Brian Gough 30070f23b8 add a close() method to terminate the module cleanly
closes the statsd connection and cancels registered interval timers
prevents express from hanging when trying to shutdown
2015-01-05 16:45:32 +00:00

46 lines
1 KiB

StatsD = require('lynx')
statsd = new StatsD('localhost', 8125, {on_error:->})
name = "unknown"
hostname = require('os').hostname()
buildKey = (key)-> "#{name}.#{hostname}.#{key}"
destructors = []
module.exports =
initialize: (_name) ->
name = _name
registerDestructor: (func) ->
destructors.push func
set : (key, value, sampleRate = 1)->
statsd.set buildKey(key), value, sampleRate
inc : (key, sampleRate = 1)->
statsd.increment buildKey(key), sampleRate
timing: (key, timeSpan, sampleRate)->
statsd.timing(buildKey(key), timeSpan, sampleRate)
Timer : class
constructor :(key, sampleRate = 1)->
this.start = new Date()
this.key = key
this.sampleRate = sampleRate
timeSpan = new Date - this.start
statsd.timing(buildKey(this.key), timeSpan, this.sampleRate)
gauge : (key, value, sampleRate = 1)->
statsd.gauge buildKey(key), value, sampleRate
mongodb: require "./mongodb"
http: require "./http"
open_sockets: require "./open_sockets"
close: () ->
for func in destructors