mirror of
synced 2024-11-07 20:31:06 -05:00
When typing continuously, there is always a pending op present. The only time we're not saving is if the inflight op isn't changing. So long as this has changed, it means the previous one has been processed.
284 lines
8 KiB
284 lines
8 KiB
define [
], (EventEmitter, ShareJsDoc) ->
class Document extends EventEmitter
@getDocument: (ide, doc_id) ->
@openDocs ||= {}
if !@openDocs[doc_id]?
@openDocs[doc_id] = new Document(ide, doc_id)
return @openDocs[doc_id]
@hasUnsavedChanges: () ->
for doc_id, doc of (@openDocs or {})
return true if doc.hasBufferedOps()
return false
@flushAll: () ->
for doc_id, doc of @openDocs
constructor: (@ide, @doc_id) ->
@connected = @ide.socket.socket.connected
@joined = false
@wantToBeJoined = false
@_checkConsistency = _.bind(@_checkConsistency, @)
@inconsistentCount = 0
attachToAce: (@ace) ->
editorDoc = @ace.getSession().getDocument()
editorDoc.on "change", @_checkConsistency
detachFromAce: () ->
editorDoc = @ace?.getSession().getDocument()
editorDoc?.off "change", @_checkConsistency
@ide.$scope.$emit 'document:closed', @doc
_checkConsistency: () ->
# We've been seeing a lot of errors when I think there shouldn't be
# any, which may be related to this check happening before the change is
# applied. If we use a timeout, hopefully we can reduce this.
setTimeout () =>
editorValue = @ace?.getValue()
sharejsValue = @doc?.getSnapshot()
if editorValue != sharejsValue
@inconsistentCount = 0
if @inconsistentCount >= 3
@_onError new Error("Editor text does not match server text")
, 0
getSnapshot: () ->
getType: () ->
getInflightOp: () ->
getPendingOp: () ->
hasBufferedOps: () ->
_bindToSocketEvents: () ->
@_onUpdateAppliedHandler = (update) => @_onUpdateApplied(update)
@ide.socket.on "otUpdateApplied", @_onUpdateAppliedHandler
@_onErrorHandler = (error, update) => @_onError(error, update)
@ide.socket.on "otUpdateError", @_onErrorHandler
@_onDisconnectHandler = (error) => @_onDisconnect(error)
@ide.socket.on "disconnect", @_onDisconnectHandler
_bindToEditorEvents: () ->
onReconnectHandler = (update) =>
@_unsubscribeReconnectHandler = @ide.$scope.$on "project:joined", onReconnectHandler
_unBindFromEditorEvents: () ->
_unBindFromSocketEvents: () ->
@ide.socket.removeListener "otUpdateApplied", @_onUpdateAppliedHandler
@ide.socket.removeListener "otUpdateError", @_onErrorHandler
@ide.socket.removeListener "disconnect", @_onDisconnectHandler
leaveAndCleanUp: () ->
@leave (error) =>
join: (callback = (error) ->) ->
@wantToBeJoined = true
if @connected
return @_joinDoc callback
@_joinCallbacks ||= []
@_joinCallbacks.push callback
leave: (callback = (error) ->) ->
@wantToBeJoined = false
if (@doc? and @doc.hasBufferedOps())
@_leaveCallbacks ||= []
@_leaveCallbacks.push callback
else if !@connected
flush: () ->
chaosMonkey: (line = 0, char = "a") ->
orig = char
copy = null
pos = 0
timer = () =>
unless copy? and copy.length
copy = orig.slice() + ' ' + new Date() + '\n'
line += if Math.random() > 0.1 then 1 else -2
line = 0 if line < 0
pos = 0
char = copy[0]
copy = copy.slice(1)
@ace.session.insert({row: line, column: pos}, char)
pos += 1
@_cm = setTimeout timer, 100 + if Math.random() < 0.1 then 1000 else 0
@_cm = timer()
clearChaosMonkey: () ->
clearTimeout @_cm
pollSavedStatus: () ->
# returns false if doc has ops waiting to be acknowledged or
# sent that haven't changed since the last time we checked.
# Otherwise returns true.
inflightOp = @getInflightOp()
pendingOp = @getPendingOp()
if !inflightOp? and !pendingOp?
# there's nothing going on
saved = true
sl_console.log "[pollSavedStatus] no inflight or pending ops"
else if inflightOp? and inflightOp == @oldInflightOp
# The same inflight op has been sitting unacked since we
# last checked.
saved = false
sl_console.log "[pollSavedStatus] inflight op is same as before"
saved = true
sl_console.log "[pollSavedStatus] assuming saved (inflightOp?: #{inflightOp?}, pendingOp?: #{pendingOp?})"
@oldInflightOp = inflightOp
return saved
_cancelLeave: () ->
if @_leaveCallbacks?
delete @_leaveCallbacks
_cancelJoin: () ->
if @_joinCallbacks?
delete @_joinCallbacks
_onUpdateApplied: (update) ->
@ide.pushEvent "received-update",
doc_id: @doc_id
remote_doc_id: update?.doc
wantToBeJoined: @wantToBeJoined
update: update
if window.disconnectOnAck? and Math.random() < window.disconnectOnAck
sl_console.log "Disconnecting on ack", update
# Pretend we never received the ack
if window.dropAcks? and Math.random() < window.dropAcks
if !update.op? # Only drop our own acks, not collaborator updates
sl_console.log "Simulating a lost ack", update
if update?.doc == @doc_id and @doc?
@doc.processUpdateFromServer update
if !@wantToBeJoined
_onDisconnect: () ->
@connected = false
@joined = false
@doc?.updateConnectionState "disconnected"
_onReconnect: () ->
sl_console.log "[onReconnect] reconnected (joined project)"
@ide.pushEvent "reconnected:afterJoinProject"
@connected = true
if @wantToBeJoined or @doc?.hasBufferedOps()
@_joinDoc (error) =>
return @_onError(error) if error?
@doc.updateConnectionState "ok"
_callJoinCallbacks: () ->
for callback in @_joinCallbacks or []
delete @_joinCallbacks
_joinDoc: (callback = (error) ->) ->
if @doc?
@ide.socket.emit 'joinDoc', @doc_id, @doc.getVersion(), (error, docLines, version, updates) =>
return callback(error) if error?
@joined = true
@doc.catchUp( updates )
@ide.socket.emit 'joinDoc', @doc_id, (error, docLines, version) =>
return callback(error) if error?
@joined = true
@doc = new ShareJsDoc @doc_id, docLines, version, @ide.socket
_leaveDoc: (callback = (error) ->) ->
@ide.socket.emit 'leaveDoc', @doc_id, (error) =>
return callback(error) if error?
@joined = false
for callback in @_leaveCallbacks or []
delete @_leaveCallbacks
_cleanUp: () ->
delete Document.openDocs[@doc_id]
_bindToShareJsDocEvents: () ->
@doc.on "error", (error, meta) => @_onError error, meta
@doc.on "externalUpdate", (update) =>
@ide.pushEvent "externalUpdate",
doc_id: @doc_id
@trigger "externalUpdate", update
@doc.on "remoteop", () =>
@ide.pushEvent "remoteop",
doc_id: @doc_id
@trigger "remoteop"
@doc.on "op:sent", (op) =>
@ide.pushEvent "op:sent",
doc_id: @doc_id
op: op
@trigger "op:sent"
@doc.on "op:acknowledged", (op) =>
@ide.pushEvent "op:acknowledged",
doc_id: @doc_id
op: op
@trigger "op:acknowledged"
@doc.on "op:timeout", (op) =>
@ide.pushEvent "op:timeout",
doc_id: @doc_id
op: op
@trigger "op:timeout"
@_onError new Error("op timed out"), {op: op}
@doc.on "flush", (inflightOp, pendingOp, version) =>
@ide.pushEvent "flush",
doc_id: @doc_id,
inflightOp: inflightOp,
pendingOp: pendingOp
v: version
_onError: (error, meta = {}) ->
meta.doc_id = @doc_id
console.error "ShareJS error", error, meta
ga?('send', 'event', 'error', "shareJsError", "#{error.message} - #{@ide.socket.socket.transport.name}" )
@trigger "error", error, meta