mirror of
synced 2025-02-01 07:44:37 +00:00
The version number is only used by the doc updater and so can be cleanly encapsulated in a collection that only the doc updater knows about. The version is already stored under docOps, so continue to tore it there.
240 lines
8.6 KiB
240 lines
8.6 KiB
sinon = require "sinon"
chai = require("chai")
async = require "async"
rclient = require("redis").createClient()
{db, ObjectId} = require "../../../app/js/mongojs"
MockTrackChangesApi = require "./helpers/MockTrackChangesApi"
MockWebApi = require "./helpers/MockWebApi"
DocUpdaterClient = require "./helpers/DocUpdaterClient"
describe "Applying updates to a doc", ->
before ->
@lines = ["one", "two", "three"]
@version = 42
@update =
doc: @doc_id
op: [{
i: "one and a half\n"
p: 4
v: @version
@result = ["one", "one and a half", "two", "three"]
describe "when the document is not loaded", ->
before (done) ->
[@project_id, @doc_id] = [DocUpdaterClient.randomId(), DocUpdaterClient.randomId()]
sinon.spy MockWebApi, "getDocument"
MockWebApi.insertDoc @project_id, @doc_id, lines: @lines
db.docOps.insert {
doc_id: ObjectId(@doc_id)
version: @version
}, (error) =>
throw error if error?
DocUpdaterClient.sendUpdate @project_id, @doc_id, @update, (error) ->
throw error if error?
setTimeout done, 200
after ->
it "should load the document from the web API", ->
.calledWith(@project_id, @doc_id)
.should.equal true
it "should update the doc", (done) ->
DocUpdaterClient.getDoc @project_id, @doc_id, (error, res, doc) =>
doc.lines.should.deep.equal @result
it "should push the applied updates to the track changes api", (done) ->
rclient.lrange "UncompressedHistoryOps:#{@doc_id}", 0, -1, (error, updates) =>
throw error if error?
JSON.parse(updates[0]).op.should.deep.equal @update.op
rclient.sismember "DocsWithHistoryOps:#{@project_id}", @doc_id, (error, result) =>
throw error if error?
result.should.equal 1
describe "when the document is loaded", ->
before (done) ->
[@project_id, @doc_id] = [DocUpdaterClient.randomId(), DocUpdaterClient.randomId()]
MockWebApi.insertDoc @project_id, @doc_id, lines: @lines
db.docOps.insert doc_id: ObjectId(@doc_id), version: @version, (error) =>
throw error if error?
DocUpdaterClient.preloadDoc @project_id, @doc_id, (error) =>
throw error if error?
sinon.spy MockWebApi, "getDocument"
DocUpdaterClient.sendUpdate @project_id, @doc_id, @update, (error) ->
throw error if error?
setTimeout done, 200
after ->
it "should not need to call the web api", ->
MockWebApi.getDocument.called.should.equal false
it "should update the doc", (done) ->
DocUpdaterClient.getDoc @project_id, @doc_id, (error, res, doc) =>
doc.lines.should.deep.equal @result
it "should push the applied updates to the track changes api", (done) ->
rclient.lrange "UncompressedHistoryOps:#{@doc_id}", 0, -1, (error, updates) =>
JSON.parse(updates[0]).op.should.deep.equal @update.op
rclient.sismember "DocsWithHistoryOps:#{@project_id}", @doc_id, (error, result) =>
result.should.equal 1
describe "when the document has been deleted", ->
describe "when the ops come in a single linear order", ->
before (done) ->
[@project_id, @doc_id] = [DocUpdaterClient.randomId(), DocUpdaterClient.randomId()]
lines = ["", "", ""]
MockWebApi.insertDoc @project_id, @doc_id, lines: lines
db.docOps.insert doc_id: ObjectId(@doc_id), version: 0, (error) =>
throw error if error?
@updates = [
{ doc_id: @doc_id, v: 0, op: [i: "h", p: 0 ] }
{ doc_id: @doc_id, v: 1, op: [i: "e", p: 1 ] }
{ doc_id: @doc_id, v: 2, op: [i: "l", p: 2 ] }
{ doc_id: @doc_id, v: 3, op: [i: "l", p: 3 ] }
{ doc_id: @doc_id, v: 4, op: [i: "o", p: 4 ] }
{ doc_id: @doc_id, v: 5, op: [i: " ", p: 5 ] }
{ doc_id: @doc_id, v: 6, op: [i: "w", p: 6 ] }
{ doc_id: @doc_id, v: 7, op: [i: "o", p: 7 ] }
{ doc_id: @doc_id, v: 8, op: [i: "r", p: 8 ] }
{ doc_id: @doc_id, v: 9, op: [i: "l", p: 9 ] }
{ doc_id: @doc_id, v: 10, op: [i: "d", p: 10] }
@my_result = ["hello world", "", ""]
it "should be able to continue applying updates when the project has been deleted", (done) ->
actions = []
for update in @updates.slice(0,6)
do (update) =>
actions.push (callback) => DocUpdaterClient.sendUpdate @project_id, @doc_id, update, callback
actions.push (callback) => DocUpdaterClient.deleteDoc @project_id, @doc_id, callback
for update in @updates.slice(6)
do (update) =>
actions.push (callback) => DocUpdaterClient.sendUpdate @project_id, @doc_id, update, callback
async.series actions, (error) =>
throw error if error?
DocUpdaterClient.getDoc @project_id, @doc_id, (error, res, doc) =>
doc.lines.should.deep.equal @my_result
it "should push the applied updates to the track changes api", (done) ->
rclient.lrange "UncompressedHistoryOps:#{@doc_id}", 0, -1, (error, updates) =>
updates = (JSON.parse(u) for u in updates)
for appliedUpdate, i in @updates
appliedUpdate.op.should.deep.equal updates[i].op
rclient.sismember "DocsWithHistoryOps:#{@project_id}", @doc_id, (error, result) =>
result.should.equal 1
describe "when older ops come in after the delete", ->
before (done) ->
[@project_id, @doc_id] = [DocUpdaterClient.randomId(), DocUpdaterClient.randomId()]
lines = ["", "", ""]
MockWebApi.insertDoc @project_id, @doc_id, lines: lines
db.docOps.insert doc_id: ObjectId(@doc_id), version: 0, (error) =>
throw error if error?
@updates = [
{ doc_id: @doc_id, v: 0, op: [i: "h", p: 0 ] }
{ doc_id: @doc_id, v: 1, op: [i: "e", p: 1 ] }
{ doc_id: @doc_id, v: 2, op: [i: "l", p: 2 ] }
{ doc_id: @doc_id, v: 3, op: [i: "l", p: 3 ] }
{ doc_id: @doc_id, v: 4, op: [i: "o", p: 4 ] }
{ doc_id: @doc_id, v: 0, op: [i: "world", p: 1 ] }
@my_result = ["hello", "world", ""]
it "should be able to continue applying updates when the project has been deleted", (done) ->
actions = []
for update in @updates.slice(0,5)
do (update) =>
actions.push (callback) => DocUpdaterClient.sendUpdate @project_id, @doc_id, update, callback
actions.push (callback) => DocUpdaterClient.deleteDoc @project_id, @doc_id, callback
for update in @updates.slice(5)
do (update) =>
actions.push (callback) => DocUpdaterClient.sendUpdate @project_id, @doc_id, update, callback
async.series actions, (error) =>
throw error if error?
DocUpdaterClient.getDoc @project_id, @doc_id, (error, res, doc) =>
doc.lines.should.deep.equal @my_result
describe "with a broken update", ->
before (done) ->
[@project_id, @doc_id] = [DocUpdaterClient.randomId(), DocUpdaterClient.randomId()]
MockWebApi.insertDoc @project_id, @doc_id, lines: @lines
db.docOps.insert doc_id: ObjectId(@doc_id), version: @version, (error) =>
throw error if error?
DocUpdaterClient.sendUpdate @project_id, @doc_id, @undefined, (error) ->
throw error if error?
setTimeout done, 200
it "should not update the doc", (done) ->
DocUpdaterClient.getDoc @project_id, @doc_id, (error, res, doc) =>
doc.lines.should.deep.equal @lines
describe "with enough updates to flush to the track changes api", ->
before (done) ->
[@project_id, @doc_id] = [DocUpdaterClient.randomId(), DocUpdaterClient.randomId()]
updates = []
for v in [0..99] # Should flush after 50 ops
doc_id: @doc_id,
op: [i: v.toString(), p: 0]
v: v
sinon.spy MockTrackChangesApi, "flushDoc"
MockWebApi.insertDoc @project_id, @doc_id, lines: @lines
db.docOps.insert doc_id: ObjectId(@doc_id), version: 0, (error) =>
throw error if error?
DocUpdaterClient.sendUpdates @project_id, @doc_id, updates, (error) =>
throw error if error?
setTimeout done, 200
after ->
it "should flush the doc twice", ->
MockTrackChangesApi.flushDoc.calledTwice.should.equal true
describe "when there is no version in Mongo", ->
before (done) ->
[@project_id, @doc_id] = [DocUpdaterClient.randomId(), DocUpdaterClient.randomId()]
MockWebApi.insertDoc @project_id, @doc_id, {
lines: @lines
update =
doc: @doc_id
op: @update.op
v: 0
DocUpdaterClient.sendUpdate @project_id, @doc_id, update, (error) ->
throw error if error?
setTimeout done, 200
it "should update the doc (using version = 0)", (done) ->
DocUpdaterClient.getDoc @project_id, @doc_id, (error, res, doc) =>
doc.lines.should.deep.equal @result