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logger = require("logger-sharelatex")
mongojs = require("../../infrastructure/mongojs")
metrics = require("metrics-sharelatex")
db = mongojs.db
async = require("async")
ObjectId = mongojs.ObjectId
UserGetter = require("./UserGetter")
{ addAffiliation, removeAffiliation } = require("./UserAffiliationsManager")
EmailHelper = require "../Helpers/EmailHelper"
Errors = require "../Errors/Errors"
module.exports = UserUpdater =
updateUser: (query, update, callback = (error) ->) ->
if typeof query == "string"
query = _id: ObjectId(query)
else if query instanceof ObjectId
query = _id: query
else if typeof query._id == "string"
query._id = ObjectId(query._id)
db.users.update query, update, callback
# Change the user's main email address by adding a new email, switching the
# default email and removing the old email. Prefer manipulating multiple
# emails and the default rather than calling this method directly
changeEmailAddress: (userId, newEmail, callback)->
newEmail = EmailHelper.parseEmail(newEmail)
return callback(new Error('invalid email')) if !newEmail?
logger.log userId: userId, newEmail: newEmail, "updaing email address of user"
oldEmail = null
async.series [
(cb) ->
UserGetter.getUserEmail userId, (error, email) ->
oldEmail = email
(cb) -> UserUpdater.addEmailAddress userId, newEmail, cb
(cb) -> UserUpdater.setDefaultEmailAddress userId, newEmail, cb
(cb) -> UserUpdater.removeEmailAddress userId, oldEmail, cb
], callback
# Add a new email address for the user. Email cannot be already used by this
# or any other user
addEmailAddress: (userId, newEmail, affiliationOptions, callback) ->
unless callback? # affiliationOptions is optional
callback = affiliationOptions
affiliationOptions = {}
newEmail = EmailHelper.parseEmail(newEmail)
return callback(new Error('invalid email')) if !newEmail?
UserGetter.ensureUniqueEmailAddress newEmail, (error) =>
return callback(error) if error?
addAffiliation userId, newEmail, affiliationOptions, (error) =>
if error?
logger.err error: error, 'problem adding affiliation while adding email'
return callback(error)
update = $push: emails: email: newEmail, createdAt: new Date()
@updateUser userId, update, (error) ->
if error?
logger.err error: error, 'problem updating users emails'
return callback(error)
# remove one of the user's email addresses. The email cannot be the user's
# default email address
removeEmailAddress: (userId, email, callback) ->
email = EmailHelper.parseEmail(email)
return callback(new Error('invalid email')) if !email?
removeAffiliation userId, email, (error) =>
if error?
logger.err error: error, 'problem removing affiliation'
return callback(error)
query = _id: userId, email: $ne: email
update = $pull: emails: email: email
@updateUser query, update, (error, res) ->
if error?
logger.err error:error, 'problem removing users email'
return callback(error)
if res.n == 0
return callback(new Error('Cannot remove email'))
# set the default email address by setting the `email` attribute. The email
# must be one of the user's multiple emails (`emails` attribute)
setDefaultEmailAddress: (userId, email, callback) ->
email = EmailHelper.parseEmail(email)
return callback(new Error('invalid email')) if !email?
query = _id: userId, 'emails.email': email
update = $set: email: email
@updateUser query, update, (error, res) ->
if error?
logger.err error:error, 'problem setting default emails'
return callback(error)
if res.n == 0 # TODO: Check n or nMatched?
return callback(new Error('Default email does not belong to user'))
confirmEmail: (userId, email, callback) ->
email = EmailHelper.parseEmail(email)
return callback(new Error('invalid email')) if !email?
logger.log {userId, email}, 'confirming user email'
addAffiliation userId, email, (error) =>
if error?
logger.err error: error, 'problem adding affiliation while confirming email'
return callback(error)
query =
_id: userId
'emails.email': email
update =
'emails.$.confirmedAt': new Date()
@updateUser query, update, (error, res) ->
return callback(error) if error?
logger.log {res, userId, email}, "tried to confirm email"
if res.n == 0
return callback(new Errors.NotFoundError('user id and email do no match'))
].map (method) ->
metrics.timeAsyncMethod(UserUpdater, method, 'mongo.UserUpdater', logger)