mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 23:23:38 +00:00
- not crash when a user is null - fix alignment of user color square - if first and last name are absent, display email instead - truncate overly long display name with '...'
254 lines
7 KiB
254 lines
7 KiB
define [
], () ->
class TrackChangesManager
constructor: (@ide, @$scope) ->
@$scope.toggleTrackChanges = () =>
if @$scope.ui.view == "track-changes"
@$scope.$watch "trackChanges.selection.updates", (updates) =>
if updates? and updates.length > 0
@$scope.$on "entity:selected", (event, entity) =>
if (@$scope.ui.view == "track-changes") and (entity.type == "doc")
@$scope.trackChanges.selection.doc = entity
show: () ->
@$scope.ui.view = "track-changes"
hide: () ->
@$scope.ui.view = "editor"
# Make sure we run the 'open' logic for whatever is currently selected
@$scope.$emit "entity:selected", @ide.fileTreeManager.findSelectedEntity()
reset: () ->
@$scope.trackChanges = {
updates: []
nextBeforeTimestamp: null
atEnd: false
selection: {
updates: []
doc: null
range: {
fromV: null
toV: null
start_ts: null
end_ts: null
diff: null
autoSelectRecentUpdates: () ->
return if @$scope.trackChanges.updates.length == 0
@$scope.trackChanges.updates[0].selectedTo = true
indexOfLastUpdateNotByMe = 0
for update, i in @$scope.trackChanges.updates
if @_updateContainsUserId(update, @$scope.user.id)
indexOfLastUpdateNotByMe = i
@$scope.trackChanges.updates[indexOfLastUpdateNotByMe].selectedFrom = true
fetchNextBatchOfUpdates: () ->
url = "/project/#{@ide.project_id}/updates?min_count=#{@BATCH_SIZE}"
if @$scope.trackChanges.nextBeforeTimestamp?
url += "&before=#{@$scope.trackChanges.nextBeforeTimestamp}"
@$scope.trackChanges.loading = true
.success (data) =>
@$scope.trackChanges.nextBeforeTimestamp = data.nextBeforeTimestamp
if !data.nextBeforeTimestamp?
@$scope.trackChanges.atEnd = true
@$scope.trackChanges.loading = false
reloadDiff: () ->
diff = @$scope.trackChanges.diff
{updates, doc} = @$scope.trackChanges.selection
{fromV, toV, start_ts, end_ts} = @_calculateRangeFromSelection()
return if !doc?
return if diff? and
diff.doc == doc and
diff.fromV == fromV and
diff.toV == toV
@$scope.trackChanges.diff = diff = {
fromV: fromV
toV: toV
start_ts: start_ts
end_ts: end_ts
doc: doc
error: false
if !doc.deleted
diff.loading = true
url = "/project/#{@$scope.project_id}/doc/#{diff.doc.id}/diff"
if diff.fromV? and diff.toV?
url += "?from=#{diff.fromV}&to=#{diff.toV}"
.success (data) =>
diff.loading = false
{text, highlights} = @_parseDiff(data)
diff.text = text
diff.highlights = highlights
.error () ->
diff.loading = false
diff.error = true
diff.deleted = true
restoreDeletedDoc: (doc) ->
url = "/project/#{@$scope.project_id}/doc/#{doc.id}/restore"
@ide.$http.post(url, name: doc.name, _csrf: window.csrfToken)
restoreDiff: (diff) ->
url = "/project/#{@$scope.project_id}/doc/#{diff.doc.id}/version/#{diff.fromV}/restore"
@ide.$http.post(url, _csrf: window.csrfToken)
_parseDiff: (diff) ->
row = 0
column = 0
highlights = []
text = ""
for entry, i in diff.diff or []
content = entry.u or entry.i or entry.d
content ||= ""
text += content
lines = content.split("\n")
startRow = row
startColumn = column
if lines.length > 1
endRow = startRow + lines.length - 1
endColumn = lines[lines.length - 1].length
endRow = startRow
endColumn = startColumn + lines[0].length
row = endRow
column = endColumn
range = {
row: startRow
column: startColumn
row: endRow
column: endColumn
if entry.i? or entry.d?
if entry.meta.user?
name = "#{entry.meta.user.first_name} #{entry.meta.user.last_name}"
name = "Anonymous"
if entry.meta.user?.id == @$scope.user.id
name = "you"
date = moment(entry.meta.end_ts).format("Do MMM YYYY, h:mm a")
if entry.i?
highlights.push {
label: "Added by #{name} on #{date}"
highlight: range
hue: @ide.onlineUsersManager.getHueForUserId(entry.meta.user?.id)
else if entry.d?
highlights.push {
label: "Deleted by #{name} on #{date}"
strikeThrough: range
hue: @ide.onlineUsersManager.getHueForUserId(entry.meta.user?.id)
return {text, highlights}
_loadUpdates: (updates = []) ->
previousUpdate = @$scope.trackChanges.updates[@$scope.trackChanges.updates.length - 1]
for update in updates
for doc_id, doc of update.docs or {}
doc.entity = @ide.fileTreeManager.findEntityById(doc_id, includeDeleted: true)
for user in update.meta.users or []
if user?
user.hue = @ide.onlineUsersManager.getHueForUserId(user.id)
if !previousUpdate? or !moment(previousUpdate.meta.end_ts).isSame(update.meta.end_ts, "day")
update.meta.first_in_day = true
update.selectedFrom = false
update.selectedTo = false
update.inSelection = false
previousUpdate = update
firstLoad = @$scope.trackChanges.updates.length == 0
@$scope.trackChanges.updates =
@autoSelectRecentUpdates() if firstLoad
_calculateRangeFromSelection: () ->
fromV = toV = start_ts = end_ts = null
selected_doc_id = @$scope.trackChanges.selection.doc?.id
for update in @$scope.trackChanges.selection.updates or []
for doc_id, doc of update.docs
if doc_id == selected_doc_id
if fromV? and toV?
fromV = Math.min(fromV, doc.fromV)
toV = Math.max(toV, doc.toV)
start_ts = Math.min(start_ts, update.meta.start_ts)
end_ts = Math.max(end_ts, update.meta.end_ts)
fromV = doc.fromV
toV = doc.toV
start_ts = update.meta.start_ts
end_ts = update.meta.end_ts
return {fromV, toV, start_ts, end_ts}
# Set the track changes selected doc to one of the docs in the range
# of currently selected updates. If we already have a selected doc
# then prefer this one if present.
_selectDocFromUpdates: () ->
affected_docs = {}
for update in @$scope.trackChanges.selection.updates
for doc_id, doc of update.docs
affected_docs[doc_id] = doc.entity
selected_doc = @$scope.trackChanges.selection.doc
if selected_doc? and affected_docs[selected_doc.id]?
# Selected doc is already open
for doc_id, doc of affected_docs
selected_doc = doc
@$scope.trackChanges.selection.doc = selected_doc
_updateContainsUserId: (update, user_id) ->
for user in update.meta.users
return true if user?.id == user_id
return false