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180 lines
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json = require './json' if typeof WEB is 'undefined'
if WEB?
extendDoc = exports.extendDoc
exports.extendDoc = (name, fn) ->
SubDoc::[name] = fn
extendDoc name, fn
depath = (path) ->
if path.length == 1 and path[0].constructor == Array
else path
class SubDoc
constructor: (@doc, @path) ->
at: (path...) -> @doc.at @path.concat depath path
get: -> @doc.getAt @path
# for objects and lists
set: (value, cb) -> @doc.setAt @path, value, cb
# for strings and lists.
insert: (pos, value, cb) -> @doc.insertAt @path, pos, value, cb
# for strings
del: (pos, length, cb) -> @doc.deleteTextAt @path, length, pos, cb
# for objects and lists
remove: (cb) -> @doc.removeAt @path, cb
push: (value, cb) -> @insert @get().length, value, cb
move: (from, to, cb) -> @doc.moveAt @path, from, to, cb
add: (amount, cb) -> @doc.addAt @path, amount, cb
on: (event, cb) -> @doc.addListener @path, event, cb
removeListener: (l) -> @doc.removeListener l
# text API compatibility
getLength: -> @get().length
getText: -> @get()
traverse = (snapshot, path) ->
container = data:snapshot
key = 'data'
elem = container
for p in path
elem = elem[key]
key = p
throw new Error 'bad path' if typeof elem == 'undefined'
{elem, key}
pathEquals = (p1, p2) ->
return false if p1.length != p2.length
for e,i in p1
return false if e != p2[i]
json.api =
provides: {json:true}
at: (path...) -> new SubDoc this, depath path
get: -> @snapshot
set: (value, cb) -> @setAt [], value, cb
getAt: (path) ->
{elem, key} = traverse @snapshot, path
return elem[key]
setAt: (path, value, cb) ->
{elem, key} = traverse @snapshot, path
op = {p:path}
if elem.constructor == Array
op.li = value
op.ld = elem[key] if typeof elem[key] != 'undefined'
else if typeof elem == 'object'
op.oi = value
op.od = elem[key] if typeof elem[key] != 'undefined'
else throw new Error 'bad path'
@submitOp [op], cb
removeAt: (path, cb) ->
{elem, key} = traverse @snapshot, path
throw new Error 'no element at that path' unless typeof elem[key] != 'undefined'
op = {p:path}
if elem.constructor == Array
op.ld = elem[key]
else if typeof elem == 'object'
op.od = elem[key]
else throw new Error 'bad path'
@submitOp [op], cb
insertAt: (path, pos, value, cb) ->
{elem, key} = traverse @snapshot, path
op = {p:path.concat pos}
if elem[key].constructor == Array
op.li = value
else if typeof elem[key] == 'string'
op.si = value
@submitOp [op], cb
moveAt: (path, from, to, cb) ->
op = [{p:path.concat(from), lm:to}]
@submitOp op, cb
addAt: (path, amount, cb) ->
op = [{p:path, na:amount}]
@submitOp op, cb
deleteTextAt: (path, length, pos, cb) ->
{elem, key} = traverse @snapshot, path
op = [{p:path.concat(pos), sd:elem[key][pos...(pos + length)]}]
@submitOp op, cb
addListener: (path, event, cb) ->
l = {path, event, cb}
@_listeners.push l
removeListener: (l) ->
i = @_listeners.indexOf l
return false if i < 0
@_listeners.splice i, 1
return true
_register: ->
@_listeners = []
@on 'change', (op) ->
for c in op
if c.na != undefined or c.si != undefined or c.sd != undefined
# no change to structure
to_remove = []
for l, i in @_listeners
# Transform a dummy op by the incoming op to work out what
# should happen to the listener.
dummy = {p:l.path, na:0}
xformed = @type.transformComponent [], dummy, c, 'left'
if xformed.length == 0
# The op was transformed to noop, so we should delete the listener.
to_remove.push i
else if xformed.length == 1
# The op remained, so grab its new path into the listener.
l.path = xformed[0].p
throw new Error "Bad assumption in json-api: xforming an 'si' op will always result in 0 or 1 components."
to_remove.sort (a, b) -> b - a
for i in to_remove
@_listeners.splice i, 1
@on 'remoteop', (op) ->
for c in op
match_path = if c.na == undefined then c.p[...c.p.length-1] else c.p
for {path, event, cb} in @_listeners
if pathEquals path, match_path
switch event
when 'insert'
if c.li != undefined and c.ld == undefined
cb(c.p[c.p.length-1], c.li)
else if c.oi != undefined and c.od == undefined
cb(c.p[c.p.length-1], c.oi)
else if c.si != undefined
cb(c.p[c.p.length-1], c.si)
when 'delete'
if c.li == undefined and c.ld != undefined
cb(c.p[c.p.length-1], c.ld)
else if c.oi == undefined and c.od != undefined
cb(c.p[c.p.length-1], c.od)
else if c.sd != undefined
cb(c.p[c.p.length-1], c.sd)
when 'replace'
if c.li != undefined and c.ld != undefined
cb(c.p[c.p.length-1], c.ld, c.li)
else if c.oi != undefined and c.od != undefined
cb(c.p[c.p.length-1], c.od, c.oi)
when 'move'
if c.lm != undefined
cb(c.p[c.p.length-1], c.lm)
when 'add'
if c.na != undefined
else if (common = @type.commonPath match_path, path)?
if event == 'child op'
if match_path.length == path.length == common
throw new Error "paths match length and have commonality, but aren't equal?"
child_path = c.p[common+1..]
cb(child_path, c)