mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 04:21:57 +00:00
Move the remaining configuration into a new config var: `nav.header_extras`. Add a `nav.showSubscriptionLink` var to control visibility of subscription link in the Account menu. This will allow admins to more easily configure extra links in the top navigation bar, without the danger of overwriting the important auth menus.
416 lines
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416 lines
10 KiB
Path = require('path')
http = require('http')
http.globalAgent.maxSockets = 300
# Make time interval config easier.
seconds = 1000
minutes = 60 * seconds
# These credentials are used for authenticating api requests
# between services that may need to go over public channels
httpAuthUser = "sharelatex"
httpAuthPass = "password"
httpAuthUsers = {}
httpAuthUsers[httpAuthUser] = httpAuthPass
sessionSecret = "secret-please-change"
module.exports = settings =
# File storage
# ------------
# ShareLaTeX stores binary files like images in S3.
# Fill in your Amazon S3 credential below.
key: ""
secret: ""
bucketName : ""
# Databases
# ---------
url : 'mongodb://'
host: "localhost"
port: "6379"
password: ""
# websessions:
# cluster: [
# {host: 'localhost', port: 7000}
# {host: 'localhost', port: 7001}
# {host: 'localhost', port: 7002}
# {host: 'localhost', port: 7003}
# {host: 'localhost', port: 7004}
# {host: 'localhost', port: 7005}
# ]
host: "localhost"
port: "6379"
password: ""
# Service locations
# -----------------
# Configure which ports to run each service on. Generally you
# can leave these as they are unless you have some other services
# running which conflict, or want to run the web process on port 80.
port: webPort = 3000
port: docUpdaterPort = 3003
# Tell each service where to find the other services. If everything
# is running locally then this is easy, but they exist as separate config
# options incase you want to run some services on remote hosts.
url: "http://localhost:#{webPort}"
user: httpAuthUser
pass: httpAuthPass
url : "http://localhost:#{docUpdaterPort}"
url : "http://localhost:3002"
emptyProjectFlushDelayMiliseconds: 5 * seconds
url :"http://localhost:3012"
url : "http://localhost:3005"
url : "http://localhost:3015"
url : "http://localhost:3016"
pubUrl: "http://localhost:3016"
url: "http://localhost:3010"
internal_url: "http://localhost:3010"
port: 3008
url: "http://localhost:3011"
url: "http://localhost:3009"
url: "http://localhost:3013"
url: "http://localhost:3007"
url: "http://localhost:3022"
privateKey: ""
apiKey: ""
subdomain: ""
url: "http://localhost:8080/json"
url: "http://localhost:3026"
url: "http://localhost:3036"
url: ""
# references:
# url: "http://localhost:3040"
url: "http://localhost:3042"
user_id: process.env.TEMPLATES_USER_ID or "5395eb7aad1f29a88756c7f2"
showSocialButtons: false
showComments: false
# cdn:
# web:
# host:"http://nowhere.sharelatex.dev"
# darkHost:"http://cdn.sharelatex.dev:3000"
# Where your instance of ShareLaTeX can be found publically. Used in emails
# that are sent out, generated links, etc.
siteUrl : siteUrl = 'http://localhost:3000'
# cookie domain
# use full domain for cookies to only be accessible from that domain,
# replace subdomain with dot to have them accessible on all subdomains
# cookieDomain: ".sharelatex.dev"
# this is only used if cookies are used for clsi backend
#clsiCookieKey: "clsiserver"
# Same, but with http auth credentials.
httpAuthSiteUrl: 'http://#{httpAuthUser}:#{httpAuthPass}@localhost:3000'
maxEntitiesPerProject: 2000
# Security
# --------
sessionSecret: sessionSecret
bcryptRounds: 12 # number of rounds used to hash user passwords (raised to power 2)
httpAuthUsers: httpAuthUsers
# Default features
# ----------------
# You can select the features that are enabled by default for new
# new users.
defaultFeatures: defaultFeatures =
collaborators: -1
dropbox: true
versioning: true
compileTimeout: 180
compileGroup: "standard"
references: true
templates: true
plans: plans = [{
planCode: "personal"
name: "Personal"
price: 0
features: defaultFeatures
# i18n
# ------
www: {lngCode:"en", url: siteUrl}
defaultLng: "en"
# Spelling languages
# ------------------
# You must have the corresponding aspell package installed to
# be able to use a language.
languages: [
{name: "English", code: "en"},
{name: "French", code: "fr"}
# Password Settings
# -----------
# These restrict the passwords users can use when registering
# opts are from http://antelle.github.io/passfield
# passwordStrengthOptions:
# pattern: "aA$3"
# length:
# min: 1
# max: 10
# Email support
# -------------
# ShareLaTeX uses nodemailer (http://www.nodemailer.com/) to send transactional emails.
# To see the range of transport and options they support, see http://www.nodemailer.com/docs/transports
# fromAddress: ""
# replyTo: ""
# lifecycle: false
## Example transport and parameter settings for Amazon SES
# transport: "SES"
# parameters:
# AWSAccessKeyID: ""
# AWSSecretKey: ""
# Third party services
# --------------------
# ShareLaTeX's regular newsletter is managed by Markdown mail. Add your
# credentials here to integrate with this.
# markdownmail:
# secret: ""
# list_id: ""
# Fill in your unique token from various analytics services to enable
# them.
# analytics:
# ga:
# token: ""
# ShareLaTeX's help desk is provided by tenderapp.com
# tenderUrl: ""
# Client-side error logging is provided by getsentry.com
# sentry:
# src: ""
# publicDSN: ""
# src should be either a remote url like
# //cdn.ravenjs.com/1.1.22/jquery,native/raven.min.js
# or a local file in the js/libs directory.
# The publicDSN is the token for the client-side getSentry service.
# Production Settings
# -------------------
# Should javascript assets be served minified or not. Note that you will
# need to run `grunt compile:minify` within the web-sharelatex directory
# to generate these.
useMinifiedJs: false
# Should static assets be sent with a header to tell the browser to cache
# them.
cacheStaticAssets: false
# If you are running ShareLaTeX over https, set this to true to send the
# cookie with a secure flag (recommended).
secureCookie: false
# If you are running ShareLaTeX behind a proxy (like Apache, Nginx, etc)
# then set this to true to allow it to correctly detect the forwarded IP
# address and http/https protocol information.
behindProxy: false
# Cookie max age (in milliseconds). Set to false for a browser session.
cookieSessionLength: 5 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 # 5 days
# When true, only allow invites to be sent to email addresses that
# already have user accounts
restrictInvitesToExistingAccounts: false
# Should we allow access to any page without logging in? This includes
# public projects, /learn, /templates, about pages, etc.
allowPublicAccess: if process.env["SHARELATEX_ALLOW_PUBLIC_ACCESS"] == 'true' then true else false
# Use a single compile directory for all users in a project
# (otherwise each user has their own directory)
# disablePerUserCompiles: true
# Maximum size of text documents in the real-time editing system.
max_doc_length: 2 * 1024 * 1024 # 2mb
# Internal configs
# ----------------
# If we ever need to write something to disk (e.g. incoming requests
# that need processing but may be too big for memory, then write
# them to disk here).
dumpFolder: Path.resolve __dirname + "/../data/dumpFolder"
uploadFolder: Path.resolve __dirname + "/../data/uploads"
# Automatic Snapshots
# -------------------
# How long should we wait after the user last edited to
# take a snapshot?
waitTimeAfterLastEdit: 5 * minutes
# Even if edits are still taking place, this is maximum
# time to wait before taking another snapshot.
maxTimeBetweenSnapshots: 30 * minutes
# Smoke test
# ----------
# Provide log in credentials and a project to be able to run
# some basic smoke tests to check the core functionality.
# smokeTest:
# user: ""
# password: ""
# projectId: ""
appName: "ShareLaTeX (Community Edition)"
adminEmail: "placeholder@example.com"
title: "ShareLaTeX Community Edition"
left_footer: [{
text: "Powered by <a href='https://www.sharelatex.com'>ShareLaTeX</a> © 2016"
right_footer: [{
text: "<i class='fa fa-github-square'></i> Fork on Github!"
url: "https://github.com/sharelatex/sharelatex"
showSubscriptionLink: false
header_extras: []
# Example:
# header_extras: [{text: "Some Page", url: "http://example.com/some/page", class: "subdued"}]
customisation: {}
# templates: [{
# name : "cv_or_resume",
# url : "/templates/cv"
# }, {
# name : "cover_letter",
# url : "/templates/cover-letters"
# }, {
# name : "journal_article",
# url : "/templates/journals"
# }, {
# name : "presentation",
# url : "/templates/presentations"
# }, {
# name : "thesis",
# url : "/templates/thesis"
# }, {
# name : "bibliographies",
# url : "/templates/bibliographies"
# }, {
# name : "view_all",
# url : "/templates"
# }]
"/templates/index": "/templates/"
proxyUrls: {}
reloadModuleViewsOnEachRequest: true
domainLicences: [
# ShareLaTeX Server Pro options (https://www.sharelatex.com/university/onsite.html)
# ----------
# ----------
# Settings below use a working LDAP test server kindly provided by forumsys.com
# When testing with forumsys.com use username = einstein and password = password
# ldap :
# host: 'ldap://ldap.forumsys.com'
# dn: 'uid=:userKey,dc=example,dc=com'
# baseSearch: 'dc=example,dc=com'
# filter: "(uid=:userKey)"
# failMessage: 'LDAP User Fail'
# fieldName: 'LDAP User'
# placeholder: 'email@example.com'
# emailAtt: 'mail'
# anonymous: false
# adminDN: 'cn=read-only-admin,dc=example,dc=com'
# adminPW: 'password'
# starttls: true
# tlsOptions:
# rejectUnauthorized: false
# ca: ['/etc/ldap/ca_certs.pem']
#templateLinks: [{
# name : "CV projects",
# url : "/templates/cv"
# name : "all projects",
# url: "/templates/all"