Henry Oswald 9a60617162 change referral allocated to only upgrade features and to find highest level
i.e. user has referred 5 users, there are bonus levels for 3 & 6 shares, auto takes 3 users now.
2015-10-05 12:30:03 +01:00

251 lines
7.9 KiB

SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module')
assert = require('assert')
sinon = require('sinon')
modulePath = require('path').join __dirname, '../../../../app/js/Features/Referal/ReferalAllocator.js'
describe 'Referal allocator', ->
beforeEach ->
@ReferalAllocator = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires:
'../../models/User': User: @User = {}
"../Subscription/SubscriptionLocator": @SubscriptionLocator = {}
"settings-sharelatex": @Settings = {}
@callback = sinon.stub()
@referal_id = "referal-id-123"
@referal_medium = "twitter"
@user_id = "user-id-123"
@new_user_id = "new-user-id-123"
describe "allocate", ->
describe "when the referal was a bonus referal", ->
beforeEach ->
@referal_source = "bonus"
@User.update = sinon.stub().callsArgWith 3, null
@User.findOne = sinon.stub().callsArgWith 1, null, { _id: @user_id }
@ReferalAllocator.assignBonus = sinon.stub().callsArg 1
@ReferalAllocator.allocate @referal_id, @new_user_id, @referal_source, @referal_medium, @callback
it 'should update the referring user with the refered users id', ->
}, {
refered_users: @new_user_id
refered_user_count: 1
}).should.equal true
it "find the referring users id", ->
.calledWith( referal_id: @referal_id )
.should.equal true
it "shoudl assign the user their bonus", ->
.should.equal true
it "should call the callback", ->
@callback.called.should.equal true
describe "when the referal is not a bonus referal", ->
beforeEach ->
@referal_source = "public_share"
@User.update = sinon.stub().callsArgWith 3, null
@User.findOne = sinon.stub().callsArgWith 1, null, { _id: @user_id }
@ReferalAllocator.assignBonus = sinon.stub().callsArg 1
@ReferalAllocator.allocate @referal_id, @new_user_id, @referal_source, @referal_medium, @callback
it 'should not update the referring user with the refered users id', ->
@User.update.called.should.equal false
it "find the referring users id", ->
.calledWith( referal_id: @referal_id )
.should.equal true
it "should not assign the user a bonus", ->
@ReferalAllocator.assignBonus.called.should.equal false
it "should call the callback", ->
@callback.called.should.equal true
describe "assignBonus", ->
describe "when user does not have a subscription", ->
beforeEach ->
@refered_user_count = 3
@Settings.bonus_features =
collaborators: 3
dropbox: false
versioning: false
stubbedUser = {
refered_user_count: @refered_user_count,
features:{collaborators:1, dropbox:false, versioning:false}
@User.findOne = sinon.stub().callsArgWith 1, null,stubbedUser
@User.update = sinon.stub().callsArgWith 2, null
@SubscriptionLocator.getUsersSubscription = sinon.stub().callsArgWith 1, null, null
@ReferalAllocator.assignBonus @user_id, @callback
it "should get the users subscription", ->
.should.equal true
it "should get the users number of refered user", ->
.calledWith(_id: @user_id)
.should.equal true
it "should update the user to bonus features", ->
_id: @user_id
}, {
.should.equal true
it "should call the callback", ->
@callback.called.should.equal true
describe "when user does not have a recurlySubscription_id", ->
beforeEach ->
@refered_user_count = 4
@Settings.bonus_features =
collaborators: 2
dropbox: false
versioning: false
collaborators: 5
dropbox: true
versioning: false
collaborators: 3
dropbox: false
versioning: false
stubbedUser = { refered_user_count: @refered_user_count, features:{collaborators:1, dropbox:false, versioning:false} }
@User.findOne = sinon.stub().callsArgWith 1, null, stubbedUser
@User.update = sinon.stub().callsArgWith 2, null
@SubscriptionLocator.getUsersSubscription = sinon.stub().callsArgWith 1, null, {}
@ReferalAllocator.assignBonus @user_id, @callback
it "should get the users subscription", ->
.should.equal true
it "should get the users number of refered user", ->
.calledWith(_id: @user_id)
.should.equal true
it "should update the user to bonus features with the closest level", ->
_id: @user_id
}, {
.should.equal true
it "should call the callback", ->
@callback.called.should.equal true
describe "when the user has better features already", ->
beforeEach ->
@refered_user_count = 3
@stubbedUser =
@Settings.bonus_features =
collaborators: 10
dropbox: true
versioning: false
@User.findOne = sinon.stub().callsArgWith 1, null, @stubbedUser
@User.update = sinon.stub().callsArgWith 2, null
@SubscriptionLocator.getUsersSubscription = sinon.stub().callsArgWith 1, null,null
it "should not set in in mongo when the feature is better", (done)->
@ReferalAllocator.assignBonus @user_id, =>
@User.update.calledWith({_id: @user_id }, {$set: features:{dropbox:true, versioning:false, collaborators:10} }).should.equal true
it "should not overright if the user has -1 users", (done)->
@stubbedUser.features.collaborators = -1
@ReferalAllocator.assignBonus @user_id, =>
@User.update.calledWith({_id: @user_id }, {$set: features:{dropbox:true, versioning:false} }).should.equal true
describe "when the user is not at a bonus level", ->
beforeEach ->
@refered_user_count = 0
@Settings.bonus_features =
collaborators: 3
dropbox: false
versioning: false
@User.findOne = sinon.stub().callsArgWith 1, null, { refered_user_count: @refered_user_count }
@User.update = sinon.stub().callsArgWith 2, null
@SubscriptionLocator.getUsersSubscription = sinon.stub().callsArgWith 1, null, {}
@ReferalAllocator.assignBonus @user_id, @callback
it "should get the users subscription", ->
.should.equal true
it "should get the users number of refered user", ->
.calledWith(_id: @user_id)
.should.equal true
it "should not update the user to bonus features", ->
@User.update.called.should.equal false
it "should call the callback", ->
@callback.called.should.equal true
describe "when user has a subscription", ->
beforeEach ->
@refered_user_count = 3
@Settings.bonus_features =
collaborators: 3
dropbox: false
versioning: false
@User.findOne = sinon.stub().callsArgWith 1, null, { refered_user_count: @refered_user_count }
@User.update = sinon.stub().callsArgWith 2, null
@SubscriptionLocator.getUsersSubscription = sinon.stub().callsArgWith 1, null, { planCode: "collaborator" }
@ReferalAllocator.assignBonus @user_id, @callback
it "should get the users subscription", ->
.should.equal true
it "should not get the users number of refered user", ->
@User.findOne.called.should.equal false
it "should not update the user to bonus features", ->
@User.update.called.should.equal false
it "should call the callback", ->
@callback.called.should.equal true