mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 09:44:02 +00:00
- moves project locking into ProjectEntityHandler - splits ProjectEntityHandler into ProjectEntityHandler, ProjectEntityUpdateHandler and ProjectEntityMongoUpdateHandler - adds upsertDoc/upsertFile and upsertDocWithPath/upsertFileWithPath to EditorController and ProjectEntiyUpdateHandler
100 lines
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100 lines
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sinon = require('sinon')
chai = require('chai')
should = chai.should()
expect = chai.expect
modulePath = "../../../../app/js/Features/Documents/DocumentController.js"
SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module')
events = require "events"
MockRequest = require "../helpers/MockRequest"
MockResponse = require "../helpers/MockResponse"
Errors = require "../../../../app/js/Features/Errors/Errors"
describe "DocumentController", ->
beforeEach ->
@DocumentController = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires:
"../Project/ProjectEntityHandler": @ProjectEntityHandler = {}
"../Project/ProjectEntityUpdateHandler": @ProjectEntityUpdateHandler = {}
@res = new MockResponse()
@req = new MockRequest()
@next = sinon.stub()
@project_id = "project-id-123"
@doc_id = "doc-id-123"
@doc_lines = ["one", "two", "three"]
@version = 42
@ranges = {"mock": "ranges"}
@pathname = '/a/b/c/file.tex'
@rev = 5
describe "getDocument", ->
beforeEach ->
@req.params =
Project_id: @project_id
doc_id: @doc_id
describe "when the document exists", ->
beforeEach ->
@ProjectEntityHandler.getDoc = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(3, null, @doc_lines, @rev, @version, @ranges, @pathname)
@DocumentController.getDocument(@req, @res, @next)
it "should get the document from Mongo", ->
.calledWith(@project_id, @doc_id, pathname: true)
.should.equal true
it "should return the document data to the client as JSON", ->
@res.type.should.equal "json"
@res.body.should.equal JSON.stringify
lines: @doc_lines
version: @version
ranges: @ranges
pathname: @pathname
describe "when the document doesn't exist", ->
beforeEach ->
@ProjectEntityHandler.getDoc = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(3, new Errors.NotFoundError("not found"), null)
@DocumentController.getDocument(@req, @res, @next)
it "should call next with the NotFoundError", ->
@next.calledWith(new Errors.NotFoundError("not found"))
.should.equal true
describe "setDocument", ->
beforeEach ->
@req.params =
Project_id: @project_id
doc_id: @doc_id
describe "when the document exists", ->
beforeEach ->
@ProjectEntityUpdateHandler.updateDocLines = sinon.stub().yields()
@req.body =
lines: @doc_lines
version: @version
ranges: @ranges
@DocumentController.setDocument(@req, @res, @next)
it "should update the document in Mongo", ->
.calledWith(@project_id, @doc_id, @doc_lines, @version, @ranges)
.should.equal true
it "should return a successful response", ->
@res.success.should.equal true
describe "when the document doesn't exist", ->
beforeEach ->
@ProjectEntityUpdateHandler.updateDocLines = sinon.stub().yields(new Errors.NotFoundError("document does not exist"))
@req.body =
lines: @doc_lines
@DocumentController.setDocument(@req, @res, @next)
it "should call next with the NotFoundError", ->
@next.calledWith(new Errors.NotFoundError("not found"))
.should.equal true