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synced 2025-03-03 03:43:26 +00:00
Squashed commits: [45c2237] Add a `subscription-form-switch-to-student` event [1ad9b8f] change experiment name, and re-enable switch-to-student workflow [f7cdb78] Remove debug [4b9778a] Incorporate collaborator alternative plans [701e80b] Add collaborator plans for heron and ibis [287aa0f] AB test plans from editor page [c74052e] Fix change-plan view for default plans [1a947d6] Use correct plan codes [1eecda7] Adjust prices [69c4c7b] Introduce two plans [8b8d5f8] Rename sixpack experiment [c332002] Fix up the change-plan page [c7af52d] Overhaul change-plan page, show only plans from current generation [33d86bf] update plan [5bbd946] Add a basic plans AB test
70 lines
2.7 KiB
70 lines
2.7 KiB
Settings = require('settings-sharelatex')
RecurlyWrapper = require("./RecurlyWrapper")
PlansLocator = require("./PlansLocator")
SubscriptionFormatters = require("./SubscriptionFormatters")
LimitationsManager = require("./LimitationsManager")
SubscriptionLocator = require("./SubscriptionLocator")
logger = require('logger-sharelatex')
_ = require("underscore")
module.exports =
buildUsersSubscriptionViewModel: (user, callback = (error, subscription, memberSubscriptions) ->) ->
SubscriptionLocator.getUsersSubscription user, (err, subscription) ->
return callback(err) if err?
SubscriptionLocator.getMemberSubscriptions user, (err, memberSubscriptions = []) ->
return callback(err) if err?
if subscription?
return callback(error) if error?
plan = PlansLocator.findLocalPlanInSettings(subscription.planCode)
if !plan?
err = new Error("No plan found for planCode '#{subscription.planCode}'")
logger.error {user_id: user._id, err}, "error getting subscription plan for user"
return callback(err)
RecurlyWrapper.getSubscription subscription.recurlySubscription_id, (err, recurlySubscription)->
tax = recurlySubscription?.tax_in_cents || 0
callback null, {
name: plan.name
nextPaymentDueAt: SubscriptionFormatters.formatDate(recurlySubscription?.current_period_ends_at)
state: recurlySubscription?.state
price: SubscriptionFormatters.formatPrice (recurlySubscription?.unit_amount_in_cents + tax), recurlySubscription?.currency
planCode: subscription.planCode
groupPlan: subscription.groupPlan
}, memberSubscriptions
callback null, null, memberSubscriptions
buildViewModel : ->
plans = Settings.plans
allPlans = {}
plans.forEach (plan)->
allPlans[plan.planCode] = plan
result =
allPlans: allPlans
result.personalAccount = _.find plans, (plan)->
plan.planCode == "personal"
result.studentAccounts = _.filter plans, (plan)->
plan.planCode.indexOf("student") != -1
result.groupMonthlyPlans = _.filter plans, (plan)->
plan.groupPlan and !plan.annual
result.groupAnnualPlans = _.filter plans, (plan)->
plan.groupPlan and plan.annual
result.individualMonthlyPlans = _.filter plans, (plan)->
!plan.groupPlan and !plan.annual and plan.planCode != "personal" and plan.planCode.indexOf("student") == -1
result.individualAnnualPlans = _.filter plans, (plan)->
!plan.groupPlan and plan.annual and plan.planCode.indexOf("student") == -1
return result