mirror of
synced 2025-02-15 11:40:52 +00:00
* Update Copybara options in preparation for open-sourcing the source editor * Move files * Update paths * Remove source-editor module and checks for its existence * Explicitly mention CM6 license in files that contain code adapted from CM6 GitOrigin-RevId: 89b7cc2b409db01ad103198ccbd1b126ab56349b
509 lines
16 KiB
509 lines
16 KiB
/* eslint-disable
// TODO: This file was created by bulk-decaffeinate.
// Fix any style issues and re-enable lint.
* decaffeinate suggestions:
* DS101: Remove unnecessary use of Array.from
* DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns
* DS103: Rewrite code to no longer use __guard__
* DS207: Consider shorter variations of null checks
* Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md
import App from './base'
import FileTreeManager from './ide/file-tree/FileTreeManager'
import LoadingManager from './ide/LoadingManager'
import ConnectionManager from './ide/connection/ConnectionManager'
import EditorManager from './ide/editor/EditorManager'
import OnlineUsersManager from './ide/online-users/OnlineUsersManager'
import HistoryManager from './ide/history/HistoryManager'
import HistoryV2Manager from './ide/history/HistoryV2Manager'
import PermissionsManager from './ide/permissions/PermissionsManager'
import BinaryFilesManager from './ide/binary-files/BinaryFilesManager'
import ReferencesManager from './ide/references/ReferencesManager'
import MetadataManager from './ide/metadata/MetadataManager'
import './ide/review-panel/ReviewPanelManager'
import OutlineManager from './features/outline/outline-manager'
import SafariScrollPatcher from './ide/SafariScrollPatcher'
import './ide/cobranding/CobrandingDataService'
import './ide/settings/index'
import './ide/chat/index'
import './ide/clone/index'
import './ide/file-view/index'
import './ide/hotkeys/index'
import './ide/wordcount/index'
import './ide/directives/layout'
import './ide/directives/validFile'
import './ide/directives/verticalResizablePanes'
import './ide/services/ide'
import './directives/focus'
import './directives/fineUpload'
import './directives/scroll'
import './directives/onEnter'
import './directives/stopPropagation'
import './directives/rightClick'
import './directives/expandableTextArea'
import './directives/videoPlayState'
import './services/queued-http'
import './services/validateCaptcha'
import './services/validateCaptchaV3'
import './services/wait-for'
import './filters/formatDate'
import './main/event'
import './main/account-upgrade-angular'
import './main/system-messages'
import '../../modules/modules-ide.js'
import './features/source-editor/ide'
import './shared/context/controllers/root-context-controller'
import './features/editor-navigation-toolbar/controllers/editor-navigation-toolbar-controller'
import './features/pdf-preview/controllers/pdf-preview-controller'
import './features/share-project-modal/controllers/react-share-project-modal-controller'
import './features/source-editor/controllers/editor-switch-controller'
import './features/source-editor/controllers/cm6-switch-away-survey-controller'
import './features/source-editor/controllers/grammarly-warning-controller'
import './features/outline/controllers/documentation-button-controller'
import './features/onboarding/controllers/onboarding-video-tour-modal-controller'
import './features/history/controllers/history-controller'
import './features/history/controllers/history-file-tree-controller'
import { cleanupServiceWorker } from './utils/service-worker-cleanup'
import { reportCM6Perf } from './infrastructure/cm6-performance'
import { reportAcePerf } from './ide/editor/ace-performance'
import { scheduleUserContentDomainAccessCheck } from './features/user-content-domain-access-check'
function (
) {
// Don't freak out if we're already in an apply callback
let err, pdfLayout, userAgent
$scope.$originalApply = $scope.$apply
$scope.$apply = function (fn) {
if (fn == null) {
fn = function () {}
const phase = this.$root.$$phase
if (phase === '$apply' || phase === '$digest') {
return fn()
} else {
return this.$originalApply(fn)
$scope.state = {
loading: true,
load_progress: 40,
error: null,
$scope.ui = {
leftMenuShown: false,
view: 'editor',
chatOpen: false,
pdfLayout: 'sideBySide',
pdfHidden: false,
pdfWidth: 0,
reviewPanelOpen: localStorage(`ui.reviewPanelOpen.${window.project_id}`),
miniReviewPanelVisible: false,
chatResizerSizeOpen: 7,
chatResizerSizeClosed: 0,
$scope.user = window.user
$scope.settings = window.userSettings
$scope.anonymous = window.anonymous
$scope.isTokenMember = window.isTokenMember
$scope.isRestrictedTokenMember = window.isRestrictedTokenMember
$scope.cobranding = {
isProjectCobranded: CobrandingDataService.isProjectCobranded(),
logoImgUrl: CobrandingDataService.getLogoImgUrl(),
submitBtnHtml: CobrandingDataService.getSubmitBtnHtml(),
brandVariationName: CobrandingDataService.getBrandVariationName(),
brandVariationHomeUrl: CobrandingDataService.getBrandVariationHomeUrl(),
$scope.chat = {}
ide.toggleReviewPanel = $scope.toggleReviewPanel = function () {
$scope.$applyAsync(() => {
if (!$scope.project.features.trackChangesVisible) {
$scope.ui.reviewPanelOpen = !$scope.ui.reviewPanelOpen
eventTracking.sendMB('rp-toggle-panel', {
value: $scope.ui.reviewPanelOpen,
$scope.$watch('ui.reviewPanelOpen', function (value) {
if (value != null) {
return localStorage(`ui.reviewPanelOpen.${window.project_id}`, value)
$scope.$on('layout:pdf:resize', function (_, layoutState) {
$scope.ui.pdfHidden = layoutState.east.initClosed
return ($scope.ui.pdfWidth = layoutState.east.size)
$scope.$watch('ui.view', function (newView, oldView) {
if (newView !== oldView) {
if (newView != null && newView !== 'editor' && newView !== 'pdf') {
$scope.$watch('ui.chatOpen', function (isOpen) {
if (isOpen) {
$scope.$watch('ui.leftMenuShown', function (isOpen) {
if (isOpen) {
$scope.trackHover = feature => {
// End of tracking code.
window._ide = ide
ide.validFileRegex = '^[^*/]*$' // Don't allow * and /
const useFallbackWebsocket =
window.location &&
window.location.search &&
// if we previously failed to load the websocket fall back to null (the siteUrl)
ide.wsUrl = useFallbackWebsocket ? null : window.sharelatex.wsUrl || null // websocket url (if defined)
ide.project_id = $scope.project_id = window.project_id
ide.$scope = $scope
ide.referencesSearchManager = new ReferencesManager(ide, $scope)
ide.loadingManager = new LoadingManager($scope)
ide.connectionManager = new ConnectionManager(ide, $scope)
ide.fileTreeManager = new FileTreeManager(ide, $scope)
ide.editorManager = new EditorManager(
ide.onlineUsersManager = new OnlineUsersManager(ide, $scope)
if (window.data.useV2History) {
ide.historyManager = new HistoryV2Manager(ide, $scope, localStorage)
} else {
ide.historyManager = new HistoryManager(ide, $scope)
ide.permissionsManager = new PermissionsManager(ide, $scope)
ide.binaryFilesManager = new BinaryFilesManager(ide, $scope)
ide.metadataManager = new MetadataManager(ide, $scope, metadata)
ide.outlineManager = new OutlineManager(ide, $scope)
let inited = false
$scope.$on('project:joined', function () {
if (inited) {
inited = true
if (
$scope != null ? $scope.project : undefined,
x => x.deletedByExternalDataSource
) {
'Project Renamed or Deleted',
This project has either been renamed or deleted by an external data source such as Dropbox.
We don't want to delete your data on Overleaf, so this project still contains your history and collaborators.
If the project has been renamed please look in your project list for a new project under the new name.\
return $timeout(function () {
if ($scope.permissions.write) {
let _labelsInitialLoadDone
return (_labelsInitialLoadDone = true)
}, 200)
// Count the first 'doc:opened' as a sign that the ide is loaded
// and broadcast a message. This is a good event to listen for
// if you want to wait until the ide is fully loaded and initialized
let _loaded = false
$scope.$on('doc:opened', function () {
if (_loaded) {
return (_loaded = true)
ide.editingSessionHeartbeat = () => {
eventTracking.editingSessionHeartbeat(() => {
const editorType = ide.editorManager.getEditorType()
const segmentation = {
if (editorType === 'cm6' || editorType === 'cm6-rich-text') {
const cm6PerfData = reportCM6Perf()
// Ignore if no typing has happened
if (cm6PerfData.numberOfEntries > 0) {
const perfProps = [
for (const prop of perfProps) {
const perfValue =
cm6PerfData[prop.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + prop.slice(1)]
if (perfValue !== null) {
segmentation['cm6Perf' + prop] = perfValue
} else if (editorType === 'ace') {
const acePerfData = reportAcePerf()
if (acePerfData.numberOfEntries > 0) {
const perfProps = [
for (const prop of perfProps) {
const perfValue =
acePerfData[prop.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + prop.slice(1)]
if (perfValue !== null) {
segmentation['acePerf' + prop] = perfValue
return segmentation
$scope.$on('cursor:editor:update', () => {
$scope.$on('scroll:editor:update', () => {
angular.element($window).on('click', ide.editingSessionHeartbeat)
$scope.$on('$destroy', () =>
angular.element($window).off('click', ide.editingSessionHeartbeat)
const DARK_THEMES = [
$scope.darkTheme = false
$scope.$watch('settings.editorTheme', function (theme) {
if (Array.from(DARK_THEMES).includes(theme)) {
return ($scope.darkTheme = true)
} else {
return ($scope.darkTheme = false)
ide.localStorage = localStorage
ide.browserIsSafari = false
$scope.switchToFlatLayout = function (view) {
$scope.ui.pdfLayout = 'flat'
$scope.ui.view = view
return ide.localStorage('pdf.layout', 'flat')
$scope.switchToSideBySideLayout = function (view) {
$scope.ui.pdfLayout = 'sideBySide'
$scope.ui.view = view
return localStorage('pdf.layout', 'split')
if ((pdfLayout = localStorage('pdf.layout'))) {
if (pdfLayout === 'split') {
if (pdfLayout === 'flat') {
} else {
// Update ui.pdfOpen when the layout changes.
// The east pane should open when the layout changes from "Editor only" or "PDF only" to "Editor & PDF".
$scope.$watch('ui.pdfLayout', value => {
$scope.ui.pdfOpen = value === 'sideBySide'
// Update ui.pdfLayout when the east pane is toggled.
// The layout should be set to "Editor & PDF" (sideBySide) when the east pane is opened, and "Editor only" (flat) when the east pane is closed.
$scope.$watch('ui.pdfOpen', value => {
$scope.ui.pdfLayout = value ? 'sideBySide' : 'flat'
if (value) {
window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('ui:pdf-open'))
$scope.handleKeyDown = () => {
// unused?
try {
;({ userAgent } = navigator)
ide.browserIsSafari =
userAgent &&
/.*Safari\/.*/.test(userAgent) &&
!/.*Chrome\/.*/.test(userAgent) &&
} catch (error) {
err = error
if (ide.browserIsSafari) {
ide.safariScrollPatcher = new SafariScrollPatcher($scope)
// Fix Chrome 61 and 62 text-shadow rendering
let browserIsChrome61or62 = false
try {
const chromeVersion =
parseFloat(navigator.userAgent.split(' Chrome/')[1]) || null
browserIsChrome61or62 = chromeVersion != null
if (browserIsChrome61or62) {
'.ace_editor.ace_autocomplete .ace_completion-highlight { text-shadow: none !important; font-weight: bold; }',
} catch (error1) {
err = error1
// User can append ?ft=somefeature to url to activate a feature toggle
ide.featureToggle = __guard__(
typeof location !== 'undefined' && location !== null
? location.search
: undefined,
x1 => x1.match(/^\?ft=(\w+)$/)
x => x[1]
// Listen for editor:lint event from CM6 linter
window.addEventListener('editor:lint', event => {
$scope.hasLintingError = event.detail.hasLintingError
return ide.socket.on('project:publicAccessLevel:changed', data => {
if (data.newAccessLevel != null) {
ide.$scope.project.publicAccesLevel = data.newAccessLevel
return $scope.$digest()
angular.module('SharelatexApp').config(function ($provide) {
$provide.decorator('$browser', [
function ($delegate) {
$delegate.onUrlChange = function () {}
$delegate.url = function () {
return ''
return $delegate
export default angular.bootstrap(document.body, ['SharelatexApp'])
function __guard__(value, transform) {
return typeof value !== 'undefined' && value !== null
? transform(value)
: undefined