mirror of
synced 2025-02-01 07:54:41 +00:00
we still compute the document hash in node, and check it on retrieval but we don't check the hash at the point of writing it in redis which was previously done with a redis Lua script.
310 lines
14 KiB
310 lines
14 KiB
Settings = require('settings-sharelatex')
rclient = require("redis-sharelatex").createClient(Settings.redis.documentupdater)
logger = require('logger-sharelatex')
metrics = require('./Metrics')
Errors = require "./Errors"
crypto = require "crypto"
ProjectHistoryRedisManager = require "./ProjectHistoryRedisManager"
# Sometimes Redis calls take an unexpectedly long time. We have to be
# quick with Redis calls because we're holding a lock that expires
# after 30 seconds. We can't let any errors in the rest of the stack
# hold us up, and need to bail out quickly if there is a problem.
MAX_REDIS_REQUEST_LENGTH = 5000 # 5 seconds
# Make times easy to read
minutes = 60 # seconds for Redis expire
logHashErrors = Settings.documentupdater?.logHashErrors
logHashReadErrors = logHashErrors?.read
MEGABYTES = 1024 * 1024
keys = Settings.redis.documentupdater.key_schema
historyKeys = Settings.redis.history.key_schema
module.exports = RedisManager =
rclient: rclient
putDocInMemory : (project_id, doc_id, docLines, version, ranges, pathname, projectHistoryId, _callback)->
timer = new metrics.Timer("redis.put-doc")
callback = (error) ->
docLines = JSON.stringify(docLines)
if docLines.indexOf("\u0000") != -1
error = new Error("null bytes found in doc lines")
logger.error {err: error, doc_id: doc_id, docLines: docLines}, error.message
return callback(error)
docHash = RedisManager._computeHash(docLines)
logger.log {project_id, doc_id, version, docHash, pathname, projectHistoryId}, "putting doc in redis"
RedisManager._serializeRanges ranges, (error, ranges) ->
if error?
logger.error {err: error, doc_id, project_id}, error.message
return callback(error)
multi = rclient.multi()
multi.set keys.docLines(doc_id:doc_id), docLines
multi.set keys.projectKey({doc_id:doc_id}), project_id
multi.set keys.docVersion(doc_id:doc_id), version
multi.set keys.docHash(doc_id:doc_id), docHash
if ranges?
multi.set keys.ranges(doc_id:doc_id), ranges
multi.del keys.ranges(doc_id:doc_id)
multi.set keys.pathname(doc_id:doc_id), pathname
multi.set keys.projectHistoryId(doc_id:doc_id), projectHistoryId
multi.exec (error, result) ->
return callback(error) if error?
# update docsInProject set
rclient.sadd keys.docsInProject(project_id:project_id), doc_id, callback
removeDocFromMemory : (project_id, doc_id, _callback)->
logger.log project_id:project_id, doc_id:doc_id, "removing doc from redis"
callback = (err) ->
if err?
logger.err project_id:project_id, doc_id:doc_id, err:err, "error removing doc from redis"
logger.log project_id:project_id, doc_id:doc_id, "removed doc from redis"
multi = rclient.multi()
multi.del keys.docLines(doc_id:doc_id)
multi.del keys.projectKey(doc_id:doc_id)
multi.del keys.docVersion(doc_id:doc_id)
multi.del keys.docHash(doc_id:doc_id)
multi.del keys.ranges(doc_id:doc_id)
multi.del keys.pathname(doc_id:doc_id)
multi.del keys.projectHistoryId(doc_id:doc_id)
multi.del keys.unflushedTime(doc_id:doc_id)
multi.del keys.lastUpdatedAt(doc_id: doc_id)
multi.del keys.lastUpdatedBy(doc_id: doc_id)
multi.exec (error) ->
return callback(error) if error?
multi = rclient.multi()
multi.srem keys.docsInProject(project_id:project_id), doc_id
multi.del keys.projectState(project_id:project_id)
multi.exec callback
checkOrSetProjectState: (project_id, newState, callback = (error, stateChanged) ->) ->
multi = rclient.multi()
multi.getset keys.projectState(project_id:project_id), newState
multi.expire keys.projectState(project_id:project_id), 30 * minutes
multi.exec (error, response) ->
return callback(error) if error?
logger.log project_id: project_id, newState:newState, oldState: response[0], "checking project state"
callback(null, response[0] isnt newState)
clearProjectState: (project_id, callback = (error) ->) ->
rclient.del keys.projectState(project_id:project_id), callback
getDoc : (project_id, doc_id, callback = (error, lines, version, ranges, pathname, projectHistoryId, unflushedTime) ->)->
timer = new metrics.Timer("redis.get-doc")
multi = rclient.multi()
multi.get keys.docLines(doc_id:doc_id)
multi.get keys.docVersion(doc_id:doc_id)
multi.get keys.docHash(doc_id:doc_id)
multi.get keys.projectKey(doc_id:doc_id)
multi.get keys.ranges(doc_id:doc_id)
multi.get keys.pathname(doc_id:doc_id)
multi.get keys.projectHistoryId(doc_id:doc_id)
multi.get keys.unflushedTime(doc_id:doc_id)
multi.get keys.lastUpdatedAt(doc_id: doc_id)
multi.get keys.lastUpdatedBy(doc_id: doc_id)
multi.exec (error, [docLines, version, storedHash, doc_project_id, ranges, pathname, projectHistoryId, unflushedTime, lastUpdatedAt, lastUpdatedBy])->
timeSpan = timer.done()
return callback(error) if error?
# check if request took too long and bail out. only do this for
# get, because it is the first call in each update, so if this
# passes we'll assume others have a reasonable chance to succeed.
error = new Error("redis getDoc exceeded timeout")
return callback(error)
# check sha1 hash value if present
if docLines? and storedHash?
computedHash = RedisManager._computeHash(docLines)
if logHashReadErrors and computedHash isnt storedHash
logger.error project_id: project_id, doc_id: doc_id, doc_project_id: doc_project_id, computedHash: computedHash, storedHash: storedHash, docLines:docLines, "hash mismatch on retrieved document"
docLines = JSON.parse docLines
ranges = RedisManager._deserializeRanges(ranges)
catch e
return callback(e)
version = parseInt(version or 0, 10)
# check doc is in requested project
if doc_project_id? and doc_project_id isnt project_id
logger.error project_id: project_id, doc_id: doc_id, doc_project_id: doc_project_id, "doc not in project"
return callback(new Errors.NotFoundError("document not found"))
if projectHistoryId?
projectHistoryId = parseInt(projectHistoryId)
# doc is not in redis, bail out
if !docLines?
return callback null, docLines, version, ranges, pathname, projectHistoryId, unflushedTime, lastUpdatedAt, lastUpdatedBy
# doc should be in project set, check if missing (workaround for missing docs from putDoc)
rclient.sadd keys.docsInProject(project_id:project_id), doc_id, (error, result) ->
return callback(error) if error?
if result isnt 0 # doc should already be in set
logger.error project_id: project_id, doc_id: doc_id, doc_project_id: doc_project_id, "doc missing from docsInProject set"
callback null, docLines, version, ranges, pathname, projectHistoryId, unflushedTime, lastUpdatedAt, lastUpdatedBy
getDocVersion: (doc_id, callback = (error, version) ->) ->
rclient.get keys.docVersion(doc_id: doc_id), (error, version) ->
return callback(error) if error?
version = parseInt(version, 10)
callback null, version
getDocLines: (doc_id, callback = (error, version) ->) ->
rclient.get keys.docLines(doc_id: doc_id), (error, docLines) ->
return callback(error) if error?
callback null, docLines
getPreviousDocOps: (doc_id, start, end, callback = (error, jsonOps) ->) ->
timer = new metrics.Timer("redis.get-prev-docops")
rclient.llen keys.docOps(doc_id: doc_id), (error, length) ->
return callback(error) if error?
rclient.get keys.docVersion(doc_id: doc_id), (error, version) ->
return callback(error) if error?
version = parseInt(version, 10)
first_version_in_redis = version - length
if start < first_version_in_redis or end > version
error = new Errors.OpRangeNotAvailableError("doc ops range is not loaded in redis")
logger.warn {err: error, doc_id, length, version, start, end}, "doc ops range is not loaded in redis"
return callback(error)
start = start - first_version_in_redis
if end > -1
end = end - first_version_in_redis
if isNaN(start) or isNaN(end)
error = new Error("inconsistent version or lengths")
logger.error {err: error, doc_id, length, version, start, end}, "inconsistent version or length"
return callback(error)
rclient.lrange keys.docOps(doc_id: doc_id), start, end, (error, jsonOps) ->
return callback(error) if error?
ops = jsonOps.map (jsonOp) -> JSON.parse jsonOp
catch e
return callback(e)
timeSpan = timer.done()
error = new Error("redis getPreviousDocOps exceeded timeout")
return callback(error)
callback null, ops
DOC_OPS_TTL: 60 * minutes
updateDocument : (project_id, doc_id, docLines, newVersion, appliedOps = [], ranges, updateMeta, callback = (error) ->)->
RedisManager.getDocVersion doc_id, (error, currentVersion) ->
return callback(error) if error?
if currentVersion + appliedOps.length != newVersion
error = new Error("Version mismatch. '#{doc_id}' is corrupted.")
logger.error {err: error, doc_id, currentVersion, newVersion, opsLength: appliedOps.length}, "version mismatch"
return callback(error)
jsonOps = appliedOps.map (op) -> JSON.stringify op
for op in jsonOps
if op.indexOf("\u0000") != -1
error = new Error("null bytes found in jsonOps")
logger.error {err: error, doc_id: doc_id, jsonOps: jsonOps}, error.message
return callback(error)
newDocLines = JSON.stringify(docLines)
if newDocLines.indexOf("\u0000") != -1
error = new Error("null bytes found in doc lines")
logger.error {err: error, doc_id: doc_id, newDocLines: newDocLines}, error.message
return callback(error)
newHash = RedisManager._computeHash(newDocLines)
opVersions = appliedOps.map (op) -> op?.v
logger.log doc_id: doc_id, version: newVersion, hash: newHash, op_versions: opVersions, "updating doc in redis"
RedisManager._serializeRanges ranges, (error, ranges) ->
if error?
logger.error {err: error, doc_id}, error.message
return callback(error)
if ranges? and ranges.indexOf("\u0000") != -1
error = new Error("null bytes found in ranges")
logger.error err: error, doc_id: doc_id, ranges: ranges, error.message
return callback(error)
multi = rclient.multi()
multi.set keys.docLines(doc_id:doc_id), newDocLines # index 0
multi.set keys.docVersion(doc_id:doc_id), newVersion # index 1
multi.set keys.docHash(doc_id:doc_id), newHash # index 2
multi.ltrim keys.docOps(doc_id: doc_id), -RedisManager.DOC_OPS_MAX_LENGTH, -1 # index 3
if ranges?
multi.set keys.ranges(doc_id:doc_id), ranges # index 4
multi.del keys.ranges(doc_id:doc_id) # also index 4
# push the ops last so we can get the lengths at fixed index position 7
if jsonOps.length > 0
multi.rpush keys.docOps(doc_id: doc_id), jsonOps... # index 5
# expire must come after rpush since before it will be a no-op if the list is empty
multi.expire keys.docOps(doc_id: doc_id), RedisManager.DOC_OPS_TTL # index 6
multi.rpush historyKeys.uncompressedHistoryOps(doc_id: doc_id), jsonOps... # index 7
# Set the unflushed timestamp to the current time if the doc
# hasn't been modified before (the content in mongo has been
# valid up to this point). Otherwise leave it alone ("NX" flag).
multi.set keys.unflushedTime(doc_id: doc_id), Date.now(), "NX"
multi.set keys.lastUpdatedAt(doc_id: doc_id), Date.now() # index 8
if updateMeta?.user_id
multi.set keys.lastUpdatedBy(doc_id: doc_id), updateMeta.user_id # index 9
multi.del keys.lastUpdatedBy(doc_id: doc_id) # index 9
multi.exec (error, result) ->
return callback(error) if error?
# length of uncompressedHistoryOps queue (index 7)
docUpdateCount = result[7]
if jsonOps.length > 0 && Settings.apis?.project_history?.enabled
ProjectHistoryRedisManager.queueOps project_id, jsonOps..., (error, projectUpdateCount) ->
callback null, docUpdateCount, projectUpdateCount
callback null, docUpdateCount
renameDoc: (project_id, doc_id, user_id, update, projectHistoryId, callback = (error) ->) ->
RedisManager.getDoc project_id, doc_id, (error, lines, version) ->
return callback(error) if error?
if lines? and version?
rclient.set keys.pathname(doc_id:doc_id), update.newPathname, (error) ->
return callback(error) if error?
ProjectHistoryRedisManager.queueRenameEntity project_id, projectHistoryId, 'doc', doc_id, user_id, update, callback
ProjectHistoryRedisManager.queueRenameEntity project_id, projectHistoryId, 'doc', doc_id, user_id, update, callback
clearUnflushedTime: (doc_id, callback = (error) ->) ->
rclient.del keys.unflushedTime(doc_id:doc_id), callback
getDocIdsInProject: (project_id, callback = (error, doc_ids) ->) ->
rclient.smembers keys.docsInProject(project_id: project_id), callback
_serializeRanges: (ranges, callback = (error, serializedRanges) ->) ->
jsonRanges = JSON.stringify(ranges)
if jsonRanges? and jsonRanges.length > MAX_RANGES_SIZE
return callback new Error("ranges are too large")
if jsonRanges == '{}'
# Most doc will have empty ranges so don't fill redis with lots of '{}' keys
jsonRanges = null
return callback null, jsonRanges
_deserializeRanges: (ranges) ->
if !ranges? or ranges == ""
return {}
return JSON.parse(ranges)
_computeHash: (docLines) ->
# use sha1 checksum of doclines to detect data corruption.
# note: must specify 'utf8' encoding explicitly, as the default is
# binary in node < v5
return crypto.createHash('sha1').update(docLines, 'utf8').digest('hex')