mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 15:23:32 +00:00
1232 lines
39 KiB
1232 lines
39 KiB
/* eslint-disable
// TODO: This file was created by bulk-decaffeinate.
// Fix any style issues and re-enable lint.
* decaffeinate suggestions:
* DS101: Remove unnecessary use of Array.from
* DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns
* DS205: Consider reworking code to avoid use of IIFEs
* DS207: Consider shorter variations of null checks
* Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md
import App from '../../../base'
import EventEmitter from '../../../utils/EventEmitter'
import ColorManager from '../../colors/ColorManager'
import RangesTracker from '../RangesTracker'
export default App.controller(
function (
) {
let UserTCSyncState
const $reviewPanelEl = $element.find('#review-panel')
const UserTypes = {
MEMBER: 'member', // Invited, listed in project.members
GUEST: 'guest', // Not invited, but logged in so has a user_id
ANONYMOUS: 'anonymous', // No user_id
const currentUserType = function () {
if ((ide.$scope.user != null ? ide.$scope.user.id : undefined) == null) {
return UserTypes.ANONYMOUS
} else {
const user_id = ide.$scope.user.id
const { project } = ide.$scope
if (
(project.owner != null ? project.owner.id : undefined) === user_id
) {
return UserTypes.MEMBER
for (const member of Array.from(project.members)) {
if (member._id === user_id) {
return UserTypes.MEMBER
return UserTypes.GUEST
$scope.SubViews = {
CUR_FILE: 'cur_file',
OVERVIEW: 'overview',
$scope.UserTCSyncState = UserTCSyncState = {
SYNCED: 'synced',
PENDING: 'pending',
$scope.reviewPanel = {
trackChangesState: {},
trackChangesOnForEveryone: false,
trackChangesOnForGuests: false,
trackChangesForGuestsAvailable: false,
entries: {},
resolvedComments: {},
hasEntries: false,
subView: $scope.SubViews.CUR_FILE,
openSubView: $scope.SubViews.CUR_FILE,
overview: {
loading: false,
) || {},
dropdown: {
loading: false,
commentThreads: {},
resolvedThreadIds: {},
rendererData: {},
formattedProjectMembers: {},
fullTCStateCollapsed: true,
loadingThreads: false,
// All selected changes. If a aggregated change (insertion + deletion) is selection, the two ids
// will be present. The length of this array will differ from the count below (see explanation).
selectedEntryIds: [],
// A count of user-facing selected changes. An aggregated change (insertion + deletion) will count
// as only one.
nVisibleSelectedChanges: 0,
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', function () {
const collapsedStates = {}
for (const doc in $scope.reviewPanel.overview.docsCollapsedState) {
const state = $scope.reviewPanel.overview.docsCollapsedState[doc]
if (state) {
collapsedStates[doc] = state
const valToStore =
Object.keys(collapsedStates).length > 0
? JSON.stringify(collapsedStates)
: null
return localStorage(
$scope.$on('layout:pdf:linked', (event, state) =>
$scope.$on('layout:pdf:resize', (event, state) =>
$scope.$broadcast('review-panel:layout', false)
$scope.$on('expandable-text-area:resize', event =>
$timeout(() => $scope.$broadcast('review-panel:layout'))
$scope.$on('review-panel:sizes', (e, sizes) =>
$scope.$broadcast('editor:set-scroll-size', sizes)
$scope.$watch('project.features.trackChangesVisible', function (visible) {
if (visible == null) {
if (!visible) {
return ($scope.ui.reviewPanelOpen = false)
$scope.$watch('project.members', function (members) {
$scope.reviewPanel.formattedProjectMembers = {}
if (($scope.project != null ? $scope.project.owner : undefined) != null) {
$scope.reviewPanel.formattedProjectMembers[$scope.project.owner._id] =
if (
($scope.project != null ? $scope.project.members : undefined) != null
) {
return (() => {
const result = []
for (const member of Array.from(members)) {
if (member.privileges === 'readAndWrite') {
if ($scope.reviewPanel.trackChangesState[member._id] == null) {
// An added member will have track changes enabled if track changes is on for everyone
($scope.reviewPanel.formattedProjectMembers[member._id] =
} else {
return result
$scope.commentState = {
adding: false,
content: '',
$scope.users = {}
$scope.reviewPanelEventsBridge = new EventEmitter()
ide.socket.on('new-comment', function (thread_id, comment) {
const thread = getThread(thread_id)
delete thread.submitting
return $timeout(() => $scope.$broadcast('review-panel:layout'))
ide.socket.on('accept-changes', function (doc_id, change_ids) {
if (doc_id !== $scope.editor.open_doc_id) {
} else {
$scope.$broadcast('changes:accept', change_ids)
return $scope.$apply(function () {})
ide.socket.on('resolve-thread', (thread_id, user) =>
_onCommentResolved(thread_id, user)
ide.socket.on('reopen-thread', thread_id => _onCommentReopened(thread_id))
ide.socket.on('delete-thread', function (thread_id) {
return $scope.$apply(function () {})
ide.socket.on('edit-message', function (thread_id, message_id, content) {
_onCommentEdited(thread_id, message_id, content)
return $scope.$apply(function () {})
ide.socket.on('delete-message', function (thread_id, message_id) {
_onCommentDeleted(thread_id, message_id)
return $scope.$apply(function () {})
const rangesTrackers = {}
const getDocEntries = function (doc_id) {
if ($scope.reviewPanel.entries[doc_id] == null) {
$scope.reviewPanel.entries[doc_id] = {}
return $scope.reviewPanel.entries[doc_id]
const getDocResolvedComments = function (doc_id) {
if ($scope.reviewPanel.resolvedComments[doc_id] == null) {
$scope.reviewPanel.resolvedComments[doc_id] = {}
return $scope.reviewPanel.resolvedComments[doc_id]
function getThread(thread_id) {
if ($scope.reviewPanel.commentThreads[thread_id] == null) {
$scope.reviewPanel.commentThreads[thread_id] = { messages: [] }
return $scope.reviewPanel.commentThreads[thread_id]
function getChangeTracker(doc_id) {
if (rangesTrackers[doc_id] == null) {
rangesTrackers[doc_id] = new RangesTracker()
rangesTrackers[doc_id].resolvedThreadIds =
return rangesTrackers[doc_id]
let scrollbar = {}
function (isVisible, scrollbarWidth) {
scrollbar = { isVisible, scrollbarWidth }
return updateScrollbar()
function updateScrollbar() {
if (
scrollbar.isVisible &&
$scope.reviewPanel.subView === $scope.SubViews.CUR_FILE &&
) {
return $reviewPanelEl.css('right', `${scrollbar.scrollbarWidth}px`)
} else {
return $reviewPanelEl.css('right', '0')
'!ui.reviewPanelOpen && reviewPanel.hasEntries',
function (open, prevVal) {
if (open == null) {
$scope.ui.miniReviewPanelVisible = open
if (open !== prevVal) {
return $timeout(() => $scope.$broadcast('review-panel:toggle'))
$scope.$watch('ui.reviewPanelOpen', function (open) {
if (open == null) {
if (!open) {
// Always show current file when not open, but save current state
$scope.reviewPanel.openSubView = $scope.reviewPanel.subView
$scope.reviewPanel.subView = $scope.SubViews.CUR_FILE
} else {
// Reset back to what we had when previously open
$scope.reviewPanel.subView = $scope.reviewPanel.openSubView
return $timeout(function () {
return $scope.$broadcast('review-panel:layout', false)
$scope.$watch('reviewPanel.subView', function (view) {
if (view == null) {
if (view === $scope.SubViews.OVERVIEW) {
return refreshOverviewPanel()
$scope.$watch('editor.sharejs_doc', function (doc, old_doc) {
if (doc == null) {
// The open doc range tracker is kept up to date in real-time so
// replace any outdated info with this
rangesTrackers[doc.doc_id] = doc.ranges
rangesTrackers[doc.doc_id].resolvedThreadIds =
$scope.reviewPanel.rangesTracker = rangesTrackers[doc.doc_id]
if (old_doc != null) {
doc.on('flipped_pending_to_inflight', () => regenerateTrackChangesId(doc))
return regenerateTrackChangesId(doc)
function () {
const entries =
$scope.reviewPanel.entries[$scope.editor.open_doc_id] || {}
const permEntries = {}
for (const entry in entries) {
const entryData = entries[entry]
if (!['add-comment', 'bulk-actions'].includes(entry)) {
permEntries[entry] = entryData
return Object.keys(permEntries).length
nEntries =>
($scope.reviewPanel.hasEntries =
nEntries > 0 && $scope.project.features.trackChangesVisible)
function regenerateTrackChangesId(doc) {
const old_id = getChangeTracker(doc.doc_id).getIdSeed()
const new_id = RangesTracker.generateIdSeed()
return doc.setTrackChangesIdSeeds({ pending: new_id, inflight: old_id })
const refreshRanges = () =>
.then(function (response) {
const docs = response.data
return (() => {
const result = []
for (const doc of Array.from(docs)) {
if (
$scope.reviewPanel.overview.docsCollapsedState[doc.id] == null
) {
$scope.reviewPanel.overview.docsCollapsedState[doc.id] = false
if (doc.id !== $scope.editor.open_doc_id) {
// this is kept up to date in real-time, don't overwrite
const rangesTracker = getChangeTracker(doc.id)
rangesTracker.comments =
(doc.ranges != null ? doc.ranges.comments : undefined) || []
rangesTracker.changes =
(doc.ranges != null ? doc.ranges.changes : undefined) || []
return result
function refreshOverviewPanel() {
$scope.reviewPanel.overview.loading = true
return refreshRanges()
.then(() => ($scope.reviewPanel.overview.loading = false))
.catch(() => ($scope.reviewPanel.overview.loading = false))
$scope.refreshResolvedCommentsDropdown = function () {
$scope.reviewPanel.dropdown.loading = true
const q = refreshRanges()
q.then(() => ($scope.reviewPanel.dropdown.loading = false))
q.catch(() => ($scope.reviewPanel.dropdown.loading = false))
return q
function updateEntries(doc_id) {
const rangesTracker = getChangeTracker(doc_id)
const entries = getDocEntries(doc_id)
const resolvedComments = getDocResolvedComments(doc_id)
let changed = false
// Assume we'll delete everything until we see it, then we'll remove it from this object
const delete_changes = {}
for (const id in entries) {
const change = entries[id]
if (!['add-comment', 'bulk-actions'].includes(id)) {
for (const entry_id of Array.from(change.entry_ids)) {
delete_changes[entry_id] = true
for (const id in resolvedComments) {
const change = resolvedComments[id]
for (const entry_id of Array.from(change.entry_ids)) {
delete_changes[entry_id] = true
let potential_aggregate = false
let prev_insertion = null
for (const change of Array.from(rangesTracker.changes)) {
changed = true
if (
potential_aggregate &&
change.op.d &&
change.op.p === prev_insertion.op.p + prev_insertion.op.i.length &&
change.metadata.user_id === prev_insertion.metadata.user_id
) {
// An actual aggregate op.
entries[prev_insertion.id].type = 'aggregate-change'
entries[prev_insertion.id].metadata.replaced_content = change.op.d
} else {
if (entries[change.id] == null) {
entries[change.id] = {}
delete delete_changes[change.id]
const new_entry = {
type: change.op.i ? 'insert' : 'delete',
entry_ids: [change.id],
content: change.op.i || change.op.d,
offset: change.op.p,
metadata: change.metadata,
for (const key in new_entry) {
entries[change.id][key] = new_entry[key]
if (change.op.i) {
potential_aggregate = true
prev_insertion = change
} else {
potential_aggregate = false
prev_insertion = null
if ($scope.users[change.metadata.user_id] == null) {
if (rangesTracker.comments.length > 0) {
for (const comment of Array.from(rangesTracker.comments)) {
let new_comment
changed = true
delete delete_changes[comment.id]
if ($scope.reviewPanel.resolvedThreadIds[comment.op.t]) {
new_comment =
resolvedComments[comment.id] != null
? resolvedComments[comment.id]
: (resolvedComments[comment.id] = {})
delete entries[comment.id]
} else {
new_comment =
entries[comment.id] != null
? entries[comment.id]
: (entries[comment.id] = {})
delete resolvedComments[comment.id]
const new_entry = {
type: 'comment',
thread_id: comment.op.t,
entry_ids: [comment.id],
content: comment.op.c,
offset: comment.op.p,
for (const key in new_entry) {
new_comment[key] = new_entry[key]
for (const change_id in delete_changes) {
const _ = delete_changes[change_id]
changed = true
delete entries[change_id]
delete resolvedComments[change_id]
if (changed) {
return $scope.$broadcast('entries:changed')
$scope.$on('editor:track-changes:changed', function () {
const doc_id = $scope.editor.open_doc_id
// For now, not worrying about entry panels for rich text
if (!$scope.editor.showRichText) {
return $scope.$broadcast('review-panel:layout')
$scope.$on('editor:track-changes:visibility_changed', () =>
$timeout(() => $scope.$broadcast('review-panel:layout', false))
function (e, selection_offset_start, selection_offset_end, selection) {
const doc_id = $scope.editor.open_doc_id
const entries = getDocEntries(doc_id)
// All selected changes will be added to this array.
$scope.reviewPanel.selectedEntryIds = []
// Count of user-visible changes, i.e. an aggregated change will count as one.
$scope.reviewPanel.nVisibleSelectedChanges = 0
delete entries['add-comment']
delete entries['bulk-actions']
if (selection) {
entries['add-comment'] = {
type: 'add-comment',
offset: selection_offset_start,
length: selection_offset_end - selection_offset_start,
entries['bulk-actions'] = {
type: 'bulk-actions',
offset: selection_offset_start,
length: selection_offset_end - selection_offset_start,
for (const id in entries) {
const entry = entries[id]
let isChangeEntryAndWithinSelection = false
if (
entry.type === 'comment' &&
) {
entry.focused =
entry.offset <= selection_offset_start &&
selection_offset_start <= entry.offset + entry.content.length
} else if (entry.type === 'insert') {
isChangeEntryAndWithinSelection =
entry.offset >= selection_offset_start &&
entry.offset + entry.content.length <= selection_offset_end
entry.focused =
entry.offset <= selection_offset_start &&
selection_offset_start <= entry.offset + entry.content.length
} else if (entry.type === 'delete') {
isChangeEntryAndWithinSelection =
selection_offset_start <= entry.offset &&
entry.offset <= selection_offset_end
entry.focused = entry.offset === selection_offset_start
} else if (entry.type === 'aggregate-change') {
isChangeEntryAndWithinSelection =
entry.offset >= selection_offset_start &&
entry.offset + entry.content.length <= selection_offset_end
entry.focused =
entry.offset <= selection_offset_start &&
selection_offset_start <= entry.offset + entry.content.length
} else if (
['add-comment', 'bulk-actions'].includes(entry.type) &&
) {
entry.focused = true
if (isChangeEntryAndWithinSelection) {
for (const entry_id of Array.from(entry.entry_ids)) {
return $scope.$broadcast('review-panel:layout')
$scope.acceptChanges = function (change_ids) {
eventTracking.sendMB('rp-changes-accepted', {
view: $scope.ui.reviewPanelOpen ? $scope.reviewPanel.subView : 'mini',
$scope.rejectChanges = function (change_ids) {
eventTracking.sendMB('rp-changes-rejected', {
view: $scope.ui.reviewPanelOpen ? $scope.reviewPanel.subView : 'mini',
function _doAcceptChanges(change_ids) {
{ change_ids, _csrf: window.csrfToken }
return $scope.$broadcast('changes:accept', change_ids)
const _doRejectChanges = change_ids =>
$scope.$broadcast('changes:reject', change_ids)
const bulkAccept = function () {
eventTracking.sendMB('rp-bulk-accept', {
view: $scope.ui.reviewPanelOpen ? $scope.reviewPanel.subView : 'mini',
nEntries: $scope.reviewPanel.nVisibleSelectedChanges,
const bulkReject = function () {
eventTracking.sendMB('rp-bulk-reject', {
view: $scope.ui.reviewPanelOpen ? $scope.reviewPanel.subView : 'mini',
nEntries: $scope.reviewPanel.nVisibleSelectedChanges,
$scope.showBulkAcceptDialog = () => showBulkActionsDialog(true)
$scope.showBulkRejectDialog = () => showBulkActionsDialog(false)
const showBulkActionsDialog = isAccept =>
templateUrl: 'bulkActionsModalTemplate',
controller: 'BulkActionsModalController',
resolve: {
isAccept() {
return isAccept
nChanges() {
return $scope.reviewPanel.nVisibleSelectedChanges
scope: $scope.$new(),
.result.then(function (isAccept) {
if (isAccept) {
return bulkAccept()
} else {
return bulkReject()
$scope.handleTogglerClick = function (e) {
return $scope.toggleReviewPanel()
$scope.addNewComment = function () {
return $scope.toggleReviewPanel()
$scope.addNewCommentFromKbdShortcut = function () {
if (!$scope.project.features.trackChangesVisible) {
if (!$scope.ui.reviewPanelOpen) {
return $timeout(function () {
return $scope.$broadcast('comment:start_adding')
$scope.startNewComment = function () {
return $timeout(() => $scope.$broadcast('review-panel:layout'))
$scope.submitNewComment = function (content) {
if (content == null || content === '') {
const doc_id = $scope.editor.open_doc_id
const entries = getDocEntries(doc_id)
if (entries['add-comment'] == null) {
const { offset, length } = entries['add-comment']
const thread_id = RangesTracker.generateId()
const thread = getThread(thread_id)
thread.submitting = true
$scope.$broadcast('comment:add', thread_id, offset, length)
.post(`/project/${$scope.project_id}/thread/${thread_id}/messages`, {
_csrf: window.csrfToken,
.catch(() =>
'Error submitting comment',
'Sorry, there was a problem submitting your comment'
$timeout(() => $scope.$broadcast('review-panel:layout'))
eventTracking.sendMB('rp-new-comment', { size: content.length })
$scope.cancelNewComment = entry =>
$timeout(() => $scope.$broadcast('review-panel:layout'))
$scope.startReply = function (entry) {
entry.replying = true
return $timeout(() => $scope.$broadcast('review-panel:layout'))
$scope.submitReply = function (entry, entry_id) {
const { thread_id } = entry
const content = entry.replyContent
.post(`/project/${$scope.project_id}/thread/${thread_id}/messages`, {
_csrf: window.csrfToken,
.catch(() =>
'Error submitting comment',
'Sorry, there was a problem submitting your comment'
const trackingMetadata = {
view: $scope.ui.reviewPanelOpen ? $scope.reviewPanel.subView : 'mini',
size: entry.replyContent.length,
thread: thread_id,
const thread = getThread(thread_id)
thread.submitting = true
entry.replyContent = ''
entry.replying = false
$timeout(() => $scope.$broadcast('review-panel:layout'))
eventTracking.sendMB('rp-comment-reply', trackingMetadata)
$scope.cancelReply = function (entry) {
entry.replying = false
entry.replyContent = ''
return $scope.$broadcast('review-panel:layout')
$scope.resolveComment = function (entry, entry_id) {
entry.focused = false
{ _csrf: window.csrfToken }
_onCommentResolved(entry.thread_id, ide.$scope.user)
eventTracking.sendMB('rp-comment-resolve', {
view: $scope.ui.reviewPanelOpen ? $scope.reviewPanel.subView : 'mini',
$scope.unresolveComment = function (thread_id) {
$http.post(`/project/${$scope.project_id}/thread/${thread_id}/reopen`, {
_csrf: window.csrfToken,
function _onCommentResolved(thread_id, user) {
const thread = getThread(thread_id)
if (thread == null) {
thread.resolved = true
thread.resolved_by_user = formatUser(user)
thread.resolved_at = new Date().toISOString()
$scope.reviewPanel.resolvedThreadIds[thread_id] = true
return $scope.$broadcast('comment:resolve_threads', [thread_id])
function _onCommentReopened(thread_id) {
const thread = getThread(thread_id)
if (thread == null) {
delete thread.resolved
delete thread.resolved_by_user
delete thread.resolved_at
delete $scope.reviewPanel.resolvedThreadIds[thread_id]
return $scope.$broadcast('comment:unresolve_thread', thread_id)
function _onThreadDeleted(thread_id) {
delete $scope.reviewPanel.resolvedThreadIds[thread_id]
delete $scope.reviewPanel.commentThreads[thread_id]
return $scope.$broadcast('comment:remove', thread_id)
function _onCommentEdited(thread_id, comment_id, content) {
const thread = getThread(thread_id)
if (thread == null) {
for (const message of Array.from(thread.messages)) {
if (message.id === comment_id) {
message.content = content
return updateEntries()
function _onCommentDeleted(thread_id, comment_id) {
const thread = getThread(thread_id)
if (thread == null) {
thread.messages = thread.messages.filter(m => m.id !== comment_id)
return updateEntries()
$scope.deleteThread = function (entry_id, doc_id, thread_id) {
method: 'DELETE',
url: `/project/${$scope.project_id}/doc/${doc_id}/thread/${thread_id}`,
headers: {
'X-CSRF-Token': window.csrfToken,
$scope.saveEdit = function (thread_id, comment) {
content: comment.content,
_csrf: window.csrfToken,
return $timeout(() => $scope.$broadcast('review-panel:layout'))
$scope.deleteComment = function (thread_id, comment) {
_onCommentDeleted(thread_id, comment.id)
method: 'DELETE',
url: `/project/${$scope.project_id}/thread/${thread_id}/messages/${comment.id}`,
headers: {
'X-CSRF-Token': window.csrfToken,
return $timeout(() => $scope.$broadcast('review-panel:layout'))
$scope.setSubView = function (subView) {
$scope.reviewPanel.subView = subView
eventTracking.sendMB('rp-subview-change', { subView })
$scope.gotoEntry = (doc_id, entry) =>
ide.editorManager.openDocId(doc_id, { gotoOffset: entry.offset })
$scope.toggleFullTCStateCollapse = function () {
if ($scope.project.features.trackChanges) {
return ($scope.reviewPanel.fullTCStateCollapsed =
} else {
return $scope.openTrackChangesUpgradeModal()
const _sendAnalytics = () => {
eventTracking.sendMB('paywall-prompt', {
'paywall-type': 'track-changes',
const _setUserTCState = function (userId, newValue, isLocal) {
if (isLocal == null) {
isLocal = false
if ($scope.reviewPanel.trackChangesState[userId] == null) {
$scope.reviewPanel.trackChangesState[userId] = {}
const state = $scope.reviewPanel.trackChangesState[userId]
if (
state.syncState == null ||
state.syncState === UserTCSyncState.SYNCED
) {
state.value = newValue
state.syncState = UserTCSyncState.SYNCED
} else if (
state.syncState === UserTCSyncState.PENDING &&
state.value === newValue
) {
state.syncState = UserTCSyncState.SYNCED
} else if (isLocal) {
state.value = newValue
state.syncState = UserTCSyncState.PENDING
if (userId === ide.$scope.user.id) {
return ($scope.editor.wantTrackChanges = newValue)
const _setEveryoneTCState = function (newValue, isLocal) {
if (isLocal == null) {
isLocal = false
$scope.reviewPanel.trackChangesOnForEveryone = newValue
const { project } = $scope
for (const member of Array.from(project.members)) {
_setUserTCState(member._id, newValue, isLocal)
_setGuestsTCState(newValue, isLocal)
return _setUserTCState(project.owner._id, newValue, isLocal)
function _setGuestsTCState(newValue, isLocal) {
if (isLocal == null) {
isLocal = false
$scope.reviewPanel.trackChangesOnForGuests = newValue
if (
currentUserType() === UserTypes.GUEST ||
currentUserType() === UserTypes.ANONYMOUS
) {
return ($scope.editor.wantTrackChanges = newValue)
const applyClientTrackChangesStateToServer = function () {
const data = {}
if ($scope.reviewPanel.trackChangesOnForEveryone) {
data.on = true
} else {
data.on_for = {}
for (const userId in $scope.reviewPanel.trackChangesState) {
const userState = $scope.reviewPanel.trackChangesState[userId]
data.on_for[userId] = userState.value
if ($scope.reviewPanel.trackChangesOnForGuests) {
data.on_for_guests = true
data._csrf = window.csrfToken
return $http.post(`/project/${$scope.project_id}/track_changes`, data)
const applyTrackChangesStateToClient = function (state) {
if (typeof state === 'boolean') {
return _setGuestsTCState(state)
} else {
const { project } = $scope
$scope.reviewPanel.trackChangesOnForEveryone = false
_setGuestsTCState(state.__guests__ === true)
for (const member of Array.from(project.members)) {
state[member._id] != null ? state[member._id] : false
return _setUserTCState(
state[$scope.project.owner._id] != null
? state[$scope.project.owner._id]
: false
$scope.toggleTrackChangesForEveryone = function (onForEveryone) {
_setEveryoneTCState(onForEveryone, true)
_setGuestsTCState(onForEveryone, true)
return applyClientTrackChangesStateToServer()
$scope.toggleTrackChangesForGuests = function (onForGuests) {
_setGuestsTCState(onForGuests, true)
return applyClientTrackChangesStateToServer()
$scope.toggleTrackChangesForUser = function (onForUser, userId) {
_setUserTCState(userId, onForUser, true)
return applyClientTrackChangesStateToServer()
ide.socket.on('toggle-track-changes', state =>
$scope.$apply(() => applyTrackChangesStateToClient(state))
$scope.toggleTrackChangesFromKbdShortcut = function () {
if (
$scope.project.features.trackChangesVisible &&
) {
return $scope.toggleTrackChangesForUser(
const setGuestFeatureBasedOnProjectAccessLevel = projectPublicAccessLevel =>
($scope.reviewPanel.trackChangesForGuestsAvailable =
projectPublicAccessLevel === 'tokenBased')
const onToggleTrackChangesForGuestsAvailability = function (available) {
// If the feature is no longer available we need to turn off the guest flag
if (available) {
if (!$scope.reviewPanel.trackChangesOnForGuests) {
} // Already turned off
if ($scope.reviewPanel.trackChangesOnForEveryone) {
} // Overrides guest setting
return $scope.toggleTrackChangesForGuests(false)
function (available) {
if (available != null) {
return onToggleTrackChangesForGuestsAvailability(available)
let _inited = false
ide.$scope.$on('project:joined', function () {
if (_inited) {
const { project } = ide.$scope
if (project.features.trackChanges) {
} else {
return (_inited = true)
let _refreshingRangeUsers = false
const _refreshedForUserIds = {}
function refreshChangeUsers(refresh_for_user_id) {
if (refresh_for_user_id != null) {
if (_refreshedForUserIds[refresh_for_user_id] != null) {
// We've already tried to refresh to get this user id, so stop it looping
_refreshedForUserIds[refresh_for_user_id] = true
// Only do one refresh at once
if (_refreshingRangeUsers) {
_refreshingRangeUsers = true
return $http
.then(function (response) {
const users = response.data
_refreshingRangeUsers = false
$scope.users = {}
// Always include ourself, since if we submit an op, we might need to display info
// about it locally before it has been flushed through the server
if (
(ide.$scope.user != null ? ide.$scope.user.id : undefined) != null
) {
$scope.users[ide.$scope.user.id] = formatUser(ide.$scope.user)
return (() => {
const result = []
for (const user of Array.from(users)) {
if (user.id != null) {
result.push(($scope.users[user.id] = formatUser(user)))
} else {
return result
.catch(() => (_refreshingRangeUsers = false))
let _threadsLoaded = false
function ensureThreadsAreLoaded() {
if (_threadsLoaded) {
// We get any updates in real time so only need to load them once.
_threadsLoaded = true
$scope.reviewPanel.loadingThreads = true
return $http
.then(function (response) {
const threads = response.data
$scope.reviewPanel.loadingThreads = false
for (const thread_id in $scope.reviewPanel.resolvedThreadIds) {
const _ = $scope.reviewPanel.resolvedThreadIds[thread_id]
delete $scope.reviewPanel.resolvedThreadIds[thread_id]
for (const thread_id in threads) {
const thread = threads[thread_id]
for (const comment of Array.from(thread.messages)) {
if (thread.resolved_by_user != null) {
thread.resolved_by_user = formatUser(thread.resolved_by_user)
$scope.reviewPanel.resolvedThreadIds[thread_id] = true
$scope.$broadcast('comment:resolve_threads', [thread_id])
$scope.reviewPanel.commentThreads = threads
return $timeout(() => $scope.$broadcast('review-panel:layout'))
function formatComment(comment) {
comment.user = formatUser(comment.user)
comment.timestamp = new Date(comment.timestamp)
return comment
function formatUser(user) {
let isSelf, name
const id =
(user != null ? user._id : undefined) ||
(user != null ? user.id : undefined)
if (id == null) {
return {
email: null,
name: 'Anonymous',
isSelf: false,
hue: ColorManager.ANONYMOUS_HUE,
avatar_text: 'A',
if (id === window.user_id) {
name = 'You'
isSelf = true
} else {
name = [user.first_name, user.last_name]
.filter(n => n != null && n !== '')
.join(' ')
if (name === '') {
name =
(user.email != null ? user.email.split('@')[0] : undefined) ||
isSelf = false
return {
email: user.email,
hue: ColorManager.getHueForUserId(id),
avatar_text: [user.first_name, user.last_name]
.filter(n => n != null)
.map(n => n[0])
$scope.openTrackChangesUpgradeModal = () =>
templateUrl: 'trackChangesUpgradeModalTemplate',
controller: 'TrackChangesUpgradeModalController',
scope: $scope.$new(),