Simon Detheridge 385da07930 Merge pull request #1675 from sharelatex/spd-zip-file-limit-ui
Display more descriptive errors when uploading a project fails

GitOrigin-RevId: e206ca0d595f927ab141fb901644906f000160f8
2019-03-28 15:14:30 +00:00

143 lines
4.9 KiB

logger = require "logger-sharelatex"
metrics = require "metrics-sharelatex"
fs = require "fs"
Path = require "path"
fse = require "fs-extra"
yauzl = require "yauzl"
Settings = require "settings-sharelatex"
Errors = require "../Errors/Errors"
_ = require("underscore")
ONE_MEG = 1024 * 1024
module.exports = ArchiveManager =
_isZipTooLarge: (source, callback = (err, isTooLarge)->)->
callback = _.once callback
totalSizeInBytes = null
yauzl.open source, {lazyEntries: true}, (err, zipfile) ->
return callback(new Errors.InvalidError("invalid_zip_file")) if err?
if Settings.maxEntitiesPerProject? and zipfile.entryCount > Settings.maxEntitiesPerProject
return callback(null, true) # too many files in zip file
zipfile.on "error", callback
# read all the entries
zipfile.on "entry", (entry) ->
totalSizeInBytes += entry.uncompressedSize
zipfile.readEntry() # get the next entry
# no more entries to read
zipfile.on "end", () ->
if !totalSizeInBytes? or isNaN(totalSizeInBytes)
logger.err source:source, totalSizeInBytes:totalSizeInBytes, "error getting bytes of zip"
return callback(new Error("error getting bytes of zip"))
isTooLarge = totalSizeInBytes > (ONE_MEG * 300)
callback(null, isTooLarge)
_checkFilePath: (entry, destination, callback = (err, destFile) ->) ->
# transform backslashes to forwardslashes to accommodate badly-behaved zip archives
transformedFilename = entry.fileName.replace(/\\/g, '/')
# check if the entry is a directory
endsWithSlash = /\/$/
if endsWithSlash.test(transformedFilename)
return callback() # don't give a destfile for directory
# check that the file does not use a relative path
for dir in transformedFilename.split('/')
if dir == '..'
return callback(new Error("relative path"))
# check that the destination file path is normalized
dest = "#{destination}/#{transformedFilename}"
if dest != Path.normalize(dest)
return callback(new Error("unnormalized path"))
return callback(null, dest)
_writeFileEntry: (zipfile, entry, destFile, callback = (err)->) ->
callback = _.once callback
zipfile.openReadStream entry, (err, readStream) ->
return callback(err) if err?
readStream.on "error", callback
readStream.on "end", callback
errorHandler = (err) -> # clean up before calling callback
fse.ensureDir Path.dirname(destFile), (err) ->
return errorHandler(err) if err?
writeStream = fs.createWriteStream destFile
writeStream.on 'error', errorHandler
_extractZipFiles: (source, destination, callback = (err) ->) ->
callback = _.once callback
yauzl.open source, {lazyEntries: true}, (err, zipfile) ->
return callback(err) if err?
zipfile.on "error", callback
# read all the entries
zipfile.on "entry", (entry) ->
logger.log {source:source, fileName: entry.fileName}, "processing zip file entry"
ArchiveManager._checkFilePath entry, destination, (err, destFile) ->
if err?
logger.warn err:err, source:source, destination:destination, "skipping bad file path"
zipfile.readEntry() # bad path, just skip to the next file
if destFile? # only write files
ArchiveManager._writeFileEntry zipfile, entry, destFile, (err) ->
if err?
logger.error err:err, source:source, destFile:destFile, "error unzipping file entry"
zipfile.close() # bail out, stop reading file entries
return callback(err)
zipfile.readEntry() # continue to the next file
else # if it's a directory, continue
# no more entries to read
zipfile.on "end", callback
extractZipArchive: (source, destination, _callback = (err) ->) ->
callback = (args...) ->
_callback = () ->
ArchiveManager._isZipTooLarge source, (err, isTooLarge)->
if err?
logger.err err:err, "error checking size of zip file"
return callback(err)
if isTooLarge
return callback(new Errors.InvalidError("zip_contents_too_large"))
timer = new metrics.Timer("unzipDirectory")
logger.log source: source, destination: destination, "unzipping file"
ArchiveManager._extractZipFiles source, destination, (err) ->
if err?
logger.error {err, source, destination}, "unzip failed"
findTopLevelDirectory: (directory, callback = (error, topLevelDir) ->) ->
fs.readdir directory, (error, files) ->
return callback(error) if error?
if files.length == 1
childPath = Path.join(directory, files[0])
fs.stat childPath, (error, stat) ->
return callback(error) if error?
if stat.isDirectory()
return callback(null, childPath)
return callback(null, directory)
return callback(null, directory)