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# The model of all the ops. Responsible for applying & transforming remote deltas
# and managing the storage layer.
# Actual storage is handled by the database wrappers in db/*, wrapped by DocCache
{EventEmitter} = require 'events'
queue = require './syncqueue'
types = require '../types'
isArray = (o) -> Object.prototype.toString.call(o) == '[object Array]'
# This constructor creates a new Model object. There will be one model object
# per server context.
# The model object is responsible for a lot of things:
# - It manages the interactions with the database
# - It maintains (in memory) a set of all active documents
# - It calls out to the OT functions when necessary
# The model is an event emitter. It emits the following events:
# create(docName, data): A document has been created with the specified name & data
module.exports = Model = (db, options) ->
# db can be null if the user doesn't want persistance.
return new Model(db, options) if !(this instanceof Model)
model = this
options ?= {}
# This is a cache of 'live' documents.
# The cache is a map from docName -> {
# ops:[{op, meta}]
# snapshot
# type
# v
# meta
# eventEmitter
# reapTimer
# committedVersion: v
# snapshotWriteLock: bool to make sure writeSnapshot isn't re-entrant
# dbMeta: database specific data
# opQueue: syncQueue for processing ops
# }
# The ops list contains the document's last options.numCachedOps ops. (Or all
# of them if we're using a memory store).
# Documents are stored in this set so long as the document has been accessed in
# the last few seconds (options.reapTime) OR at least one client has the document
# open. I don't know if I should keep open (but not being edited) documents live -
# maybe if a client has a document open but the document isn't being edited, I should
# flush it from the cache.
# In any case, the API to model is designed such that if we want to change that later
# it should be pretty easy to do so without any external-to-the-model code changes.
docs = {}
# This is a map from docName -> [callback]. It is used when a document hasn't been
# cached and multiple getSnapshot() / getVersion() requests come in. All requests
# are added to the callback list and called when db.getSnapshot() returns.
# callback(error, snapshot data)
awaitingGetSnapshot = {}
# The time that documents which no clients have open will stay in the cache.
# Should be > 0.
options.reapTime ?= 3000
# The number of operations the cache holds before reusing the space
options.numCachedOps ?= 10
# This option forces documents to be reaped, even when there's no database backend.
# This is useful when you don't care about persistance and don't want to gradually
# fill memory.
# You might want to set reapTime to a day or something.
options.forceReaping ?= false
# Until I come up with a better strategy, we'll save a copy of the document snapshot
# to the database every ~20 submitted ops.
options.opsBeforeCommit ?= 20
# It takes some processing time to transform client ops. The server will punt ops back to the
# client to transform if they're too old.
options.maximumAge ?= 40
# **** Cache API methods
# Its important that all ops are applied in order. This helper method creates the op submission queue
# for a single document. This contains the logic for transforming & applying ops.
makeOpQueue = (docName, doc) -> queue (opData, callback) ->
return callback 'Version missing' unless opData.v >= 0
return callback 'Op at future version' if opData.v > doc.v
# Punt the transforming work back to the client if the op is too old.
return callback 'Op too old' if opData.v + options.maximumAge < doc.v
opData.meta ||= {}
opData.meta.ts = Date.now()
# We'll need to transform the op to the current version of the document. This
# calls the callback immediately if opVersion == doc.v.
getOps docName, opData.v, doc.v, (error, ops) ->
return callback error if error
unless doc.v - opData.v == ops.length
# This should never happen. It indicates that we didn't get all the ops we
# asked for. Its important that the submitted op is correctly transformed.
console.error "Could not get old ops in model for document #{docName}"
console.error "Expected ops #{opData.v} to #{doc.v} and got #{ops.length} ops"
return callback 'Internal error'
if ops.length > 0
# If there's enough ops, it might be worth spinning this out into a webworker thread.
for oldOp in ops
# Dup detection works by sending the id(s) the op has been submitted with previously.
# If the id matches, we reject it. The client can also detect the op has been submitted
# already if it sees its own previous id in the ops it sees when it does catchup.
if oldOp.meta.source and opData.dupIfSource and oldOp.meta.source in opData.dupIfSource
return callback 'Op already submitted'
opData.op = doc.type.transform opData.op, oldOp.op, 'left'
catch error
console.error error.stack
return callback error.message
snapshot = doc.type.apply doc.snapshot, opData.op
catch error
console.error error.stack
return callback error.message
# The op data should be at the current version, and the new document data should be at
# the next version.
# This should never happen in practice, but its a nice little check to make sure everything
# is hunky-dory.
unless opData.v == doc.v
# This should never happen.
console.error "Version mismatch detected in model. File a ticket - this is a bug."
console.error "Expecting #{opData.v} == #{doc.v}"
return callback 'Internal error'
#newDocData = {snapshot, type:type.name, v:opVersion + 1, meta:docData.meta}
writeOp = db?.writeOp or (docName, newOpData, callback) -> callback()
writeOp docName, opData, (error) ->
if error
# The user should probably know about this.
console.warn "Error writing ops to database: #{error}"
return callback error
# This is needed when we emit the 'change' event, below.
oldSnapshot = doc.snapshot
# All the heavy lifting is now done. Finally, we'll update the cache with the new data
# and (maybe!) save a new document snapshot to the database.
doc.v = opData.v + 1
doc.snapshot = snapshot
doc.ops.push opData
doc.ops.shift() if db and doc.ops.length > options.numCachedOps
model.emit 'applyOp', docName, opData, snapshot, oldSnapshot
doc.eventEmitter.emit 'op', opData, snapshot, oldSnapshot
# The callback is called with the version of the document at which the op was applied.
# This is the op.v after transformation, and its doc.v - 1.
callback null, opData.v
# I need a decent strategy here for deciding whether or not to save the snapshot.
# The 'right' strategy looks something like "Store the snapshot whenever the snapshot
# is smaller than the accumulated op data". For now, I'll just store it every 20
# ops or something. (Configurable with doc.committedVersion)
if !doc.snapshotWriteLock and doc.committedVersion + options.opsBeforeCommit <= doc.v
tryWriteSnapshot docName, (error) ->
console.warn "Error writing snapshot #{error}. This is nonfatal" if error
# Add the data for the given docName to the cache. The named document shouldn't already
# exist in the doc set.
# Returns the new doc.
add = (docName, error, data, committedVersion, ops, dbMeta) ->
callbacks = awaitingGetSnapshot[docName]
delete awaitingGetSnapshot[docName]
if error
callback error for callback in callbacks if callbacks
doc = docs[docName] =
snapshot: data.snapshot
v: data.v
type: data.type
meta: data.meta
# Cache of ops
ops: ops or []
eventEmitter: new EventEmitter
# Timer before the document will be invalidated from the cache (if the document has no
# listeners)
reapTimer: null
# Version of the snapshot thats in the database
committedVersion: committedVersion ? data.v
snapshotWriteLock: false
dbMeta: dbMeta
doc.opQueue = makeOpQueue docName, doc
refreshReapingTimeout docName
model.emit 'add', docName, data
callback null, doc for callback in callbacks if callbacks
# This is a little helper wrapper around db.getOps. It does two things:
# - If there's no database set, it returns an error to the callback
# - It adds version numbers to each op returned from the database
# (These can be inferred from context so the DB doesn't store them, but its useful to have them).
getOpsInternal = (docName, start, end, callback) ->
return callback? 'Document does not exist' unless db
db.getOps docName, start, end, (error, ops) ->
return callback? error if error
v = start
op.v = v++ for op in ops
callback? null, ops
# Load the named document into the cache. This function is re-entrant.
# The callback is called with (error, doc)
load = (docName, callback) ->
if docs[docName]
# The document is already loaded. Return immediately.
options.stats?.cacheHit? 'getSnapshot'
return callback null, docs[docName]
# We're a memory store. If we don't have it, nobody does.
return callback 'Document does not exist' unless db
callbacks = awaitingGetSnapshot[docName]
# The document is being loaded already. Add ourselves as a callback.
return callbacks.push callback if callbacks
options.stats?.cacheMiss? 'getSnapshot'
# The document isn't loaded and isn't being loaded. Load it.
awaitingGetSnapshot[docName] = [callback]
db.getSnapshot docName, (error, data, dbMeta) ->
return add docName, error if error
type = types[data.type]
unless type
console.warn "Type '#{data.type}' missing"
return callback "Type not found"
data.type = type
committedVersion = data.v
# The server can close without saving the most recent document snapshot.
# In this case, there are extra ops which need to be applied before
# returning the snapshot.
getOpsInternal docName, data.v, null, (error, ops) ->
return callback error if error
if ops.length > 0
console.log "Catchup #{docName} #{data.v} -> #{data.v + ops.length}"
for op in ops
data.snapshot = type.apply data.snapshot, op.op
catch e
# This should never happen - it indicates that whats in the
# database is invalid.
console.error "Op data invalid for #{docName}: #{e.stack}"
return callback 'Op data invalid'
model.emit 'load', docName, data
add docName, error, data, committedVersion, ops, dbMeta
# This makes sure the cache contains a document. If the doc cache doesn't contain
# a document, it is loaded from the database and stored.
# Documents are stored so long as either:
# - They have been accessed within the past #{PERIOD}
# - At least one client has the document open
refreshReapingTimeout = (docName) ->
doc = docs[docName]
return unless doc
# I want to let the clients list be updated before this is called.
process.nextTick ->
# This is an awkward way to find out the number of clients on a document. If this
# causes performance issues, add a numClients field to the document.
# The first check is because its possible that between refreshReapingTimeout being called and this
# event being fired, someone called delete() on the document and hence the doc is something else now.
if doc == docs[docName] and
doc.eventEmitter.listeners('op').length == 0 and
(db or options.forceReaping) and
doc.opQueue.busy is false
clearTimeout doc.reapTimer
doc.reapTimer = reapTimer = setTimeout ->
tryWriteSnapshot docName, ->
# If the reaping timeout has been refreshed while we're writing the snapshot, or if we're
# in the middle of applying an operation, don't reap.
delete docs[docName] if docs[docName].reapTimer is reapTimer and doc.opQueue.busy is false
, options.reapTime
tryWriteSnapshot = (docName, callback) ->
return callback?() unless db
doc = docs[docName]
# The doc is closed
return callback?() unless doc
# The document is already saved.
return callback?() if doc.committedVersion is doc.v
return callback? 'Another snapshot write is in progress' if doc.snapshotWriteLock
doc.snapshotWriteLock = true
writeSnapshot = db?.writeSnapshot or (docName, docData, dbMeta, callback) -> callback()
data =
v: doc.v
meta: doc.meta
snapshot: doc.snapshot
# The database doesn't know about object types.
type: doc.type.name
# Commit snapshot.
writeSnapshot docName, data, doc.dbMeta, (error, dbMeta) ->
doc.snapshotWriteLock = false
# We have to use data.v here because the version in the doc could
# have been updated between the call to writeSnapshot() and now.
doc.committedVersion = data.v
doc.dbMeta = dbMeta
callback? error
# *** Model interface methods
# Create a new document.
# data should be {snapshot, type, [meta]}. The version of a new document is 0.
@create = (docName, type, meta, callback) ->
[meta, callback] = [{}, meta] if typeof meta is 'function'
return callback? 'Invalid document name' if docName.match /\//
return callback? 'Document already exists' if docs[docName]
type = types[type] if typeof type == 'string'
return callback? 'Type not found' unless type
data =
meta:meta or {}
done = (error, dbMeta) ->
# dbMeta can be used to cache extra state needed by the database to access the document, like an ID or something.
return callback? error if error
# From here on we'll store the object version of the type name.
data.type = type
add docName, null, data, 0, [], dbMeta
model.emit 'create', docName, data
if db
db.create docName, data, done
# Perminantly deletes the specified document.
# If listeners are attached, they are removed.
# The callback is called with (error) if there was an error. If error is null / undefined, the
# document was deleted.
# WARNING: This isn't well supported throughout the code. (Eg, streaming clients aren't told about the
# deletion. Subsequent op submissions will fail).
@delete = (docName, callback) ->
doc = docs[docName]
if doc
clearTimeout doc.reapTimer
delete docs[docName]
done = (error) ->
model.emit 'delete', docName unless error
callback? error
if db
db.delete docName, doc?.dbMeta, done
done (if !doc then 'Document does not exist')
# This gets all operations from [start...end]. (That is, its not inclusive.)
# end can be null. This means 'get me all ops from start'.
# Each op returned is in the form {op:o, meta:m, v:version}.
# Callback is called with (error, [ops])
# If the document does not exist, getOps doesn't necessarily return an error. This is because
# its awkward to figure out whether or not the document exists for things
# like the redis database backend. I guess its a bit gross having this inconsistant
# with the other DB calls, but its certainly convenient.
# Use getVersion() to determine if a document actually exists, if thats what you're
# after.
@getOps = getOps = (docName, start, end, callback) ->
# getOps will only use the op cache if its there. It won't fill the op cache in.
throw new Error 'start must be 0+' unless start >= 0
[end, callback] = [null, end] if typeof end is 'function'
ops = docs[docName]?.ops
if ops
version = docs[docName].v
# Ops contains an array of ops. The last op in the list is the last op applied
end ?= version
start = Math.min start, end
return callback null, [] if start == end
# Base is the version number of the oldest op we have cached
base = version - ops.length
# If the database is null, we'll trim to the ops we do have and hope thats enough.
if start >= base or db is null
refreshReapingTimeout docName
options.stats?.cacheHit 'getOps'
return callback null, ops[(start - base)...(end - base)]
options.stats?.cacheMiss 'getOps'
getOpsInternal docName, start, end, callback
# Gets the snapshot data for the specified document.
# getSnapshot(docName, callback)
# Callback is called with (error, {v: <version>, type: <type>, snapshot: <snapshot>, meta: <meta>})
@getSnapshot = (docName, callback) ->
load docName, (error, doc) ->
callback error, if doc then {v:doc.v, type:doc.type, snapshot:doc.snapshot, meta:doc.meta}
# Gets the latest version # of the document.
# getVersion(docName, callback)
# callback is called with (error, version).
@getVersion = (docName, callback) ->
load docName, (error, doc) -> callback error, doc?.v
# Apply an op to the specified document.
# The callback is passed (error, applied version #)
# opData = {op:op, v:v, meta:metadata}
# Ops are queued before being applied so that the following code applies op C before op B:
# model.applyOp 'doc', OPA, -> model.applyOp 'doc', OPB
# model.applyOp 'doc', OPC
@applyOp = (docName, opData, callback) ->
# All the logic for this is in makeOpQueue, above.
load docName, (error, doc) ->
return callback error if error
process.nextTick -> doc.opQueue opData, (error, newVersion) ->
refreshReapingTimeout docName
callback? error, newVersion
# TODO: store (some) metadata in DB
# TODO: op and meta should be combineable in the op that gets sent
@applyMetaOp = (docName, metaOpData, callback) ->
{path, value} = metaOpData.meta
return callback? "path should be an array" unless isArray path
load docName, (error, doc) ->
if error?
callback? error
applied = false
switch path[0]
when 'shout'
doc.eventEmitter.emit 'op', metaOpData
applied = true
model.emit 'applyMetaOp', docName, path, value if applied
callback? null, doc.v
# Listen to all ops from the specified version. If version is in the past, all
# ops since that version are sent immediately to the listener.
# The callback is called once the listener is attached, but before any ops have been passed
# to the listener.
# This will _not_ edit the document metadata.
# If there are any listeners, we don't purge the document from the cache. But be aware, this behaviour
# might change in a future version.
# version is the document version at which the document is opened. It can be left out if you want to open
# the document at the most recent version.
# listener is called with (opData) each time an op is applied.
# callback(error, openedVersion)
@listen = (docName, version, listener, callback) ->
[version, listener, callback] = [null, version, listener] if typeof version is 'function'
load docName, (error, doc) ->
return callback? error if error
clearTimeout doc.reapTimer
if version?
getOps docName, version, null, (error, data) ->
return callback? error if error
doc.eventEmitter.on 'op', listener
callback? null, version
for op in data
listener op
# The listener may well remove itself during the catchup phase. If this happens, break early.
# This is done in a quite inefficient way. (O(n) where n = #listeners on doc)
break unless listener in doc.eventEmitter.listeners 'op'
else # Version is null / undefined. Just add the listener.
doc.eventEmitter.on 'op', listener
callback? null, doc.v
# Remove a listener for a particular document.
# removeListener(docName, listener)
# This is synchronous.
@removeListener = (docName, listener) ->
# The document should already be loaded.
doc = docs[docName]
throw new Error 'removeListener called but document not loaded' unless doc
doc.eventEmitter.removeListener 'op', listener
refreshReapingTimeout docName
# Flush saves all snapshot data to the database. I'm not sure whether or not this is actually needed -
# sharejs will happily replay uncommitted ops when documents are re-opened anyway.
@flush = (callback) ->
return callback?() unless db
pendingWrites = 0
for docName, doc of docs
if doc.committedVersion < doc.v
# I'm hoping writeSnapshot will always happen in another thread.
tryWriteSnapshot docName, ->
process.nextTick ->
callback?() if pendingWrites is 0
# If nothing was queued, terminate immediately.
callback?() if pendingWrites is 0
# Close the database connection. This is needed so nodejs can shut down cleanly.
@closeDb = ->
db = null
# Model inherits from EventEmitter.
Model:: = new EventEmitter