Error(message)
error.name = "ConsistencyError"
error.__proto__ = ConsistencyError.prototype
return error
ConsistencyError.prototype.__proto__ = Error.prototype
logger = require "logger-sharelatex"
module.exports = DiffGenerator =
ConsistencyError: ConsistencyError
rewindUpdate: (content, update) ->
for op, i in update.op by -1 when op.broken isnt true
content = DiffGenerator.rewindOp content, op
catch e
if e instanceof ConsistencyError and i = update.op.length - 1
# catch known case where the last op in an array has been
# merged into a later op
logger.error {err: e, update, op: JSON.stringify(op)}, "marking op as broken"
op.broken = true
throw e # rethrow the execption
return content
rewindOp: (content, op) ->
if op.i?
# ShareJS will accept an op where p > content.length when applied,
# and it applies as though p == content.length. However, the op is
# passed to us with the original p > content.length. Detect if that
# is the case with this op, and shift p back appropriately to match
# ShareJS if so.
p = op.p
max_p = content.length - op.i.length
if p > max_p
logger.warn {max_p, p}, "truncating position to content length"
p = max_p
textToBeRemoved = content.slice(p, p + op.i.length)
if op.i != textToBeRemoved
throw new ConsistencyError(
"Inserted content, '#{op.i}', does not match text to be removed, '#{textToBeRemoved}'"
return content.slice(0, p) + content.slice(p + op.i.length)
else if op.d?
return content.slice(0, op.p) + op.d + content.slice(op.p)
return content
rewindUpdates: (content, updates) ->
for update in updates.reverse()
content = DiffGenerator.rewindUpdate(content, update)
catch e
e.attempted_update = update # keep a record of the attempted update
throw e # rethrow the exception
return content
buildDiff: (initialContent, updates) ->
diff = [ u: initialContent ]
for update in updates
diff = DiffGenerator.applyUpdateToDiff diff, update
diff = DiffGenerator.compressDiff diff
return diff
compressDiff: (diff) ->
newDiff = []
for part in diff
lastPart = newDiff[newDiff.length - 1]
if lastPart? and lastPart.meta?.user? and part.meta?.user?
if lastPart.i? and part.i? and lastPart.meta.user.id == part.meta.user.id
lastPart.i += part.i
lastPart.meta.start_ts = Math.min(lastPart.meta.start_ts, part.meta.start_ts)
lastPart.meta.end_ts = Math.max(lastPart.meta.end_ts, part.meta.end_ts)
else if lastPart.d? and part.d? and lastPart.meta.user.id == part.meta.user.id
lastPart.d += part.d
lastPart.meta.start_ts = Math.min(lastPart.meta.start_ts, part.meta.start_ts)
lastPart.meta.end_ts = Math.max(lastPart.meta.end_ts, part.meta.end_ts)
newDiff.push part
newDiff.push part
return newDiff
applyOpToDiff: (diff, op, meta) ->
position = 0
remainingDiff = diff.slice()
{consumedDiff, remainingDiff} = DiffGenerator._consumeToOffset(remainingDiff, op.p)
newDiff = consumedDiff
if op.i?
i: op.i
meta: meta
else if op.d?
{consumedDiff, remainingDiff} = DiffGenerator._consumeDiffAffectedByDeleteOp remainingDiff, op, meta
return newDiff
applyUpdateToDiff: (diff, update) ->
for op in update.op when op.broken isnt true
diff = DiffGenerator.applyOpToDiff diff, op, update.meta
return diff
_consumeToOffset: (remainingDiff, totalOffset) ->
consumedDiff = []
position = 0
while part = remainingDiff.shift()
length = DiffGenerator._getLengthOfDiffPart part
if part.d?
consumedDiff.push part
else if position + length >= totalOffset
partOffset = totalOffset - position
if partOffset > 0
consumedDiff.push DiffGenerator._slicePart part, 0, partOffset
if partOffset < length
remainingDiff.unshift DiffGenerator._slicePart part, partOffset
position += length
consumedDiff.push part
return {
consumedDiff: consumedDiff
remainingDiff: remainingDiff
_consumeDiffAffectedByDeleteOp: (remainingDiff, deleteOp, meta) ->
consumedDiff = []
remainingOp = deleteOp
while remainingOp and remainingDiff.length > 0
{newPart, remainingDiff, remainingOp} = DiffGenerator._consumeDeletedPart remainingDiff, remainingOp, meta
consumedDiff.push newPart if newPart?
return {
consumedDiff: consumedDiff
remainingDiff: remainingDiff
_consumeDeletedPart: (remainingDiff, op, meta) ->
part = remainingDiff.shift()
partLength = DiffGenerator._getLengthOfDiffPart part
if part.d?
# Skip existing deletes
remainingOp = op
newPart = part
else if partLength > op.d.length
# Only the first bit of the part has been deleted
remainingPart = DiffGenerator._slicePart part, op.d.length
remainingDiff.unshift remainingPart
deletedContent = DiffGenerator._getContentOfPart(part).slice(0, op.d.length)
if deletedContent != op.d
throw new ConsistencyError("deleted content, '#{deletedContent}', does not match delete op, '#{op.d}'")
if part.u?
newPart =
d: op.d
meta: meta
else if part.i?
newPart = null
remainingOp = null
else if partLength == op.d.length
# The entire part has been deleted, but it is the last part
deletedContent = DiffGenerator._getContentOfPart(part)
if deletedContent != op.d
throw new ConsistencyError("deleted content, '#{deletedContent}', does not match delete op, '#{op.d}'")
if part.u?
newPart =
d: op.d
meta: meta
else if part.i?
newPart = null
remainingOp = null
else if partLength < op.d.length
# The entire part has been deleted and there is more
deletedContent = DiffGenerator._getContentOfPart(part)
opContent = op.d.slice(0, deletedContent.length)
if deletedContent != opContent
throw new ConsistencyError("deleted content, '#{deletedContent}', does not match delete op, '#{opContent}'")
if part.u
newPart =
d: part.u
meta: meta
else if part.i?
newPart = null
remainingOp =
p: op.p, d: op.d.slice(DiffGenerator._getLengthOfDiffPart(part))
return {
newPart: newPart
remainingDiff: remainingDiff
remainingOp: remainingOp
_slicePart: (basePart, from, to) ->
if basePart.u?
part = { u: basePart.u.slice(from, to) }
else if basePart.i?
part = { i: basePart.i.slice(from, to) }
if basePart.meta?
part.meta = basePart.meta
return part
_getLengthOfDiffPart: (part) ->
(part.u or part.d or part.i or '').length
_getContentOfPart: (part) ->
part.u or part.d or part.i or ''