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synced 2025-03-10 19:12:01 +00:00
[cm6] Upgrade CodeMirror dependencies GitOrigin-RevId: cc973b1c5b23eca0fc93a9b3a970c832212e47af
247 lines
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247 lines
7.8 KiB
Convert Ace themes to CodeMirror 6
Highlight Rules:
Conversion of TextMate themes to Ace:
const fs = require('fs')
const globby = require('globby')
const mensch = require('mensch')
const path = require('path')
const overrides = require('./overrides.json')
const { merge } = require('lodash')
// CSS files from https://github.com/overleaf/ace/tree/overleaf/lib/ace/theme copied into the "ace" folder
const themePaths = globby.sync(['ace/*.css'], { cwd: __dirname })
const outputDir = path.join(__dirname, 'cm6')
// from js/ide.js
const darkThemes = [
// manual mapping of Ace selectors to CM6 theme selectors
const themeMapping = new Map([
['.ace_gutter', '.cm-gutters'],
['.ace_cursor', '.cm-cursor, .cm-dropCursor'],
'.ace_marker-layer .ace_selection',
'&.cm-focused > .cm-scroller > .cm-selectionLayer .cm-selectionBackground, .cm-selectionBackground, .cm-content ::selection, .cm-searchMatch.cm-searchMatch.cm-searchMatch-selected',
'.ace_marker-layer .ace_selected-word',
'.cm-selectionMatch.cm-selectionMatch, .cm-searchMatch.cm-searchMatch', // doubled to increase specificity over defaults
'.ace_marker-layer .ace_bracket',
'&.cm-focused .cm-matchingBracket, &.cm-focused .cm-nonmatchingBracket',
['.ace_marker-layer .ace_bracket-unmatched', '.cm-nonmatchingBracket'],
['.ace_marker-layer .ace_active-line', '.cm-activeLine'],
['.ace_gutter-active-line', '.cm-activeLineGutter'],
['.ace_fold', '.cm-foldPlaceholder'],
const propertyRemapping = new Map([
'&.cm-focused .cm-matchingBracket, &.cm-focused .cm-nonmatchingBracket',
[['border', 'outline']],
'.cm-selectionMatch.cm-selectionMatch, .cm-searchMatch.cm-searchMatch',
[['border', 'outline']],
function remap(selector, rule) {
const remappings = propertyRemapping.get(selector) ?? []
for (const [oldKey, newKey] of remappings) {
if (newKey in rule) {
throw new Error(
`Invalid remapping. Property ${newKey} already exists in rule '${selector}'`
if (oldKey in rule) {
rule[newKey] = rule[oldKey]
delete rule[oldKey]
return rule
// manual mapping of Ace selectors to CM6 highlight style selectors
// https://codemirror.net/6/docs/ref/#highlight.tags
// (the classHighlightStyle extension adds the class names for styling)
const highlightStyleMapping = new Map([
// ['.ace_support.ace_type', '.tok-typeName'],
['.ace_class', '.tok-class'],
['.ace_comment', '.tok-comment'],
['.ace_constant', '.tok-labelName'],
['.ace_constant.ace_character', '.tok-literal'],
['.ace_constant.ace_character.ace_escape', '.tok-literal'], // escape
['.ace_constant.ace_language', '.tok-literal'], // constant
['.ace_constant.ace_numeric', '.tok-literal'], // number
['.ace_constant.ace_other', '.tok-literal'], // constant
['.ace_entity.ace_name.ace_function', '.tok-function'],
['.ace_entity.ace_name.ace_tag', '.tok-tagName'],
['.ace_entity.ace_other.ace_attribute-name', '.tok-attributeName'],
['.ace_heading', '.tok-heading'],
['.ace_identifier', '.tok-string'], // TODO: identifier?
['.ace_invalid', '.tok-invalid'],
['.ace_keyword', '.tok-keyword'], // typeName?
['.ace_keyword.ace_operator', '.tok-operator'],
['.ace_list', '.tok-list'],
['.ace_lparen', '.tok-paren'],
['.ace_markup.ace_heading', '.tok-heading'],
['.ace_markup.ace_list', '.tok-list'],
['.ace_numeric', '.tok-number'],
['.ace_punctuation', '.tok-punctuation'],
['.ace_regexp', '.tok-string2'],
['.ace_rparen', '.tok-paren'],
['.ace_storage', '.tok-typeName'],
['.ace_storage.ace_type', '.tok-typeName'],
['.ace_string', '.tok-string'],
['.ace_string.ace_regexp', '.tok-regexp'],
// ['.ace_support.ace_class', '.tok-className'],
// ['.ace_support.ace_constant', '.tok-constant'],
// ['.ace_support.ace_function', '.tok-function'],
// ['.ace_support.ace_type', '.tok-function'],
['.ace_type', '.tok-typeName'],
['.ace_variable', '.tok-attributeValue'], // keyword // variableName
['.ace_variable.ace_language', '.tok-variableName'],
['.ace_variable.ace_parameter', '.tok-attributeValue'], // string
for (const themePath of themePaths) {
const input = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, themePath), 'utf-8')
const ast = mensch.parse(input)
const themeStyles = {
// these styles should only be set if they're defined in a theme
'.cm-gutters': {
backgroundColor: 'transparent',
borderRightColor: 'transparent',
const highlightStyles = {}
for (const rule of ast.stylesheet.rules) {
const declarations = {}
.filter(item => item.type === 'property')
.forEach(declaration => {
// convert CSS property to snake case
const property = declaration.name.replace(/-(\w)/g, (_, letter) => {
return letter.toUpperCase()
declarations[property] = declaration.value
for (const item of rule.selectors) {
// ignore the first selector, which is the theme class
const selector = item.split(/\s+/).slice(1).join(' ')
// an empty selector was the theme class selector for the whole editor
if (selector === '') {
themeStyles['&'] = {
if (themeMapping.has(selector)) {
const key = themeMapping.get(selector)
themeStyles[key] = remap(key, {
} else if (highlightStyleMapping.has(selector)) {
const key = highlightStyleMapping.get(selector)
highlightStyles[key] = remap(key, {
console.log('theme', themeStyles)
console.log('highlight', highlightStyles)
const basename = path.basename(themePath, '.css')
const themeOverrides = merge({}, overrides.all, overrides[basename])
const theme = merge({}, themeStyles, themeOverrides.theme)
const highlightStyle = merge(
const dark = darkThemes.includes(basename)
const output = JSON.stringify({ theme, highlightStyle, dark }, null, 2)
const outputPath = path.join(outputDir, `${basename}.json`)
fs.writeFileSync(outputPath, output + '\n')
if (basename !== 'overleaf') {
function copyLicense(basename) {
const jsFilePath = path.join(__dirname, 'ace', `${basename}.js`)
if (fs.existsSync(jsFilePath)) {
const js = fs.readFileSync(jsFilePath, 'utf-8')
const match = js.match(/\*+ BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK .+? END LICENSE BLOCK \*+/s)
if (match) {
const license = match[0].replace(/\n \* ?/g, '\n')
const output = `Conversion by Overleaf from Ace to CodeMirror 6.\n\nSource: https://github.com/ajaxorg/ace/\n\nThe theme's original license is copied below:\n\n${license}`
const licenseOutputPath = path.join(outputDir, `${basename}-license.txt`)
fs.writeFileSync(licenseOutputPath, output)
} else {
console.warn(`No license in ${jsFilePath}`)
} else {
console.warn(`No license file for ${basename}`)