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SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module')
sinon = require('sinon')
modulePath = require('path').join __dirname, '../../../app/js/CompileController'
tk = require("timekeeper")
describe "CompileController", ->
beforeEach ->
@CompileController = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires:
"./CompileManager": @CompileManager = {}
"./RequestParser": @RequestParser = {}
"settings-sharelatex": @Settings =
url: "http://clsi.example.com"
"./ProjectPersistenceManager": @ProjectPersistenceManager = {}
"logger-sharelatex": @logger = { log: sinon.stub(), error: sinon.stub() }
@Settings.externalUrl = "http://www.example.com"
@req = {}
@res = {}
@next = sinon.stub()
describe "compile", ->
beforeEach ->
@req.body = {
compile: "mock-body"
@req.params =
project_id: @project_id = "project-id-123"
@request = {
compile: "mock-parsed-request"
@request_with_project_id =
compile: @request.compile
project_id: @project_id
@output_files = [{
path: "output.pdf"
type: "pdf"
build: 1234
}, {
path: "output.log"
type: "log"
build: 1234
@RequestParser.parse = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, @request)
@ProjectPersistenceManager.markProjectAsJustAccessed = sinon.stub().callsArg(1)
@res.status = sinon.stub().returnsThis()
@res.send = sinon.stub()
describe "successfully", ->
beforeEach ->
@CompileManager.doCompileWithLock = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, @output_files)
@CompileController.compile @req, @res
it "should parse the request", ->
.should.equal true
it "should run the compile for the specified project", ->
.should.equal true
it "should mark the project as accessed", ->
.should.equal true
it "should return the JSON response", ->
@res.status.calledWith(200).should.equal true
status: "success"
error: null
outputFiles: @output_files.map (file) =>
url: "#{@Settings.apis.clsi.url}/project/#{@project_id}/build/#{file.build}/output/#{file.path}"
path: file.path
type: file.type
build: file.build
.should.equal true
describe "with an error", ->
beforeEach ->
@CompileManager.doCompileWithLock = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, new Error(@message = "error message"), null)
@CompileController.compile @req, @res
it "should return the JSON response with the error", ->
@res.status.calledWith(500).should.equal true
status: "error"
error: @message
outputFiles: []
.should.equal true
describe "when the request times out", ->
beforeEach ->
@error = new Error(@message = "container timed out")
@error.timedout = true
@CompileManager.doCompileWithLock = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, @error, null)
@CompileController.compile @req, @res
it "should return the JSON response with the timeout status", ->
@res.status.calledWith(200).should.equal true
status: "timedout"
error: @message
outputFiles: []
.should.equal true
describe "when the request returns no output files", ->
beforeEach ->
@CompileManager.doCompileWithLock = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, [])
@CompileController.compile @req, @res
it "should return the JSON response with the failure status", ->
@res.status.calledWith(200).should.equal true
error: null
status: "failure"
outputFiles: []
.should.equal true
describe "syncFromCode", ->
beforeEach ->
@file = "main.tex"
@line = 42
@column = 5
@project_id = "mock-project-id"
@req.params =
project_id: @project_id
@req.query =
file: @file
line: @line.toString()
column: @column.toString()
@res.send = sinon.stub()
@CompileManager.syncFromCode = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(5, null, @pdfPositions = ["mock-positions"])
@CompileController.syncFromCode @req, @res, @next
it "should find the corresponding location in the PDF", ->
.calledWith(@project_id, undefined, @file, @line, @column)
.should.equal true
it "should return the positions", ->
pdf: @pdfPositions
.should.equal true
describe "syncFromPdf", ->
beforeEach ->
@page = 5
@h = 100.23
@v = 45.67
@project_id = "mock-project-id"
@req.params =
project_id: @project_id
@req.query =
page: @page.toString()
h: @h.toString()
v: @v.toString()
@res.send = sinon.stub()
@CompileManager.syncFromPdf = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(5, null, @codePositions = ["mock-positions"])
@CompileController.syncFromPdf @req, @res, @next
it "should find the corresponding location in the code", ->
.calledWith(@project_id, undefined, @page, @h, @v)
.should.equal true
it "should return the positions", ->
code: @codePositions
.should.equal true
describe "wordcount", ->
beforeEach ->
@file = "main.tex"
@project_id = "mock-project-id"
@req.params =
project_id: @project_id
@req.query =
file: @file
image: @image = "example.com/image"
@res.send = sinon.stub()
@CompileManager.wordcount = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(4, null, @texcount = ["mock-texcount"])
@CompileController.wordcount @req, @res, @next
it "should return the word count of a file", ->
.calledWith(@project_id, undefined, @file, @image)
.should.equal true
it "should return the texcount info", ->
texcount: @texcount
.should.equal true