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ObjectId = require("mongojs").ObjectId
request = require("request")
async = require("async")
_ = require("underscore")
settings = require("settings-sharelatex")
port = settings.internal.notifications.port
logger = require "logger-sharelatex"
mongojs = require('mongojs')
Settings = require 'settings-sharelatex'
db = mongojs(Settings.mongo?.url, ['notifications'])
module.exports =
check : (callback)->
user_id = ObjectId(settings.notifications.healthCheck.user_id)
notification_key = "smoke-test-notification-#{ObjectId()}"
getOpts = (endPath)-> {url:"http://localhost:#{port}/user/#{user_id}#{endPath}", timeout:3000}
logger.log user_id:user_id, opts:getOpts(), key:notification_key, user_id:user_id, "running health check"
jobs = [
opts = getOpts("/")
opts.json = {key: notification_key, messageOpts:'', templateKey:'f4g5', user_id:user_id}
request.post(opts, cb)
opts = getOpts("/")
opts.json = true
request.get opts, (err, res, body)->
if res.statusCode != 200
e = "status code not 200 #{res.statusCode}"
logger.err err:err, e
return cb(e)
hasNotification = _.some body, (notification)->
notification.key == notification_key and notification.user_id == user_id.toString()
if hasNotification
cb(null, body)
logger.log body:body, "got notifications response for health check"
return cb("notification not found in response")
async.series jobs, (err, body)->
if err?
logger.err err:err, "error running health check"
return callback(err)
notification_id = body[1][0]._id
opts = getOpts("/notification/#{notification_id}")
request.del opts, (err, res, body)->
db.notifications.remove {_id:ObjectId(notification_id)}, callback