
73 lines
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define [
], (App) ->
CACHE_KEY = "countlyEvents"
_getEventCache = () ->
eventCacheStr = window.localStorage.getItem CACHE_KEY
# Initialize as an empy object if the event cache is still empty.
if !eventCacheStr?
eventCacheStr = "{}"
# Errors writing to localStorage may happen when quota is full or
# browser is in incognito mode. We'll return an empty object, anyway.
window.localStorage.setItem CACHE_KEY, eventCacheStr
return JSON.parse eventCacheStr
_eventInCache = (key) ->
curCache = _getEventCache()
if (curCache.hasOwnProperty key)
_addEventToCache = (key) ->
curCache = _getEventCache()
curCache[key] = true
curCacheAsStr = JSON.stringify curCache
# Protection against issues mentioned above.
window.localStorage.setItem CACHE_KEY, curCacheAsStr
App.factory "event_tracking", ->
return {
send: (category, action, label, value)->
ga('send', 'event', category, action, label, value)
sendCountly: (key, segmentation) ->
eventData = { key }
eventData.segmentation = segmentation if segmentation?
Countly?.q.push([ "add_event", eventData ])
sendCountlySampled: (key, segmentation) ->
@sendCountly key, segmentation if Math.random() < .01
sendCountlyOnce: (key, segmentation) ->
if ! _eventInCache(key)
@sendCountly key, segmentation
# App.directive "countlyTrack", () ->
# return {
# restrict: "A"
# scope: false,
# link: (scope, el, attrs) ->
# eventKey = attrs.countlyTrack
# if (eventKey?)
# el.on "click", () ->
# console.log eventKey
# }
$('.navbar a').on "click", (e)->
href = $(e.target).attr("href")
if href?
ga('send', 'event', 'navigation', 'top menu bar', href)