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synced 2025-03-03 10:41:55 +00:00
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39 lines
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logger = require('logger-sharelatex')
FileStoreHandler = require("./FileStoreHandler")
ProjectLocator = require("../Project/ProjectLocator")
_ = require('underscore')
is_mobile_safari = (user_agent) ->
user_agent and (user_agent.indexOf('iPhone') >= 0 or
user_agent.indexOf('iPad') >= 0)
is_html = (file) ->
ends_with = (ext) ->
file.name? and
file.name.length > ext.length and
(file.name.lastIndexOf(ext) == file.name.length - ext.length)
ends_with('.html') or ends_with('.htm') or ends_with('.xhtml')
module.exports =
getFile : (req, res)->
project_id = req.params.Project_id
file_id = req.params.File_id
queryString = req.query
user_agent = req.get('User-Agent')
logger.log project_id: project_id, file_id: file_id, queryString:queryString, "file download"
ProjectLocator.findElement {project_id: project_id, element_id: file_id, type: "file"}, (err, file)->
if err?
logger.err err:err, project_id: project_id, file_id: file_id, queryString:queryString, "error finding element for downloading file"
return res.sendStatus 500
FileStoreHandler.getFileStream project_id, file_id, queryString, (err, stream)->
if err?
logger.err err:err, project_id: project_id, file_id: file_id, queryString:queryString, "error getting file stream for downloading file"
return res.sendStatus 500
# mobile safari will try to render html files, prevent this
if (is_mobile_safari(user_agent) and is_html(file))
logger.log filename: file.name, user_agent: user_agent, "sending html file to mobile-safari as plain text"
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
res.setContentDisposition('attachment', {filename: file.name})
stream.pipe res