
406 lines
13 KiB

/* eslint-disable
// TODO: This file was created by bulk-decaffeinate.
// Fix any style issues and re-enable lint.
* decaffeinate suggestions:
* DS101: Remove unnecessary use of Array.from
* DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns
* DS103: Rewrite code to no longer use __guard__
* DS205: Consider reworking code to avoid use of IIFEs
* DS207: Consider shorter variations of null checks
* Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md
// A TP2 implementation of text, following this spec:
// http://code.google.com/p/lightwave/source/browse/trunk/experimental/ot/README
// A document is made up of a string and a set of tombstones inserted throughout
// the string. For example, 'some ', (2 tombstones), 'string'.
// This is encoded in a document as: {s:'some string', t:[5, -2, 6]}
// Ops are lists of components which iterate over the whole document.
// Components are either:
// N: Skip N characters in the original document
// {i:'str'}: Insert 'str' at the current position in the document
// {i:N}: Insert N tombstones at the current position in the document
// {d:N}: Delete (tombstone) N characters at the current position in the document
// Eg: [3, {i:'hi'}, 5, {d:8}]
// Snapshots are lists with characters and tombstones. Characters are stored in strings
// and adjacent tombstones are flattened into numbers.
// Eg, the document: 'Hello .....world' ('.' denotes tombstoned (deleted) characters)
// would be represented by a document snapshot of ['Hello ', 5, 'world']
let append, appendDoc, takeDoc;
var type = {
name: 'text-tp2',
tp2: true,
create() { return {charLength:0, totalLength:0, positionCache:[], data:[]}; },
serialize(doc) {
if (!doc.data) { throw new Error('invalid doc snapshot'); }
return doc.data;
deserialize(data) {
const doc = type.create();
doc.data = data;
for (const component of Array.from(data)) {
if (typeof component === 'string') {
doc.charLength += component.length;
doc.totalLength += component.length;
} else {
doc.totalLength += component;
return doc;
const checkOp = function(op) {
if (!Array.isArray(op)) { throw new Error('Op must be an array of components'); }
let last = null;
return (() => {
const result = [];
for (const c of Array.from(op)) {
if (typeof(c) === 'object') {
if (c.i !== undefined) {
if (((typeof(c.i) !== 'string') || !(c.i.length > 0)) && ((typeof(c.i) !== 'number') || !(c.i > 0))) { throw new Error('Inserts must insert a string or a +ive number'); }
} else if (c.d !== undefined) {
if ((typeof(c.d) !== 'number') || !(c.d > 0)) { throw new Error('Deletes must be a +ive number'); }
} else {
throw new Error('Operation component must define .i or .d');
} else {
if (typeof(c) !== 'number') { throw new Error('Op components must be objects or numbers'); }
if (!(c > 0)) { throw new Error('Skip components must be a positive number'); }
if (typeof(last) === 'number') { throw new Error('Adjacent skip components should be combined'); }
result.push(last = c);
return result;
// Take the next part from the specified position in a document snapshot.
// position = {index, offset}. It will be updated.
type._takeDoc = (takeDoc = function(doc, position, maxlength, tombsIndivisible) {
if (position.index >= doc.data.length) { throw new Error('Operation goes past the end of the document'); }
const part = doc.data[position.index];
// peel off data[0]
const result = typeof(part) === 'string' ?
maxlength !== undefined ?
part.slice(position.offset, (position.offset + maxlength))
(maxlength === undefined) || tombsIndivisible ?
part - position.offset
Math.min(maxlength, part - position.offset);
const resultLen = result.length || result;
if (((part.length || part) - position.offset) > resultLen) {
position.offset += resultLen;
} else {
position.offset = 0;
return result;
// Append a part to the end of a document
type._appendDoc = (appendDoc = function(doc, p) {
if ((p === 0) || (p === '')) { return; }
if (typeof p === 'string') {
doc.charLength += p.length;
doc.totalLength += p.length;
} else {
doc.totalLength += p;
const {
} = doc;
if (data.length === 0) {
} else if (typeof(data[data.length - 1]) === typeof(p)) {
data[data.length - 1] += p;
} else {
// Apply the op to the document. The document is not modified in the process.
type.apply = function(doc, op) {
if ((doc.totalLength === undefined) || (doc.charLength === undefined) || (doc.data.length === undefined)) {
throw new Error('Snapshot is invalid');
const newDoc = type.create();
const position = {index:0, offset:0};
for (const component of Array.from(op)) {
var part, remainder;
if (typeof(component) === 'number') {
remainder = component;
while (remainder > 0) {
part = takeDoc(doc, position, remainder);
appendDoc(newDoc, part);
remainder -= part.length || part;
} else if (component.i !== undefined) {
appendDoc(newDoc, component.i);
} else if (component.d !== undefined) {
remainder = component.d;
while (remainder > 0) {
part = takeDoc(doc, position, remainder);
remainder -= part.length || part;
appendDoc(newDoc, component.d);
return newDoc;
// Append an op component to the end of the specified op.
// Exported for the randomOpGenerator.
type._append = (append = function(op, component) {
if ((component === 0) || (component.i === '') || (component.i === 0) || (component.d === 0)) {
} else if (op.length === 0) {
return op.push(component);
} else {
const last = op[op.length - 1];
if ((typeof(component) === 'number') && (typeof(last) === 'number')) {
return op[op.length - 1] += component;
} else if ((component.i !== undefined) && (last.i != null) && (typeof(last.i) === typeof(component.i))) {
return last.i += component.i;
} else if ((component.d !== undefined) && (last.d != null)) {
return last.d += component.d;
} else {
return op.push(component);
// Makes 2 functions for taking components from the start of an op, and for peeking
// at the next op that could be taken.
const makeTake = function(op) {
// The index of the next component to take
let index = 0;
// The offset into the component
let offset = 0;
// Take up to length maxlength from the op. If maxlength is not defined, there is no max.
// If insertsIndivisible is true, inserts (& insert tombstones) won't be separated.
// Returns null when op is fully consumed.
const take = function(maxlength, insertsIndivisible) {
let current;
if (index === op.length) { return null; }
const e = op[index];
if ((typeof((current = e)) === 'number') || (typeof((current = e.i)) === 'number') || ((current = e.d) !== undefined)) {
let c;
if ((maxlength == null) || ((current - offset) <= maxlength) || (insertsIndivisible && (e.i !== undefined))) {
// Return the rest of the current element.
c = current - offset;
++index; offset = 0;
} else {
offset += maxlength;
c = maxlength;
if (e.i !== undefined) { return {i:c}; } else if (e.d !== undefined) { return {d:c}; } else { return c; }
} else {
// Take from the inserted string
let result;
if ((maxlength == null) || ((e.i.length - offset) <= maxlength) || insertsIndivisible) {
result = {i:e.i.slice(offset)};
++index; offset = 0;
} else {
result = {i:e.i.slice(offset, offset + maxlength)};
offset += maxlength;
return result;
const peekType = () => op[index];
return [take, peekType];
// Find and return the length of an op component
const componentLength = function(component) {
if (typeof(component) === 'number') {
return component;
} else if (typeof(component.i) === 'string') {
return component.i.length;
} else {
// This should work because c.d and c.i must be +ive.
return component.d || component.i;
// Normalize an op, removing all empty skips and empty inserts / deletes. Concatenate
// adjacent inserts and deletes.
type.normalize = function(op) {
const newOp = [];
for (const component of Array.from(op)) { append(newOp, component); }
return newOp;
// This is a helper method to transform and prune. goForwards is true for transform, false for prune.
const transformer = function(op, otherOp, goForwards, side) {
let component;
const newOp = [];
const [take, peek] = Array.from(makeTake(op));
for (component of Array.from(otherOp)) {
var chunk;
let length = componentLength(component);
if (component.i !== undefined) { // Insert text or tombs
if (goForwards) { // transform - insert skips over inserted parts
if (side === 'left') {
// The left insert should go first.
while (__guard__(peek(), x => x.i) !== undefined) { append(newOp, take()); }
// In any case, skip the inserted text.
append(newOp, length);
} else { // Prune. Remove skips for inserts.
while (length > 0) {
chunk = take(length, true);
if (chunk === null) { throw new Error('The transformed op is invalid'); }
if (chunk.d !== undefined) { throw new Error('The transformed op deletes locally inserted characters - it cannot be purged of the insert.'); }
if (typeof chunk === 'number') {
length -= chunk;
} else {
append(newOp, chunk);
} else { // Skip or delete
while (length > 0) {
chunk = take(length, true);
if (chunk === null) { throw new Error('The op traverses more elements than the document has'); }
append(newOp, chunk);
if (!chunk.i) { length -= componentLength(chunk); }
// Append extras from op1
while (component = take()) {
if (component.i === undefined) { throw new Error(`Remaining fragments in the op: ${component}`); }
append(newOp, component);
return newOp;
// transform op1 by op2. Return transformed version of op1.
// op1 and op2 are unchanged by transform.
// side should be 'left' or 'right', depending on if op1.id <> op2.id. 'left' == client op.
type.transform = function(op, otherOp, side) {
if ((side !== 'left') && (side !== 'right')) { throw new Error(`side (${side}) should be 'left' or 'right'`); }
return transformer(op, otherOp, true, side);
// Prune is the inverse of transform.
type.prune = (op, otherOp) => transformer(op, otherOp, false);
// Compose 2 ops into 1 op.
type.compose = function(op1, op2) {
let component;
if ((op1 === null) || (op1 === undefined)) { return op2; }
const result = [];
const [take, _] = Array.from(makeTake(op1));
for (component of Array.from(op2)) {
var chunk, length;
if (typeof(component) === 'number') { // Skip
// Just copy from op1.
length = component;
while (length > 0) {
chunk = take(length);
if (chunk === null) { throw new Error('The op traverses more elements than the document has'); }
append(result, chunk);
length -= componentLength(chunk);
} else if (component.i !== undefined) { // Insert
append(result, {i:component.i});
} else { // Delete
length = component.d;
while (length > 0) {
chunk = take(length);
if (chunk === null) { throw new Error('The op traverses more elements than the document has'); }
const chunkLength = componentLength(chunk);
if (chunk.i !== undefined) {
append(result, {i:chunkLength});
} else {
append(result, {d:chunkLength});
length -= chunkLength;
// Append extras from op1
while (component = take()) {
if (component.i === undefined) { throw new Error(`Remaining fragments in op1: ${component}`); }
append(result, component);
return result;
if (typeof WEB !== 'undefined' && WEB !== null) {
exports.types['text-tp2'] = type;
} else {
module.exports = type;
function __guard__(value, transform) {
return (typeof value !== 'undefined' && value !== null) ? transform(value) : undefined;