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211 lines
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define [
], (Modal, DropboxSettingsManager) ->
class SettingsManager
settingsPanel: $("#settingsPanelTemplate").html()
constructor: (@ide, options) ->
options || = {}
setup = _.once =>
new DropboxSettingsManager @ide
if @ide?
@ide.on "afterJoinProject", (project) =>
@project = project
settingsPanel = $(@templates.settingsPanel)
id: "settings"
name: "Settings"
content: settingsPanel
lock: true
$('#DownloadZip').click (event)=>
@ide.mainAreaManager.setIframeSrc "/project/#{@ide.project_id}/download/zip"
$("#deleteProject").click (event)=>
self = @
deleteProject = ->
self.ide.socket.emit 'deleteProject', ->
window.location = '/'
modalOptions =
isStatic: false
title:'Delete Project'
message: "Are you sure you want to delete this project?"
buttons: [{
text : "Cancel",
class : "btn",
}, {
text : "Delete Forever",
class : "btn-danger confirm",
callback : deleteProject
Modal.createModal modalOptions
$('.cloneProject').click (event)=>
goToRegPage = ->
window.location = "/register"
modalOptions =
isStatic: false
title:'Registration Required'
message: "You need to register to clone a project"
buttons: [{
text : "Cancel",
class : "btn",
}, {
text : "Register Now",
class : "btn-success confirm",
callback : goToRegPage
user = @project.get("ide").user
if user.id == "openUser"
return Modal.createModal modalOptions
$modal = $('#cloneProjectModal')
$confirm = $('#confirmCloneProject')
$modal.modal({backdrop:true, show:true, keyboard:true})
self = @
$confirm.click (e)->
$confirm.attr("disabled", true)
projectName = $modal.find('input').val()
url: "/project/#{self.ide.project_id}/clone"
projectName: projectName
_csrf: window.csrfToken
success: (data)->
if data.redir?
window.location = data.redir
else if data.project_id?
window.location = '/project/'+data.project_id
$modal.on 'hide', ->
$confirm.off 'click'
$modal.find('.cancel').click (e)->
setFontSize: () ->
@fontSizeCss = $("<style/>")
@fontSizeCss.text """
.ace_editor, .ace_content {
font-size: #{window.userSettings.fontSize}px;
bindToProjectName: () ->
@project.on "change:name", (project, newName) ->
$element = $('.projectName')
window.document.title = newName
$("input.projectName").on "change", (e)=>
# Check if event was triggered by the user, re:
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6692031/check-if-event-is-triggered-by-a-human
if e.originalEvent?
if @ide.isAllowedToDoIt "readAndWrite"
@project.set("name", e.target.value)
bindToCompiler: ->
$('select#compilers').change (e)=>
if @ide.isAllowedToDoIt "readAndWrite"
@project.set("compiler", e.target.value)
bindToSpellingPreference: ->
$('select#spellCheckLanguageSelection').on "change", (e)=>
languageCode = e.target.value
@project.set("spellCheckLanguage", languageCode)
bindToRootDocument: () ->
$('#rootDocList').change (event)=>
docId = $(event.target).val()
@project.set("rootDoc_id", docId)
# Repopulate the root document list when the settings page is shown. Updating
# it in real time is just a little too complicated
do refreshDocList = =>
$docList = $('select#rootDocList')
@project.getRootDocumentsList (listOfDocs) =>
template = _.template($('#rootDocListEntity').html())
_.each listOfDocs, (doc)=>
option = $(template(name:doc.path))
option.attr('value', doc._id)
hasRootDoc = _.find listOfDocs, (doc)=>
if doc._id == @project.get("rootDoc_id")
return true
if hasRootDoc
option = $(template(name:"No Root Document Selected!"))
option.attr('value', 'blank')
$('#settings-tab-li').on "click", refreshDocList
bindToPublicAccessLevel: () ->
@project.on "change:publicAccesLevel", (project, level) ->
$("select#publicAccessLevel").on "change", (event)=>
newSetting = event.target.value
cancelChange = =>
@project.set("publicAccesLevel", "private")
doChange = () =>
@project.set("publicAccesLevel", newSetting)
modalOptions =
buttons: [{
text : "Cancel",
class : "btn",
callback : cancelChange
text : "OK",
class : "btn-danger confirm",
callback : doChange
if newSetting == 'readOnly'
modalOptions.title = 'Make Project Public - Read Only'
modalOptions.message = 'Are you sure you want make this project public to the world? Google and search engines will be able to see it. Public users will not be able to edit the project'
else if newSetting == 'readAndWrite'
modalOptions.title = 'Make Project Public - Read and Write'
modalOptions.message = 'Are you sure you want make this project public to the world? Google and search engines will be able to see it. Public users will be able to write and modify the project'
if newSetting == 'private'
modalOptions.title = 'Make Project Private'
modalOptions.message = 'Are you sure you want make this project private? Only registered users who are given permission below will be able to view the project'
Modal.createModal modalOptions