Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/overleaf/overleaf.git synced 2025-03-08 07:45:08 +00:00
Chrystal Maria Griffiths cc65ec32c5 Merge pull request from overleaf/cmg-ace-upgrade-1.4.12
Upgrade ace to 1.4.12

GitOrigin-RevId: a381b3815248e710cf8f02558e8c9f74b063fc96
2020-09-17 02:04:49 +00:00

1330 lines
47 KiB

ace.define("ace/snippets",[], function(require, exports, module) {
"use strict";
var oop = require("./lib/oop");
var EventEmitter = require("./lib/event_emitter").EventEmitter;
var lang = require("./lib/lang");
var Range = require("./range").Range;
var RangeList = require("./range_list").RangeList;
var HashHandler = require("./keyboard/hash_handler").HashHandler;
var Tokenizer = require("./tokenizer").Tokenizer;
var clipboard = require("./clipboard");
CURRENT_WORD: function(editor) {
return editor.session.getTextRange(editor.session.getWordRange());
SELECTION: function(editor, name, indentation) {
var text = editor.session.getTextRange();
if (indentation)
return text.replace(/\n\r?([ \t]*\S)/g, "\n" + indentation + "$1");
return text;
CURRENT_LINE: function(editor) {
return editor.session.getLine(editor.getCursorPosition().row);
PREV_LINE: function(editor) {
return editor.session.getLine(editor.getCursorPosition().row - 1);
LINE_INDEX: function(editor) {
return editor.getCursorPosition().row;
LINE_NUMBER: function(editor) {
return editor.getCursorPosition().row + 1;
SOFT_TABS: function(editor) {
return editor.session.getUseSoftTabs() ? "YES" : "NO";
TAB_SIZE: function(editor) {
return editor.session.getTabSize();
CLIPBOARD: function(editor) {
return clipboard.getText && clipboard.getText();
FILENAME: function(editor) {
return /[^/\\]*$/.exec(this.FILEPATH(editor))[0];
FILENAME_BASE: function(editor) {
return /[^/\\]*$/.exec(this.FILEPATH(editor))[0].replace(/\.[^.]*$/, "");
DIRECTORY: function(editor) {
return this.FILEPATH(editor).replace(/[^/\\]*$/, "");
FILEPATH: function(editor) { return "/not implemented.txt"; },
WORKSPACE_NAME: function() { return "Unknown"; },
FULLNAME: function() { return "Unknown"; },
BLOCK_COMMENT_START: function(editor) {
var mode = editor.session.$mode || {};
return mode.blockComment && mode.blockComment.start || "";
BLOCK_COMMENT_END: function(editor) {
var mode = editor.session.$mode || {};
return mode.blockComment && mode.blockComment.end || "";
LINE_COMMENT: function(editor) {
var mode = editor.session.$mode || {};
return mode.lineCommentStart || "";
CURRENT_YEAR: date.bind(null, {year: "numeric"}),
CURRENT_YEAR_SHORT: date.bind(null, {year: "2-digit"}),
CURRENT_MONTH: date.bind(null, {month: "numeric"}),
CURRENT_MONTH_NAME: date.bind(null, {month: "long"}),
CURRENT_MONTH_NAME_SHORT: date.bind(null, {month: "short"}),
CURRENT_DATE: date.bind(null, {day: "2-digit"}),
CURRENT_DAY_NAME: date.bind(null, {weekday: "long"}),
CURRENT_DAY_NAME_SHORT: date.bind(null, {weekday: "short"}),
CURRENT_HOUR: date.bind(null, {hour: "2-digit", hour12: false}),
CURRENT_MINUTE: date.bind(null, {minute: "2-digit"}),
CURRENT_SECOND: date.bind(null, {second: "2-digit"})
function date(dateFormat) {
var str = new Date().toLocaleString("en-us", dateFormat);
return str.length == 1 ? "0" + str : str;
var SnippetManager = function() {
this.snippetMap = {};
this.snippetNameMap = {};
(function() {
oop.implement(this, EventEmitter);
this.getTokenizer = function() {
return SnippetManager.$tokenizer || this.createTokenizer();
this.createTokenizer = function() {
function TabstopToken(str) {
str = str.substr(1);
if (/^\d+$/.test(str))
return [{tabstopId: parseInt(str, 10)}];
return [{text: str}];
function escape(ch) {
return "(?:[^\\\\" + ch + "]|\\\\.)";
var formatMatcher = {
regex: "/(" + escape("/") + "+)/",
onMatch: function(val, state, stack) {
var ts = stack[0];
ts.fmtString = true;
ts.guard = val.slice(1, -1);
ts.flag = "";
return "";
next: "formatString"
SnippetManager.$tokenizer = new Tokenizer({
start: [
{regex: /\\./, onMatch: function(val, state, stack) {
var ch = val[1];
if (ch == "}" && stack.length) {
val = ch;
} else if ("`$\\".indexOf(ch) != -1) {
val = ch;
return [val];
{regex: /}/, onMatch: function(val, state, stack) {
return [stack.length ? stack.shift() : val];
{regex: /\$(?:\d+|\w+)/, onMatch: TabstopToken},
{regex: /\$\{[\dA-Z_a-z]+/, onMatch: function(str, state, stack) {
var t = TabstopToken(str.substr(1));
return t;
}, next: "snippetVar"},
{regex: /\n/, token: "newline", merge: false}
snippetVar: [
{regex: "\\|" + escape("\\|") + "*\\|", onMatch: function(val, state, stack) {
var choices = val.slice(1, -1).replace(/\\[,|\\]|,/g, function(operator) {
return operator.length == 2 ? operator[1] : "\x00";
return {value: value};
stack[0].choices = choices;
return [choices[0]];
}, next: "start"},
{regex: "([^:}\\\\]|\\\\.)*:?", token: "", next: "start"}
formatString: [
{regex: /:/, onMatch: function(val, state, stack) {
if (stack.length && stack[0].expectElse) {
stack[0].expectElse = false;
stack[0].ifEnd = {elseEnd: stack[0]};
return [stack[0].ifEnd];
return ":";
{regex: /\\./, onMatch: function(val, state, stack) {
var ch = val[1];
if (ch == "}" && stack.length)
val = ch;
else if ("`$\\".indexOf(ch) != -1)
val = ch;
else if (ch == "n")
val = "\n";
else if (ch == "t")
val = "\t";
else if ("ulULE".indexOf(ch) != -1)
val = {changeCase: ch, local: ch > "a"};
return [val];
{regex: "/\\w*}", onMatch: function(val, state, stack) {
var next = stack.shift();
if (next)
next.flag = val.slice(1, -1);
this.next = next && next.tabstopId ? "start" : "";
return [next || val];
}, next: "start"},
{regex: /\$(?:\d+|\w+)/, onMatch: function(val, state, stack) {
return [{text: val.slice(1)}];
{regex: /\${\w+/, onMatch: function(val, state, stack) {
var token = {text: val.slice(2)};
return [token];
}, next: "formatStringVar"},
{regex: /\n/, token: "newline", merge: false},
{regex: /}/, onMatch: function(val, state, stack) {
var next = stack.shift();
this.next = next && next.tabstopId ? "start" : "";
return [next || val];
}, next: "start"}
formatStringVar: [
{regex: /:\/\w+}/, onMatch: function(val, state, stack) {
var ts = stack[0];
ts.formatFunction = val.slice(2, -1);
return [stack.shift()];
}, next: "formatString"},
{regex: /:[\?\-+]?/, onMatch: function(val, state, stack) {
if (val[1] == "+")
stack[0].ifEnd = stack[0];
if (val[1] == "?")
stack[0].expectElse = true;
}, next: "formatString"},
{regex: "([^:}\\\\]|\\\\.)*:?", token: "", next: "formatString"}
return SnippetManager.$tokenizer;
this.tokenizeTmSnippet = function(str, startState) {
return this.getTokenizer().getLineTokens(str, startState).tokens.map(function(x) {
return x.value || x;
this.getVariableValue = function(editor, name, indentation) {
if (/^\d+$/.test(name))
return (this.variables.__ || {})[name] || "";
if (/^[A-Z]\d+$/.test(name))
return (this.variables[name[0] + "__"] || {})[name.substr(1)] || "";
name = name.replace(/^TM_/, "");
if (!this.variables.hasOwnProperty(name))
return "";
var value = this.variables[name];
if (typeof value == "function")
value = this.variables[name](editor, name, indentation);
return value == null ? "" : value;
this.variables = VARIABLES;
this.tmStrFormat = function(str, ch, editor) {
if (!ch.fmt) return str;
var flag = ch.flag || "";
var re = ch.guard;
re = new RegExp(re, flag.replace(/[^gim]/g, ""));
var fmtTokens = typeof ch.fmt == "string" ? this.tokenizeTmSnippet(ch.fmt, "formatString") : ch.fmt;
var _self = this;
var formatted = str.replace(re, function() {
var oldArgs = _self.variables.__;
_self.variables.__ = [].slice.call(arguments);
var fmtParts = _self.resolveVariables(fmtTokens, editor);
var gChangeCase = "E";
for (var i = 0; i < fmtParts.length; i++) {
var ch = fmtParts[i];
if (typeof ch == "object") {
fmtParts[i] = "";
if (ch.changeCase && ch.local) {
var next = fmtParts[i + 1];
if (next && typeof next == "string") {
if (ch.changeCase == "u")
fmtParts[i] = next[0].toUpperCase();
fmtParts[i] = next[0].toLowerCase();
fmtParts[i + 1] = next.substr(1);
} else if (ch.changeCase) {
gChangeCase = ch.changeCase;
} else if (gChangeCase == "U") {
fmtParts[i] = ch.toUpperCase();
} else if (gChangeCase == "L") {
fmtParts[i] = ch.toLowerCase();
_self.variables.__ = oldArgs;
return fmtParts.join("");
return formatted;
this.tmFormatFunction = function(str, ch, editor) {
if (ch.formatFunction == "upcase")
return str.toUpperCase();
if (ch.formatFunction == "downcase")
return str.toLowerCase();
return str;
this.resolveVariables = function(snippet, editor) {
var result = [];
var indentation = "";
var afterNewLine = true;
for (var i = 0; i < snippet.length; i++) {
var ch = snippet[i];
if (typeof ch == "string") {
if (ch == "\n") {
afterNewLine = true;
indentation = "";
else if (afterNewLine) {
indentation = /^\t*/.exec(ch)[0];
afterNewLine = /\S/.test(ch);
if (!ch) continue;
afterNewLine = false;
if (ch.fmtString) {
var j = snippet.indexOf(ch, i + 1);
if (j == -1) j = snippet.length;
ch.fmt = snippet.slice(i + 1, j);
i = j;
if (ch.text) {
var value = this.getVariableValue(editor, ch.text, indentation) + "";
if (ch.fmtString)
value = this.tmStrFormat(value, ch, editor);
if (ch.formatFunction)
value = this.tmFormatFunction(value, ch, editor);
if (value && !ch.ifEnd) {
} else if (!value && ch.ifEnd) {
} else if (ch.elseEnd) {
} else if (ch.tabstopId != null) {
} else if (ch.changeCase != null) {
function gotoNext(ch) {
var i1 = snippet.indexOf(ch, i + 1);
if (i1 != -1)
i = i1;
return result;
this.insertSnippetForSelection = function(editor, snippetText) {
var cursor = editor.getCursorPosition();
var line = editor.session.getLine(cursor.row);
var tabString = editor.session.getTabString();
var indentString = line.match(/^\s*/)[0];
if (cursor.column < indentString.length)
indentString = indentString.slice(0, cursor.column);
snippetText = snippetText.replace(/\r/g, "");
var tokens = this.tokenizeTmSnippet(snippetText);
tokens = this.resolveVariables(tokens, editor);
tokens = tokens.map(function(x) {
if (x == "\n")
return x + indentString;
if (typeof x == "string")
return x.replace(/\t/g, tabString);
return x;
var tabstops = [];
tokens.forEach(function(p, i) {
if (typeof p != "object")
var id = p.tabstopId;
var ts = tabstops[id];
if (!ts) {
ts = tabstops[id] = [];
ts.index = id;
ts.value = "";
ts.parents = {};
if (ts.indexOf(p) !== -1)
if (p.choices && !ts.choices)
ts.choices = p.choices;
var i1 = tokens.indexOf(p, i + 1);
if (i1 === -1)
var value = tokens.slice(i + 1, i1);
var isNested = value.some(function(t) {return typeof t === "object";});
if (isNested && !ts.value) {
ts.value = value;
} else if (value.length && (!ts.value || typeof ts.value !== "string")) {
ts.value = value.join("");
tabstops.forEach(function(ts) {ts.length = 0;});
var expanding = {};
function copyValue(val) {
var copy = [];
for (var i = 0; i < val.length; i++) {
var p = val[i];
if (typeof p == "object") {
if (expanding[p.tabstopId])
var j = val.lastIndexOf(p, i - 1);
p = copy[j] || {tabstopId: p.tabstopId};
copy[i] = p;
return copy;
for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
var p = tokens[i];
if (typeof p != "object")
var id = p.tabstopId;
var ts = tabstops[id];
var i1 = tokens.indexOf(p, i + 1);
if (expanding[id]) {
if (expanding[id] === p) {
delete expanding[id];
Object.keys(expanding).forEach(function(parentId) {
ts.parents[parentId] = true;
expanding[id] = p;
var value = ts.value;
if (typeof value !== "string")
value = copyValue(value);
else if (p.fmt)
value = this.tmStrFormat(value, p, editor);
tokens.splice.apply(tokens, [i + 1, Math.max(0, i1 - i)].concat(value, p));
if (ts.indexOf(p) === -1)
var row = 0, column = 0;
var text = "";
tokens.forEach(function(t) {
if (typeof t === "string") {
var lines = t.split("\n");
if (lines.length > 1){
column = lines[lines.length - 1].length;
row += lines.length - 1;
} else
column += t.length;
text += t;
} else if (t) {
if (!t.start)
t.start = {row: row, column: column};
t.end = {row: row, column: column};
var range = editor.getSelectionRange();
var end = editor.session.replace(range, text);
var tabstopManager = new TabstopManager(editor);
var selectionId = editor.inVirtualSelectionMode && editor.selection.index;
tabstopManager.addTabstops(tabstops, range.start, end, selectionId);
this.insertSnippet = function(editor, snippetText) {
var self = this;
if (editor.inVirtualSelectionMode)
return self.insertSnippetForSelection(editor, snippetText);
editor.forEachSelection(function() {
self.insertSnippetForSelection(editor, snippetText);
}, null, {keepOrder: true});
if (editor.tabstopManager)
this.$getScope = function(editor) {
var scope = editor.session.$mode.$id || "";
scope = scope.split("/").pop();
if (scope === "html" || scope === "php") {
if (scope === "php" && !editor.session.$mode.inlinePhp)
scope = "html";
var c = editor.getCursorPosition();
var state = editor.session.getState(c.row);
if (typeof state === "object") {
state = state[0];
if (state.substring) {
if (state.substring(0, 3) == "js-")
scope = "javascript";
else if (state.substring(0, 4) == "css-")
scope = "css";
else if (state.substring(0, 4) == "php-")
scope = "php";
return scope;
this.getActiveScopes = function(editor) {
var scope = this.$getScope(editor);
var scopes = [scope];
var snippetMap = this.snippetMap;
if (snippetMap[scope] && snippetMap[scope].includeScopes) {
scopes.push.apply(scopes, snippetMap[scope].includeScopes);
return scopes;
this.expandWithTab = function(editor, options) {
var self = this;
var result = editor.forEachSelection(function() {
return self.expandSnippetForSelection(editor, options);
}, null, {keepOrder: true});
if (result && editor.tabstopManager)
return result;
this.expandSnippetForSelection = function(editor, options) {
var cursor = editor.getCursorPosition();
var line = editor.session.getLine(cursor.row);
var before = line.substring(0, cursor.column);
var after = line.substr(cursor.column);
var snippetMap = this.snippetMap;
var snippet;
this.getActiveScopes(editor).some(function(scope) {
var snippets = snippetMap[scope];
if (snippets)
snippet = this.findMatchingSnippet(snippets, before, after);
return !!snippet;
}, this);
if (!snippet)
return false;
if (options && options.dryRun)
return true;
cursor.column - snippet.replaceBefore.length,
cursor.column + snippet.replaceAfter.length
this.variables.M__ = snippet.matchBefore;
this.variables.T__ = snippet.matchAfter;
this.insertSnippetForSelection(editor, snippet.content);
this.variables.M__ = this.variables.T__ = null;
return true;
this.findMatchingSnippet = function(snippetList, before, after) {
for (var i = snippetList.length; i--;) {
var s = snippetList[i];
if (s.startRe && !s.startRe.test(before))
if (s.endRe && !s.endRe.test(after))
if (!s.startRe && !s.endRe)
s.matchBefore = s.startRe ? s.startRe.exec(before) : [""];
s.matchAfter = s.endRe ? s.endRe.exec(after) : [""];
s.replaceBefore = s.triggerRe ? s.triggerRe.exec(before)[0] : "";
s.replaceAfter = s.endTriggerRe ? s.endTriggerRe.exec(after)[0] : "";
return s;
this.snippetMap = {};
this.snippetNameMap = {};
this.register = function(snippets, scope) {
var snippetMap = this.snippetMap;
var snippetNameMap = this.snippetNameMap;
var self = this;
if (!snippets)
snippets = [];
function wrapRegexp(src) {
if (src && !/^\^?\(.*\)\$?$|^\\b$/.test(src))
src = "(?:" + src + ")";
return src || "";
function guardedRegexp(re, guard, opening) {
re = wrapRegexp(re);
guard = wrapRegexp(guard);
if (opening) {
re = guard + re;
if (re && re[re.length - 1] != "$")
re = re + "$";
} else {
re = re + guard;
if (re && re[0] != "^")
re = "^" + re;
return new RegExp(re);
function addSnippet(s) {
if (!s.scope)
s.scope = scope || "_";
scope = s.scope;
if (!snippetMap[scope]) {
snippetMap[scope] = [];
snippetNameMap[scope] = {};
var map = snippetNameMap[scope];
if (s.name) {
var old = map[s.name];
if (old)
map[s.name] = s;
if (s.prefix)
s.tabTrigger = s.prefix;
if (!s.content && s.body)
s.content = Array.isArray(s.body) ? s.body.join("\n") : s.body;
if (s.tabTrigger && !s.trigger) {
if (!s.guard && /^\w/.test(s.tabTrigger))
s.guard = "\\b";
s.trigger = lang.escapeRegExp(s.tabTrigger);
if (!s.trigger && !s.guard && !s.endTrigger && !s.endGuard)
s.startRe = guardedRegexp(s.trigger, s.guard, true);
s.triggerRe = new RegExp(s.trigger);
s.endRe = guardedRegexp(s.endTrigger, s.endGuard, true);
s.endTriggerRe = new RegExp(s.endTrigger);
if (Array.isArray(snippets)) {
} else {
Object.keys(snippets).forEach(function(key) {
this._signal("registerSnippets", {scope: scope});
this.unregister = function(snippets, scope) {
var snippetMap = this.snippetMap;
var snippetNameMap = this.snippetNameMap;
function removeSnippet(s) {
var nameMap = snippetNameMap[s.scope||scope];
if (nameMap && nameMap[s.name]) {
delete nameMap[s.name];
var map = snippetMap[s.scope||scope];
var i = map && map.indexOf(s);
if (i >= 0)
map.splice(i, 1);
if (snippets.content)
else if (Array.isArray(snippets))
this.parseSnippetFile = function(str) {
str = str.replace(/\r/g, "");
var list = [], snippet = {};
var re = /^#.*|^({[\s\S]*})\s*$|^(\S+) (.*)$|^((?:\n*\t.*)+)/gm;
var m;
while (m = re.exec(str)) {
if (m[1]) {
try {
snippet = JSON.parse(m[1]);
} catch (e) {}
} if (m[4]) {
snippet.content = m[4].replace(/^\t/gm, "");
snippet = {};
} else {
var key = m[2], val = m[3];
if (key == "regex") {
var guardRe = /\/((?:[^\/\\]|\\.)*)|$/g;
snippet.guard = guardRe.exec(val)[1];
snippet.trigger = guardRe.exec(val)[1];
snippet.endTrigger = guardRe.exec(val)[1];
snippet.endGuard = guardRe.exec(val)[1];
} else if (key == "snippet") {
snippet.tabTrigger = val.match(/^\S*/)[0];
if (!snippet.name)
snippet.name = val;
} else if (key) {
snippet[key] = val;
return list;
this.getSnippetByName = function(name, editor) {
var snippetMap = this.snippetNameMap;
var snippet;
this.getActiveScopes(editor).some(function(scope) {
var snippets = snippetMap[scope];
if (snippets)
snippet = snippets[name];
return !!snippet;
}, this);
return snippet;
var TabstopManager = function(editor) {
if (editor.tabstopManager)
return editor.tabstopManager;
editor.tabstopManager = this;
this.$onChange = this.onChange.bind(this);
this.$onChangeSelection = lang.delayedCall(this.onChangeSelection.bind(this)).schedule;
this.$onChangeSession = this.onChangeSession.bind(this);
this.$onAfterExec = this.onAfterExec.bind(this);
(function() {
this.attach = function(editor) {
this.index = 0;
this.ranges = [];
this.tabstops = [];
this.$openTabstops = null;
this.selectedTabstop = null;
this.editor = editor;
this.editor.on("change", this.$onChange);
this.editor.on("changeSelection", this.$onChangeSelection);
this.editor.on("changeSession", this.$onChangeSession);
this.editor.commands.on("afterExec", this.$onAfterExec);
this.detach = function() {
this.tabstops.forEach(this.removeTabstopMarkers, this);
this.ranges = null;
this.tabstops = null;
this.selectedTabstop = null;
this.editor.removeListener("change", this.$onChange);
this.editor.removeListener("changeSelection", this.$onChangeSelection);
this.editor.removeListener("changeSession", this.$onChangeSession);
this.editor.commands.removeListener("afterExec", this.$onAfterExec);
this.editor.tabstopManager = null;
this.editor = null;
this.onChange = function(delta) {
var isRemove = delta.action[0] == "r";
var selectedTabstop = this.selectedTabstop || {};
var parents = selectedTabstop.parents || {};
var tabstops = (this.tabstops || []).slice();
for (var i = 0; i < tabstops.length; i++) {
var ts = tabstops[i];
var active = ts == selectedTabstop || parents[ts.index];
ts.rangeList.$bias = active ? 0 : 1;
if (delta.action == "remove" && ts !== selectedTabstop) {
var parentActive = ts.parents && ts.parents[selectedTabstop.index];
var startIndex = ts.rangeList.pointIndex(delta.start, parentActive);
startIndex = startIndex < 0 ? -startIndex - 1 : startIndex + 1;
var endIndex = ts.rangeList.pointIndex(delta.end, parentActive);
endIndex = endIndex < 0 ? -endIndex - 1 : endIndex - 1;
var toRemove = ts.rangeList.ranges.slice(startIndex, endIndex);
for (var j = 0; j < toRemove.length; j++)
var session = this.editor.session;
if (!this.$inChange && isRemove && session.getLength() == 1 && !session.getValue())
this.updateLinkedFields = function() {
var ts = this.selectedTabstop;
if (!ts || !ts.hasLinkedRanges || !ts.firstNonLinked)
this.$inChange = true;
var session = this.editor.session;
var text = session.getTextRange(ts.firstNonLinked);
for (var i = 0; i < ts.length; i++) {
var range = ts[i];
if (!range.linked)
var original = range.original;
var fmt = exports.snippetManager.tmStrFormat(text, original, this.editor);
session.replace(range, fmt);
this.$inChange = false;
this.onAfterExec = function(e) {
if (e.command && !e.command.readOnly)
this.onChangeSelection = function() {
if (!this.editor)
var lead = this.editor.selection.lead;
var anchor = this.editor.selection.anchor;
var isEmpty = this.editor.selection.isEmpty();
for (var i = 0; i < this.ranges.length; i++) {
if (this.ranges[i].linked)
var containsLead = this.ranges[i].contains(lead.row, lead.column);
var containsAnchor = isEmpty || this.ranges[i].contains(anchor.row, anchor.column);
if (containsLead && containsAnchor)
this.onChangeSession = function() {
this.tabNext = function(dir) {
var max = this.tabstops.length;
var index = this.index + (dir || 1);
index = Math.min(Math.max(index, 1), max);
if (index == max)
index = 0;
if (index === 0)
this.selectTabstop = function(index) {
this.$openTabstops = null;
var ts = this.tabstops[this.index];
if (ts)
this.index = index;
ts = this.tabstops[this.index];
if (!ts || !ts.length)
this.selectedTabstop = ts;
var range = ts.firstNonLinked || ts;
if (ts.choices) range.cursor = range.start;
if (!this.editor.inVirtualSelectionMode) {
var sel = this.editor.multiSelect;
for (var i = 0; i < ts.length; i++) {
if (ts.hasLinkedRanges && ts[i].linked)
sel.addRange(ts[i].clone(), true);
} else {
if (this.selectedTabstop && this.selectedTabstop.choices)
this.editor.execCommand("startAutocomplete", {matches: this.selectedTabstop.choices});
this.addTabstops = function(tabstops, start, end) {
var useLink = this.useLink || !this.editor.getOption("enableMultiselect");
if (!this.$openTabstops)
this.$openTabstops = [];
if (!tabstops[0]) {
var p = Range.fromPoints(end, end);
moveRelative(p.start, start);
moveRelative(p.end, start);
tabstops[0] = [p];
tabstops[0].index = 0;
var i = this.index;
var arg = [i + 1, 0];
var ranges = this.ranges;
tabstops.forEach(function(ts, index) {
var dest = this.$openTabstops[index] || ts;
for (var i = 0; i < ts.length; i++) {
var p = ts[i];
var range = Range.fromPoints(p.start, p.end || p.start);
movePoint(range.start, start);
movePoint(range.end, start);
range.original = p;
range.tabstop = dest;
if (dest != ts)
dest[i] = range;
if (p.fmtString || (dest.firstNonLinked && useLink)) {
range.linked = true;
dest.hasLinkedRanges = true;
} else if (!dest.firstNonLinked)
dest.firstNonLinked = range;
if (!dest.firstNonLinked)
dest.hasLinkedRanges = false;
if (dest === ts) {
this.$openTabstops[index] = dest;
dest.rangeList = dest.rangeList || new RangeList();
dest.rangeList.$bias = 0;
}, this);
if (arg.length > 2) {
if (this.tabstops.length)
arg.push(arg.splice(2, 1)[0]);
this.tabstops.splice.apply(this.tabstops, arg);
this.addTabstopMarkers = function(ts) {
var session = this.editor.session;
ts.forEach(function(range) {
if (!range.markerId)
range.markerId = session.addMarker(range, "ace_snippet-marker", "text");
this.removeTabstopMarkers = function(ts) {
var session = this.editor.session;
ts.forEach(function(range) {
range.markerId = null;
this.removeRange = function(range) {
var i = range.tabstop.indexOf(range);
if (i != -1) range.tabstop.splice(i, 1);
i = this.ranges.indexOf(range);
if (i != -1) this.ranges.splice(i, 1);
i = range.tabstop.rangeList.ranges.indexOf(range);
if (i != -1) range.tabstop.splice(i, 1);
if (!range.tabstop.length) {
i = this.tabstops.indexOf(range.tabstop);
if (i != -1)
this.tabstops.splice(i, 1);
if (!this.tabstops.length)
this.keyboardHandler = new HashHandler();
"Tab": function(editor) {
if (exports.snippetManager && exports.snippetManager.expandWithTab(editor))
"Shift-Tab": function(editor) {
"Esc": function(editor) {
var movePoint = function(point, diff) {
if (point.row == 0)
point.column += diff.column;
point.row += diff.row;
var moveRelative = function(point, start) {
if (point.row == start.row)
point.column -= start.column;
point.row -= start.row;
.ace_snippet-marker {\
-moz-box-sizing: border-box;\
box-sizing: border-box;\
background: rgba(194, 193, 208, 0.09);\
border: 1px dotted rgba(211, 208, 235, 0.62);\
position: absolute;\
exports.snippetManager = new SnippetManager();
var Editor = require("./editor").Editor;
(function() {
this.insertSnippet = function(content, options) {
return exports.snippetManager.insertSnippet(this, content, options);
this.expandSnippet = function(options) {
return exports.snippetManager.expandWithTab(this, options);
ace.define("ace/ext/emmet",[], function(require, exports, module) {
"use strict";
var HashHandler = require("../keyboard/hash_handler").HashHandler;
var Editor = require("../editor").Editor;
var snippetManager = require("../snippets").snippetManager;
var Range = require("../range").Range;
var config = require("../config");
var emmet, emmetPath;
function AceEmmetEditor() {}
AceEmmetEditor.prototype = {
setupContext: function(editor) {
this.ace = editor;
this.indentation = editor.session.getTabString();
if (!emmet)
emmet = window.emmet;
var resources = emmet.resources || emmet.require("resources");
resources.setVariable("indentation", this.indentation);
this.$syntax = null;
this.$syntax = this.getSyntax();
getSelectionRange: function() {
var range = this.ace.getSelectionRange();
var doc = this.ace.session.doc;
return {
start: doc.positionToIndex(range.start),
end: doc.positionToIndex(range.end)
createSelection: function(start, end) {
var doc = this.ace.session.doc;
start: doc.indexToPosition(start),
end: doc.indexToPosition(end)
getCurrentLineRange: function() {
var ace = this.ace;
var row = ace.getCursorPosition().row;
var lineLength = ace.session.getLine(row).length;
var index = ace.session.doc.positionToIndex({row: row, column: 0});
return {
start: index,
end: index + lineLength
getCaretPos: function(){
var pos = this.ace.getCursorPosition();
return this.ace.session.doc.positionToIndex(pos);
setCaretPos: function(index){
var pos = this.ace.session.doc.indexToPosition(index);
getCurrentLine: function() {
var row = this.ace.getCursorPosition().row;
return this.ace.session.getLine(row);
replaceContent: function(value, start, end, noIndent) {
if (end == null)
end = start == null ? this.getContent().length : start;
if (start == null)
start = 0;
var editor = this.ace;
var doc = editor.session.doc;
var range = Range.fromPoints(doc.indexToPosition(start), doc.indexToPosition(end));
range.end = range.start;
value = this.$updateTabstops(value);
snippetManager.insertSnippet(editor, value);
getContent: function(){
return this.ace.getValue();
getSyntax: function() {
if (this.$syntax)
return this.$syntax;
var syntax = this.ace.session.$modeId.split("/").pop();
if (syntax == "html" || syntax == "php") {
var cursor = this.ace.getCursorPosition();
var state = this.ace.session.getState(cursor.row);
if (typeof state != "string")
state = state[0];
if (state) {
state = state.split("-");
if (state.length > 1)
syntax = state[0];
else if (syntax == "php")
syntax = "html";
return syntax;
getProfileName: function() {
var resources = emmet.resources || emmet.require("resources");
switch (this.getSyntax()) {
case "css": return "css";
case "xml":
case "xsl":
return "xml";
case "html":
var profile = resources.getVariable("profile");
if (!profile)
profile = this.ace.session.getLines(0,2).join("").search(/<!DOCTYPE[^>]+XHTML/i) != -1 ? "xhtml": "html";
return profile;
var mode = this.ace.session.$mode;
return mode.emmetConfig && mode.emmetConfig.profile || "xhtml";
prompt: function(title) {
return prompt(title); // eslint-disable-line no-alert
getSelection: function() {
return this.ace.session.getTextRange();
getFilePath: function() {
return "";
$updateTabstops: function(value) {
var base = 1000;
var zeroBase = 0;
var lastZero = null;
var ts = emmet.tabStops || emmet.require('tabStops');
var resources = emmet.resources || emmet.require("resources");
var settings = resources.getVocabulary("user");
var tabstopOptions = {
tabstop: function(data) {
var group = parseInt(data.group, 10);
var isZero = group === 0;
if (isZero)
group = ++zeroBase;
group += base;
var placeholder = data.placeholder;
if (placeholder) {
placeholder = ts.processText(placeholder, tabstopOptions);
var result = '${' + group + (placeholder ? ':' + placeholder : '') + '}';
if (isZero) {
lastZero = [data.start, result];
return result;
escape: function(ch) {
if (ch == '$') return '\\$';
if (ch == '\\') return '\\\\';
return ch;
value = ts.processText(value, tabstopOptions);
if (settings.variables['insert_final_tabstop'] && !/\$\{0\}$/.test(value)) {
value += '${0}';
} else if (lastZero) {
var common = emmet.utils ? emmet.utils.common : emmet.require('utils');
value = common.replaceSubstring(value, '${0}', lastZero[0], lastZero[1]);
return value;
var keymap = {
expand_abbreviation: {"mac": "ctrl+alt+e", "win": "alt+e"},
match_pair_outward: {"mac": "ctrl+d", "win": "ctrl+,"},
match_pair_inward: {"mac": "ctrl+j", "win": "ctrl+shift+0"},
matching_pair: {"mac": "ctrl+alt+j", "win": "alt+j"},
next_edit_point: "alt+right",
prev_edit_point: "alt+left",
toggle_comment: {"mac": "command+/", "win": "ctrl+/"},
split_join_tag: {"mac": "shift+command+'", "win": "shift+ctrl+`"},
remove_tag: {"mac": "command+'", "win": "shift+ctrl+;"},
evaluate_math_expression: {"mac": "shift+command+y", "win": "shift+ctrl+y"},
increment_number_by_1: "ctrl+up",
decrement_number_by_1: "ctrl+down",
increment_number_by_01: "alt+up",
decrement_number_by_01: "alt+down",
increment_number_by_10: {"mac": "alt+command+up", "win": "shift+alt+up"},
decrement_number_by_10: {"mac": "alt+command+down", "win": "shift+alt+down"},
select_next_item: {"mac": "shift+command+.", "win": "shift+ctrl+."},
select_previous_item: {"mac": "shift+command+,", "win": "shift+ctrl+,"},
reflect_css_value: {"mac": "shift+command+r", "win": "shift+ctrl+r"},
encode_decode_data_url: {"mac": "shift+ctrl+d", "win": "ctrl+'"},
expand_abbreviation_with_tab: "Tab",
wrap_with_abbreviation: {"mac": "shift+ctrl+a", "win": "shift+ctrl+a"}
var editorProxy = new AceEmmetEditor();
exports.commands = new HashHandler();
exports.runEmmetCommand = function runEmmetCommand(editor) {
if (this.action == "expand_abbreviation_with_tab") {
if (!editor.selection.isEmpty())
return false;
var pos = editor.selection.lead;
var token = editor.session.getTokenAt(pos.row, pos.column);
if (token && /\btag\b/.test(token.type))
return false;
try {
var actions = emmet.actions || emmet.require("actions");
if (this.action == "wrap_with_abbreviation") {
return setTimeout(function() {
actions.run("wrap_with_abbreviation", editorProxy);
}, 0);
var result = actions.run(this.action, editorProxy);
} catch(e) {
if (!emmet) {
var loading = exports.load(runEmmetCommand.bind(this, editor));
if (this.action == "expand_abbreviation_with_tab")
return false;
return loading;
editor._signal("changeStatus", typeof e == "string" ? e : e.message);
result = false;
return result;
for (var command in keymap) {
name: "emmet:" + command,
action: command,
bindKey: keymap[command],
exec: exports.runEmmetCommand,
multiSelectAction: "forEach"
exports.updateCommands = function(editor, enabled) {
if (enabled) {
} else {
exports.isSupportedMode = function(mode) {
if (!mode) return false;
if (mode.emmetConfig) return true;
var id = mode.$id || mode;
return /css|less|scss|sass|stylus|html|php|twig|ejs|handlebars/.test(id);
exports.isAvailable = function(editor, command) {
if (/(evaluate_math_expression|expand_abbreviation)$/.test(command))
return true;
var mode = editor.session.$mode;
var isSupported = exports.isSupportedMode(mode);
if (isSupported && mode.$modes) {
try {
if (/js|php/.test(editorProxy.getSyntax()))
isSupported = false;
} catch(e) {}
return isSupported;
var onChangeMode = function(e, target) {
var editor = target;
if (!editor)
var enabled = exports.isSupportedMode(editor.session.$mode);
if (e.enableEmmet === false)
enabled = false;
if (enabled)
exports.updateCommands(editor, enabled);
exports.load = function(cb) {
if (typeof emmetPath !== "string") {
config.warn("script for emmet-core is not loaded");
return false;
config.loadModule(emmetPath, function() {
emmetPath = null;
cb && cb();
return true;
exports.AceEmmetEditor = AceEmmetEditor;
config.defineOptions(Editor.prototype, "editor", {
enableEmmet: {
set: function(val) {
this[val ? "on" : "removeListener"]("changeMode", onChangeMode);
onChangeMode({enableEmmet: !!val}, this);
value: true
exports.setCore = function(e) {
if (typeof e == "string")
emmetPath = e;
emmet = e;
}); (function() {
ace.require(["ace/ext/emmet"], function(m) {
if (typeof module == "object" && typeof exports == "object" && module) {
module.exports = m;