2018-04-06 10:30:13 +01:00

51 lines
1.6 KiB

async = require "async"
expect = require("chai").expect
ProjectGetter = require "../../../app/js/Features/Project/ProjectGetter.js"
User = require "./helpers/User"
MockProjectHistoryApi = require "./helpers/MockProjectHistoryApi"
MockDocstoreApi = require "./helpers/MockDocstoreApi"
describe "RestoringFiles", ->
before (done) ->
@owner = new User()
@owner.login (error) =>
throw error if error?
@owner.createProject "example-project", {template: "example"}, (error, @project_id) =>
throw error if error?
describe "restoring a text file", ->
beforeEach (done) ->
MockProjectHistoryApi.addOldFile(@project_id, 42, "foo.tex", "hello world, this is foo.tex!")
@owner.request {
method: "POST",
url: "/project/#{@project_id}/restore_file",
pathname: "foo.tex"
version: 42
}, (error, response, body) ->
throw error if error?
expect(response.statusCode).to.equal 204
it "should have created a doc", ->
@owner.getProject @project_id, (error, project) =>
throw error if error?
doc = _.find project.rootFolder[0].docs, (doc) ->
doc.name == 'foo.tex'
doc = MockDocstoreApi.docs[@project_id][doc._id]
expect(doc.lines).to.deep.equal [
"hello world, this is foo.tex!"
describe "restoring a binary file", ->
it "should have created a file"
describe "restoring to a directory that no longer exists", ->
it "should have created the file in the root folder"
describe "restoring to a filename that already exists", ->
it "should have created the file with a timestamp appended"