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62 lines
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define [
], () ->
App = angular.module("SharelatexApp", [
]).config ($qProvider, sixpackProvider, $httpProvider, uiSelectConfig) ->
uiSelectConfig.spinnerClass = 'fa fa-refresh ui-select-spin'
debug: false
baseUrl: window.sharelatex.sixpackDomain
client_id: window.user_id
extensions: ["Safe.js"]
messageStyle: "none"
availableFonts: ["TeX"]
# MathJax's automatic font scaling does not work well when we render math
# that isn't yet on the page, so we disable it and set a global font
# scale factor
scale: 110
matchFontHeight: false
equationNumbers: { autoNumber: "AMS" }
useLabelIDs: false
skipStartupTypeset: true
processEscapes: true
# Dollar delimiters are added by the mathjax directive
inlineMath: [ ["\\(","\\)"] ]
displayMath: [ ['$$','$$'], ["\\[","\\]"] ]
App.run ($templateCache) ->
# UI Select templates are hard-coded and use Glyphicon icons (which we don't import).
# The line below simply overrides the hard-coded template with our own, which is
# basically the same but using Font Awesome icons.
$templateCache.put "bootstrap/match.tpl.html", "<div class=\"ui-select-match\" ng-hide=\"$select.open && $select.searchEnabled\" ng-disabled=\"$select.disabled\" ng-class=\"{\'btn-default-focus\':$select.focus}\"><span tabindex=\"-1\" class=\"btn btn-default form-control ui-select-toggle\" aria-label=\"{{ $select.baseTitle }} activate\" ng-disabled=\"$select.disabled\" ng-click=\"$select.activate()\" style=\"outline: 0;\"><span ng-show=\"$select.isEmpty()\" class=\"ui-select-placeholder text-muted\">{{$select.placeholder}}</span> <span ng-hide=\"$select.isEmpty()\" class=\"ui-select-match-text pull-left\" ng-class=\"{\'ui-select-allow-clear\': $select.allowClear && !$select.isEmpty()}\" ng-transclude=\"\"></span> <i class=\"caret pull-right\" ng-click=\"$select.toggle($event)\"></i> <a ng-show=\"$select.allowClear && !$select.isEmpty() && ($select.disabled !== true)\" aria-label=\"{{ $select.baseTitle }} clear\" style=\"margin-right: 10px\" ng-click=\"$select.clear($event)\" class=\"btn btn-xs btn-link pull-right\"><i class=\"fa fa-times\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i></a></span></div>"
sl_debugging = window.location?.search?.match(/debug=true/)?
window.sl_console =
log: (args...) -> console.log(args...) if sl_debugging
return App