
74 lines
2.3 KiB

define [
], (App) ->
inputSuggestionsController = ($scope, $element, $attrs, Keys) ->
ctrl = @
ctrl.showHint = false
ctrl.hasFocus = false
ctrl.handleFocus = () ->
ctrl.hasFocus = true
ctrl.suggestion = null
ctrl.handleBlur = () ->
ctrl.showHint = false
ctrl.hasFocus = false
ctrl.suggestion = null
ctrl.handleKeyDown = ($event) ->
if ($event.which == Keys.TAB or $event.which == Keys.ENTER) and ctrl.suggestion? and ctrl.suggestion != ""
ctrl.localNgModel += ctrl.suggestion
ctrl.suggestion = null
ctrl.showHint = false
$scope.$watch "$ctrl.localNgModel", (newVal, oldVal) ->
if ctrl.hasFocus and newVal != oldVal
ctrl.suggestion = null
ctrl.showHint = false
ctrl.getSuggestion({ userInput: newVal })
.then (suggestion) ->
if suggestion? and newVal == ctrl.localNgModel
ctrl.showHint = true
ctrl.suggestion = suggestion.replace newVal, ""
.catch () -> ctrl.suggestion = null
App.component "inputSuggestions", {
localNgModel: "=ngModel"
localNgModelOptions: "=?ngModelOptions"
getSuggestion: "&"
onBlur: "&?"
inputId: "@?"
inputName: "@?"
inputPlaceholder: "@?"
inputType: "@?"
inputRequired: "=?"
controller: inputSuggestionsController
template: [
'<div class="input-suggestions">',
'<div class="form-control input-suggestions-shadow">',
'<span ng-bind="$ctrl.localNgModel"',
' class="input-suggestions-shadow-existing"',
' ng-show="$ctrl.showHint">',
'<span ng-bind="$ctrl.suggestion"',
' class="input-suggestions-shadow-suggested"',
' ng-show="$ctrl.showHint">',
'<input type="text"',
' class="form-control input-suggestions-main"',
' ng-focus="$ctrl.handleFocus()"',
' ng-keyDown="$ctrl.handleKeyDown($event)"',
' ng-blur="$ctrl.handleBlur()"',
' ng-model="$ctrl.localNgModel"',
' ng-model-options="$ctrl.localNgModelOptions"',
' ng-model-options="{ debounce: 50 }"',
' ng-attr-id="{{ ::$ctrl.inputId }}"',
' ng-attr-placeholder="{{ ::$ctrl.inputPlaceholder }}"',
' ng-attr-type="{{ ::$ctrl.inputType }}"',
' ng-attr-name="{{ ::$ctrl.inputName }}"',
' ng-required="::$ctrl.inputRequired">',
].join ""