
281 lines
8.2 KiB

/* eslint-disable
// TODO: This file was created by bulk-decaffeinate.
// Fix any style issues and re-enable lint.
* decaffeinate suggestions:
* DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns
* DS207: Consider shorter variations of null checks
* Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md
const chai = require("chai");
const {
} = chai;
const RealTimeClient = require("./helpers/RealTimeClient");
const MockWebServer = require("./helpers/MockWebServer");
const FixturesManager = require("./helpers/FixturesManager");
const async = require("async");
const settings = require("settings-sharelatex");
const redis = require("redis-sharelatex");
const rclient = redis.createClient(settings.redis.pubsub);
describe("receiveUpdate", function() {
beforeEach(function(done) {
this.lines = ["test", "doc", "lines"];
this.version = 42;
this.ops = ["mock", "doc", "ops"];
return async.series([
cb => {
return FixturesManager.setUpProject({
privilegeLevel: "owner",
project: { name: "Test Project" }
}, (error, {user_id, project_id}) => { this.user_id = user_id; this.project_id = project_id; return cb(); });
cb => {
return FixturesManager.setUpDoc(this.project_id, {lines: this.lines, version: this.version, ops: this.ops}, (e, {doc_id}) => {
this.doc_id = doc_id;
return cb(e);
cb => {
this.clientA = RealTimeClient.connect();
return this.clientA.on("connectionAccepted", cb);
cb => {
this.clientB = RealTimeClient.connect();
return this.clientB.on("connectionAccepted", cb);
cb => {
return this.clientA.emit("joinProject", {
project_id: this.project_id
}, cb);
cb => {
return this.clientA.emit("joinDoc", this.doc_id, cb);
cb => {
return this.clientB.emit("joinProject", {
project_id: this.project_id
}, cb);
cb => {
return this.clientB.emit("joinDoc", this.doc_id, cb);
cb => {
return FixturesManager.setUpProject({
privilegeLevel: "owner",
project: {name: "Test Project"}
}, (error, {user_id: user_id_second, project_id: project_id_second}) => { this.user_id_second = user_id_second; this.project_id_second = project_id_second; return cb(); });
cb => {
return FixturesManager.setUpDoc(this.project_id_second, {lines: this.lines, version: this.version, ops: this.ops}, (e, {doc_id: doc_id_second}) => {
this.doc_id_second = doc_id_second;
return cb(e);
cb => {
this.clientC = RealTimeClient.connect();
return this.clientC.on("connectionAccepted", cb);
cb => {
return this.clientC.emit("joinProject", {
project_id: this.project_id_second
}, cb);
cb => {
return this.clientC.emit("joinDoc", this.doc_id_second, cb);
cb => {
this.clientAUpdates = [];
this.clientA.on("otUpdateApplied", update => this.clientAUpdates.push(update));
this.clientBUpdates = [];
this.clientB.on("otUpdateApplied", update => this.clientBUpdates.push(update));
this.clientCUpdates = [];
this.clientC.on("otUpdateApplied", update => this.clientCUpdates.push(update));
this.clientAErrors = [];
this.clientA.on("otUpdateError", error => this.clientAErrors.push(error));
this.clientBErrors = [];
this.clientB.on("otUpdateError", error => this.clientBErrors.push(error));
this.clientCErrors = [];
this.clientC.on("otUpdateError", error => this.clientCErrors.push(error));
return cb();
], done);
afterEach(function() {
if (this.clientA != null) {
if (this.clientB != null) {
return (this.clientC != null ? this.clientC.disconnect() : undefined);
describe("with an update from clientA", function() {
beforeEach(function(done) {
this.update = {
doc_id: this.doc_id,
op: {
meta: {
source: this.clientA.publicId
v: this.version,
doc: this.doc_id,
op: [{i: "foo", p: 50}]
rclient.publish("applied-ops", JSON.stringify(this.update));
return setTimeout(done, 200);
}); // Give clients time to get message
it("should send the full op to clientB", function() {
return this.clientBUpdates.should.deep.equal([this.update.op]);
it("should send an ack to clientA", function() {
return this.clientAUpdates.should.deep.equal([{
v: this.version, doc: this.doc_id
return it("should send nothing to clientC", function() {
return this.clientCUpdates.should.deep.equal([]);
describe("with an update from clientC", function() {
beforeEach(function(done) {
this.update = {
doc_id: this.doc_id_second,
op: {
meta: {
source: this.clientC.publicId
v: this.version,
doc: this.doc_id_second,
op: [{i: "update from clientC", p: 50}]
rclient.publish("applied-ops", JSON.stringify(this.update));
return setTimeout(done, 200);
}); // Give clients time to get message
it("should send nothing to clientA", function() {
return this.clientAUpdates.should.deep.equal([]);
it("should send nothing to clientB", function() {
return this.clientBUpdates.should.deep.equal([]);
return it("should send an ack to clientC", function() {
return this.clientCUpdates.should.deep.equal([{
v: this.version, doc: this.doc_id_second
describe("with an update from a remote client for project 1", function() {
beforeEach(function(done) {
this.update = {
doc_id: this.doc_id,
op: {
meta: {
source: 'this-is-a-remote-client-id'
v: this.version,
doc: this.doc_id,
op: [{i: "foo", p: 50}]
rclient.publish("applied-ops", JSON.stringify(this.update));
return setTimeout(done, 200);
}); // Give clients time to get message
it("should send the full op to clientA", function() {
return this.clientAUpdates.should.deep.equal([this.update.op]);
it("should send the full op to clientB", function() {
return this.clientBUpdates.should.deep.equal([this.update.op]);
return it("should send nothing to clientC", function() {
return this.clientCUpdates.should.deep.equal([]);
describe("with an error for the first project", function() {
beforeEach(function(done) {
rclient.publish("applied-ops", JSON.stringify({doc_id: this.doc_id, error: (this.error = "something went wrong")}));
return setTimeout(done, 200);
}); // Give clients time to get message
it("should send the error to the clients in the first project", function() {
return this.clientBErrors.should.deep.equal([this.error]);
it("should not send any errors to the client in the second project", function() {
return this.clientCErrors.should.deep.equal([]);
it("should disconnect the clients of the first project", function() {
return this.clientB.socket.connected.should.equal(false);
return it("should not disconnect the client in the second project", function() {
return this.clientC.socket.connected.should.equal(true);
return describe("with an error for the second project", function() {
beforeEach(function(done) {
rclient.publish("applied-ops", JSON.stringify({doc_id: this.doc_id_second, error: (this.error = "something went wrong")}));
return setTimeout(done, 200);
}); // Give clients time to get message
it("should not send any errors to the clients in the first project", function() {
return this.clientBErrors.should.deep.equal([]);
it("should send the error to the client in the second project", function() {
return this.clientCErrors.should.deep.equal([this.error]);
it("should not disconnect the clients of the first project", function() {
return this.clientB.socket.connected.should.equal(true);
return it("should disconnect the client in the second project", function() {
return this.clientC.socket.connected.should.equal(false);