mirror of
synced 2024-12-27 20:51:26 +00:00
The unconventional use of callbacks to return both an error and data after compilation created a subtle bug where the output files were dropped by the LockManager in case of an error such as a timeout. This prevented the frontend to show error logs when a timeout occurs, creating confusion among users. We now attach the output files to the error so that they reach the controller and are sent back to the web service.
358 lines
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358 lines
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Settings = require "settings-sharelatex"
logger = require "logger-sharelatex"
Docker = require("dockerode")
dockerode = new Docker()
crypto = require "crypto"
async = require "async"
LockManager = require "./DockerLockManager"
fs = require "fs"
Path = require 'path'
_ = require "underscore"
logger.info "using docker runner"
usingSiblingContainers = () ->
module.exports = DockerRunner =
ERR_NOT_DIRECTORY: new Error("not a directory")
ERR_TERMINATED: new Error("terminated")
ERR_EXITED: new Error("exited")
ERR_TIMED_OUT: new Error("container timed out")
run: (project_id, command, directory, image, timeout, environment, callback = (error, output) ->) ->
if usingSiblingContainers()
_newPath = Settings.path.sandboxedCompilesHostDir
logger.log {path: _newPath}, "altering bind path for sibling containers"
# Server Pro, example:
# '/var/lib/sharelatex/data/compiles/<project-id>'
# ... becomes ...
# '/opt/sharelatex_data/data/compiles/<project-id>'
directory = Path.join(Settings.path.sandboxedCompilesHostDir, Path.basename(directory))
volumes = {}
volumes[directory] = "/compile"
command = (arg.toString().replace?('$COMPILE_DIR', "/compile") for arg in command)
if !image?
image = Settings.clsi.docker.image
if Settings.texliveImageNameOveride?
img = image.split("/")
image = "#{Settings.texliveImageNameOveride}/#{img[2]}"
options = DockerRunner._getContainerOptions(command, image, volumes, timeout, environment)
fingerprint = DockerRunner._fingerprintContainer(options)
options.name = name = "project-#{project_id}-#{fingerprint}"
# logOptions = _.clone(options)
# logOptions?.HostConfig?.SecurityOpt = "secomp used, removed in logging"
logger.log project_id: project_id, "running docker container"
DockerRunner._runAndWaitForContainer options, volumes, timeout, (error, output) ->
if error?.message?.match("HTTP code is 500")
logger.log err: error, project_id: project_id, "error running container so destroying and retrying"
DockerRunner.destroyContainer name, null, true, (error) ->
return callback(error) if error?
DockerRunner._runAndWaitForContainer options, volumes, timeout, callback
callback(error, output)
return name # pass back the container name to allow it to be killed
kill: (container_id, callback = (error) ->) ->
logger.log container_id: container_id, "sending kill signal to container"
container = dockerode.getContainer(container_id)
container.kill (error) ->
if error? and error?.message?.match?(/Cannot kill container .* is not running/)
logger.warn err: error, container_id: container_id, "container not running, continuing"
error = null
if error?
logger.error err: error, container_id: container_id, "error killing container"
return callback(error)
_runAndWaitForContainer: (options, volumes, timeout, _callback = (error, output) ->) ->
callback = (args...) ->
# Only call the callback once
_callback = () ->
name = options.name
streamEnded = false
containerReturned = false
output = {}
callbackIfFinished = () ->
if streamEnded and containerReturned
callback(null, output)
attachStreamHandler = (error, _output) ->
return callback(error) if error?
output = _output
streamEnded = true
DockerRunner.startContainer options, volumes, attachStreamHandler, (error, containerId) ->
return callback(error) if error?
DockerRunner.waitForContainer name, timeout, (error, exitCode) ->
return callback(error) if error?
if exitCode is 137 # exit status from kill -9
err = DockerRunner.ERR_TERMINATED
err.terminated = true
return callback(err)
if exitCode is 1 # exit status from chktex
err = DockerRunner.ERR_EXITED
err.code = exitCode
return callback(err)
containerReturned = true
options?.HostConfig?.SecurityOpt = null #small log line
logger.log err:err, exitCode:exitCode, options:options, "docker container has exited"
_getContainerOptions: (command, image, volumes, timeout, environment) ->
timeoutInSeconds = timeout / 1000
dockerVolumes = {}
for hostVol, dockerVol of volumes
dockerVolumes[dockerVol] = {}
if volumes[hostVol].slice(-3).indexOf(":r") == -1
volumes[hostVol] = "#{dockerVol}:rw"
# merge settings and environment parameter
env = {}
for src in [Settings.clsi.docker.env, environment or {}]
env[key] = value for key, value of src
# set the path based on the image year
if m = image.match /:([0-9]+)\.[0-9]+/
year = m[1]
year = "2014"
env['PATH'] = "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/local/texlive/#{year}/bin/x86_64-linux/"
options =
"Cmd" : command,
"Image" : image
"Volumes" : dockerVolumes
"WorkingDir" : "/compile"
"NetworkDisabled" : true
"Memory" : 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 # 1 Gb
"User" : Settings.clsi.docker.user
"Env" : ("#{key}=#{value}" for key, value of env) # convert the environment hash to an array
"HostConfig" :
"Binds": ("#{hostVol}:#{dockerVol}" for hostVol, dockerVol of volumes)
"LogConfig": {"Type": "none", "Config": {}}
"Ulimits": [{'Name': 'cpu', 'Soft': timeoutInSeconds+5, 'Hard': timeoutInSeconds+10}]
"CapDrop": "ALL"
"SecurityOpt": ["no-new-privileges"]
if Settings.path?.synctexBinHostPath?
if Settings.clsi.docker.seccomp_profile?
options.HostConfig.SecurityOpt.push "seccomp=#{Settings.clsi.docker.seccomp_profile}"
return options
_fingerprintContainer: (containerOptions) ->
# Yay, Hashing!
json = JSON.stringify(containerOptions)
return crypto.createHash("md5").update(json).digest("hex")
startContainer: (options, volumes, attachStreamHandler, callback) ->
LockManager.runWithLock options.name, (releaseLock) ->
# Check that volumes exist before starting the container.
# When a container is started with volume pointing to a
# non-existent directory then docker creates the directory but
# with root ownership.
DockerRunner._checkVolumes options, volumes, (err) ->
return releaseLock(err) if err?
DockerRunner._startContainer options, volumes, attachStreamHandler, releaseLock
, callback
# Check that volumes exist and are directories
_checkVolumes: (options, volumes, callback = (error, containerName) ->) ->
if usingSiblingContainers()
# Server Pro, with sibling-containers active, skip checks
return callback(null)
checkVolume = (path, cb) ->
fs.stat path, (err, stats) ->
return cb(err) if err?
return cb(DockerRunner.ERR_NOT_DIRECTORY) if not stats?.isDirectory()
jobs = []
for vol of volumes
do (vol) ->
jobs.push (cb) -> checkVolume(vol, cb)
async.series jobs, callback
_startContainer: (options, volumes, attachStreamHandler, callback = ((error, output) ->)) ->
callback = _.once(callback)
name = options.name
logger.log {container_name: name}, "starting container"
container = dockerode.getContainer(name)
createAndStartContainer = ->
dockerode.createContainer options, (error, container) ->
return callback(error) if error?
startExistingContainer = ->
DockerRunner.attachToContainer options.name, attachStreamHandler, (error)->
return callback(error) if error?
container.start (error) ->
if error? and error?.statusCode != 304 #already running
return callback(error)
container.inspect (error, stats)->
if error?.statusCode == 404
else if error?
logger.err {container_name: name, error:error}, "unable to inspect container to start"
return callback(error)
attachToContainer: (containerId, attachStreamHandler, attachStartCallback) ->
container = dockerode.getContainer(containerId)
container.attach {stdout: 1, stderr: 1, stream: 1}, (error, stream) ->
if error?
logger.error err: error, container_id: containerId, "error attaching to container"
return attachStartCallback(error)
logger.log container_id: containerId, "attached to container"
MAX_OUTPUT = 1024 * 1024 # limit output to 1MB
createStringOutputStream = (name) ->
return {
data: ""
overflowed: false
write: (data) ->
return if @overflowed
if @data.length < MAX_OUTPUT
@data += data
logger.error container_id: containerId, length: @data.length, maxLen: MAX_OUTPUT, "#{name} exceeds max size"
@data += "(...truncated at #{MAX_OUTPUT} chars...)"
@overflowed = true
# kill container if too much output
# docker.containers.kill(containerId, () ->)
stdout = createStringOutputStream "stdout"
stderr = createStringOutputStream "stderr"
container.modem.demuxStream(stream, stdout, stderr)
stream.on "error", (err) ->
logger.error err: err, container_id: containerId, "error reading from container stream"
stream.on "end", () ->
attachStreamHandler null, {stdout: stdout.data, stderr: stderr.data}
waitForContainer: (containerId, timeout, _callback = (error, exitCode) ->) ->
callback = (args...) ->
# Only call the callback once
_callback = () ->
container = dockerode.getContainer(containerId)
timedOut = false
timeoutId = setTimeout () ->
timedOut = true
logger.log container_id: containerId, "timeout reached, killing container"
container.kill(() ->)
, timeout
logger.log container_id: containerId, "waiting for docker container"
container.wait (error, res) ->
if error?
clearTimeout timeoutId
logger.error err: error, container_id: containerId, "error waiting for container"
return callback(error)
if timedOut
logger.log containerId: containerId, "docker container timed out"
error = DockerRunner.ERR_TIMED_OUT
error.timedout = true
callback error
clearTimeout timeoutId
logger.log container_id: containerId, exitCode: res.StatusCode, "docker container returned"
callback null, res.StatusCode
destroyContainer: (containerName, containerId, shouldForce, callback = (error) ->) ->
# We want the containerName for the lock and, ideally, the
# containerId to delete. There is a bug in the docker.io module
# where if you delete by name and there is an error, it throws an
# async exception, but if you delete by id it just does a normal
# error callback. We fall back to deleting by name if no id is
# supplied.
LockManager.runWithLock containerName, (releaseLock) ->
DockerRunner._destroyContainer containerId or containerName, shouldForce, releaseLock
, callback
_destroyContainer: (containerId, shouldForce, callback = (error) ->) ->
logger.log container_id: containerId, "destroying docker container"
container = dockerode.getContainer(containerId)
container.remove {force: shouldForce == true}, (error) ->
if error? and error?.statusCode == 404
logger.warn err: error, container_id: containerId, "container not found, continuing"
error = null
if error?
logger.error err: error, container_id: containerId, "error destroying container"
logger.log container_id: containerId, "destroyed container"
# handle expiry of docker containers
MAX_CONTAINER_AGE: Settings.clsi.docker.maxContainerAge or oneHour = 60 * 60 * 1000
examineOldContainer: (container, callback = (error, name, id, ttl)->) ->
name = container.Name or container.Names?[0]
created = container.Created * 1000 # creation time is returned in seconds
now = Date.now()
age = now - created
maxAge = DockerRunner.MAX_CONTAINER_AGE
ttl = maxAge - age
logger.log {containerName: name, created: created, now: now, age: age, maxAge: maxAge, ttl: ttl}, "checking whether to destroy container"
callback(null, name, container.Id, ttl)
destroyOldContainers: (callback = (error) ->) ->
dockerode.listContainers all: true, (error, containers) ->
return callback(error) if error?
jobs = []
for container in containers or []
do (container) ->
DockerRunner.examineOldContainer container, (err, name, id, ttl) ->
if name.slice(0, 9) == '/project-' && ttl <= 0
jobs.push (cb) ->
DockerRunner.destroyContainer name, id, false, () -> cb()
# Ignore errors because some containers get stuck but
# will be destroyed next time
async.series jobs, callback
startContainerMonitor: () ->
logger.log {maxAge: DockerRunner.MAX_CONTAINER_AGE}, "starting container expiry"
# randomise the start time
randomDelay = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5 * 60 * 1000)
setTimeout () ->
setInterval () ->
, oneHour = 60 * 60 * 1000
, randomDelay