2014-07-15 18:25:12 +01:00

74 lines
1.8 KiB

define [
], (App) ->
fakeNgModel = (initValue) ->
$setViewValue: (value) ->
@$viewValue = value
$viewValue: initValue
App.directive "updateScrollBottomOn", ->
# return {
# priority: 1
# require: ["?ngModel"]
# restrict: "A"
# link: (scope, $el, attrs, ctrls) ->
# scrollToBottom = ->
# el.scrollTop = el.scrollHeight
# return
# shouldActivateAutoScroll = ->
# # + 1 catches off by one errors in chrome
# el.scrollTop + el.clientHeight + 1 >= el.scrollHeight
# el = $el[0]
# ngModel = ctrls[0] or fakeNgModel(true)
# scope.$watch ->
# console.log "SCOPE CHANGED", ngModel.$viewValue
# if ngModel.$viewValue
# scrollToBottom()
# $el.bind "scroll", ->
# activate = shouldActivateAutoScroll()
# scope.$apply ngModel.$setViewValue.bind(ngModel, activate) if activate isnt ngModel.$viewValue
# return
# }
return {
restrict: "A"
link: (scope, element, attrs, ctrls) ->
# We keep the offset from the bottom fixed whenever the event fires
# ^ | ^
# | | | scrollTop
# | | v
# | |-----------
# | | ^
# | | |
# | | | clientHeight (viewable area)
# | | |
# | | |
# | | v
# | |-----------
# | | ^
# | | | scrollBottom
# v | v
# \
# scrollHeight
scrollBottom = 0
element.on "scroll", (e) ->
scrollBottom = element[0].scrollHeight - element[0].scrollTop - element[0].clientHeight
console.log "SCROLL BOTTOM CHANGED", scrollBottom
scope.$on attrs.updateScrollBottomOn, () ->
setTimeout () ->
console.log "RESTORING SCROLL BOTTOM", scrollBottom
element.scrollTop(element[0].scrollHeight - element[0].clientHeight - scrollBottom)
, 0