Jakob Ackermann aa9d6c8dc9 [misc] reland decaff cleanup (#166)
* [misc] decaff cleanup: RoomManager

* [misc] decaff cleanup: RedisClientManager

* [misc] decaff cleanup: SafeJsonParse

* [misc] decaff cleanup: WebApiManager

* [misc] decaff cleanup: WebsocketController

* [misc] decaff cleanup: WebsocketLoadBalancer

* [misc] decaff cleanup: SessionSockets

* [misc] decaff cleanup: HttpController

* [misc] decaff cleanup: HttpApiController

* [misc] decaff cleanup: HealthCheckManager

* [misc] decaff cleanup: EventLogger

* [misc] decaff cleanup: Errors

o-error will eliminate most of it -- when we migrate over.

* [misc] decaff cleanup: DrainManager

* [misc] decaff cleanup: DocumentUpdaterManager

* [misc] decaff cleanup: DocumentUpdaterController: no-unused-vars

* [misc] decaff cleanup: DocumentUpdaterController: Array.from

* [misc] decaff cleanup: DocumentUpdaterController: implicit return

* [misc] decaff cleanup: DocumentUpdaterController: IIFE

* [misc] decaff cleanup: DocumentUpdaterController: null checks

* [misc] decaff cleanup: DocumentUpdaterController: simpler loops

* [misc] decaff cleanup: DocumentUpdaterController: move module name def

* [misc] decaff cleanup: ConnectedUsersManager: handle-callback-err

* [misc] decaff cleanup: ConnectedUsersManager: implicit returns

* [misc] decaff cleanup: ConnectedUsersManager: null checks

* [misc] decaff cleanup: ChannelManager: no-unused-vars

* [misc] decaff cleanup: ChannelManager: implicit returns

* [misc] decaff cleanup: ChannelManager: other cleanup

- var -> const
- drop variable assignment before return

* [misc] decaff cleanup: AuthorizationManager: handle-callback-err

Note: This requires a change in WebsocketController to provide a dummy

* [misc] decaff cleanup: AuthorizationManager: Array.from

* [misc] decaff cleanup: AuthorizationManager: implicit returns

* [misc] decaff cleanup: AuthorizationManager: null checks

* [misc] decaff cleanup: Router: handle-callback-err

* [misc] decaff cleanup: Router: standard/no-callback-literal

* [misc] decaff cleanup: Router: Array.from

* [misc] decaff cleanup: Router: implicit returns

* [misc] decaff cleanup: Router: refactor __guard__ wrapper

* [misc] decaff cleanup: Router: null checks

And a minor bug fix: user.id -> user._id

* [misc] decaff cleanup: Router: move variable declarations to assignments

* [misc] decaff cleanup: app: implicit returns

* [misc] decaff cleanup: app: __guard__

* [misc] decaff cleanup: app: null checks

* [misc] decaff cleanup: app: function definitions

* [misc] decaff cleanup: app: drop unused next argument

* [misc] decaff cleanup: app: var -> const
2020-07-07 11:06:02 +01:00

232 lines
7 KiB

const Metrics = require('metrics-sharelatex')
const Settings = require('settings-sharelatex')
Metrics.initialize(Settings.appName || 'real-time')
const async = require('async')
const logger = require('logger-sharelatex')
const express = require('express')
const session = require('express-session')
const redis = require('redis-sharelatex')
if (Settings.sentry && Settings.sentry.dsn) {
const sessionRedisClient = redis.createClient(Settings.redis.websessions)
const RedisStore = require('connect-redis')(session)
const SessionSockets = require('./app/js/SessionSockets')
const CookieParser = require('cookie-parser')
const DrainManager = require('./app/js/DrainManager')
const HealthCheckManager = require('./app/js/HealthCheckManager')
// work around frame handler bug in socket.io v0.9.16
// Set up socket.io server
const app = express()
const server = require('http').createServer(app)
const io = require('socket.io').listen(server)
// Bind to sessions
const sessionStore = new RedisStore({ client: sessionRedisClient })
const cookieParser = CookieParser(Settings.security.sessionSecret)
const sessionSockets = new SessionSockets(
io.configure(function () {
io.enable('browser client minification')
io.enable('browser client etag')
// Fix for Safari 5 error of "Error during WebSocket handshake: location mismatch"
// See http://answers.dotcloud.com/question/578/problem-with-websocket-over-ssl-in-safari-with
io.set('match origin protocol', true)
// gzip uses a Node 0.8.x method of calling the gzip program which
// doesn't work with 0.6.x
// io.enable('browser client gzip')
io.set('transports', [
io.set('log level', 1)
app.get('/', (req, res) => res.send('real-time-sharelatex is alive'))
app.get('/status', function (req, res) {
if (Settings.shutDownInProgress) {
res.send(503) // Service unavailable
} else {
res.send('real-time-sharelatex is alive')
app.get('/debug/events', function (req, res) {
Settings.debugEvents = parseInt(req.query.count, 10) || 20
logger.log({ count: Settings.debugEvents }, 'starting debug mode')
res.send(`debug mode will log next ${Settings.debugEvents} events`)
const rclient = require('redis-sharelatex').createClient(
function healthCheck(req, res) {
rclient.healthCheck(function (error) {
if (error) {
logger.err({ err: error }, 'failed redis health check')
} else if (HealthCheckManager.isFailing()) {
const status = HealthCheckManager.status()
logger.err({ pubSubErrors: status }, 'failed pubsub health check')
} else {
app.get('/health_check', healthCheck)
app.get('/health_check/redis', healthCheck)
const Router = require('./app/js/Router')
Router.configure(app, io, sessionSockets)
const WebsocketLoadBalancer = require('./app/js/WebsocketLoadBalancer')
const DocumentUpdaterController = require('./app/js/DocumentUpdaterController')
const { port } = Settings.internal.realTime
const { host } = Settings.internal.realTime
server.listen(port, host, function (error) {
if (error) {
throw error
logger.info(`realtime starting up, listening on ${host}:${port}`)
// Stop huge stack traces in logs from all the socket.io parsing steps.
Error.stackTraceLimit = 10
function shutdownCleanly(signal) {
const connectedClients = io.sockets.clients().length
if (connectedClients === 0) {
logger.warn('no clients connected, exiting')
} else {
{ connectedClients },
'clients still connected, not shutting down yet'
setTimeout(() => shutdownCleanly(signal), 30 * 1000)
function drainAndShutdown(signal) {
if (Settings.shutDownInProgress) {
logger.warn({ signal }, 'shutdown already in progress, ignoring signal')
} else {
Settings.shutDownInProgress = true
const { statusCheckInterval } = Settings
if (statusCheckInterval) {
{ signal },
`received interrupt, delay drain by ${statusCheckInterval}ms`
setTimeout(function () {
{ signal },
`received interrupt, starting drain over ${shutdownDrainTimeWindow} mins`
DrainManager.startDrainTimeWindow(io, shutdownDrainTimeWindow)
}, statusCheckInterval)
Settings.shutDownInProgress = false
const shutdownDrainTimeWindow = parseInt(Settings.shutdownDrainTimeWindow, 10)
if (Settings.shutdownDrainTimeWindow) {
logger.log({ shutdownDrainTimeWindow }, 'shutdownDrainTimeWindow enabled')
for (const signal of [
]) {
process.on(signal, drainAndShutdown)
} // signal is passed as argument to event handler
// global exception handler
if (Settings.errors && Settings.errors.catchUncaughtErrors) {
process.on('uncaughtException', function (error) {
if (['EPIPE', 'ECONNRESET'].includes(error.code)) {
Metrics.inc('disconnected_write', 1, { status: error.code })
return logger.warn(
{ err: error },
'attempted to write to disconnected client'
logger.error({ err: error }, 'uncaught exception')
if (Settings.errors && Settings.errors.shutdownOnUncaughtError) {
if (Settings.continualPubsubTraffic) {
logger.warn('continualPubsubTraffic enabled')
const pubsubClient = redis.createClient(Settings.redis.pubsub)
const clusterClient = redis.createClient(Settings.redis.websessions)
const publishJob = function (channel, callback) {
const checker = new HealthCheckManager(channel)
logger.debug({ channel }, 'sending pub to keep connection alive')
const json = JSON.stringify({
health_check: true,
key: checker.id,
date: new Date().toString()
Metrics.summary(`redis.publish.${channel}`, json.length)
pubsubClient.publish(channel, json, function (err) {
if (err) {
logger.err({ err, channel }, 'error publishing pubsub traffic to redis')
const blob = JSON.stringify({ keep: 'alive' })
Metrics.summary('redis.publish.cluster-continual-traffic', blob.length)
clusterClient.publish('cluster-continual-traffic', blob, callback)
const runPubSubTraffic = () =>
async.map(['applied-ops', 'editor-events'], publishJob, () =>
setTimeout(runPubSubTraffic, 1000 * 20)