Michael Mazour 1ddf9283f2 Add flags option to request JSON
Adds a `flags` parameter to the request JSON, appearing under the `compile.options` key (alongside such stalwarts as `compiler`, `timeout`, etc.).

This is primarily to support `-file-line-error` as an option, but could have other uses as well.

`flags` should be an array of strings, or absent. If supplied, the listed arguments are added to the base latexmk command.
2019-05-14 16:24:34 +01:00

128 lines
4 KiB

settings = require("settings-sharelatex")
module.exports = RequestParser =
VALID_COMPILERS: ["pdflatex", "latex", "xelatex", "lualatex"]
parse: (body, callback = (error, data) ->) ->
response = {}
if !body.compile?
return callback "top level object should have a compile attribute"
compile = body.compile
compile.options ||= {}
response.compiler = @_parseAttribute "compiler",
default: "pdflatex"
type: "string"
response.timeout = @_parseAttribute "timeout",
default: RequestParser.MAX_TIMEOUT
type: "number"
response.imageName = @_parseAttribute "imageName",
type: "string"
response.draft = @_parseAttribute "draft",
default: false,
type: "boolean"
response.check = @_parseAttribute "check",
type: "string"
response.flags = @_parseAttribute "flags",
default: [],
type: "object"
# The syncType specifies whether the request contains all
# resources (full) or only those resources to be updated
# in-place (incremental).
response.syncType = @_parseAttribute "syncType",
validValues: ["full", "incremental"]
type: "string"
# The syncState is an identifier passed in with the request
# which has the property that it changes when any resource is
# added, deleted, moved or renamed.
# on syncType full the syncState identifier is passed in and
# stored
# on syncType incremental the syncState identifier must match
# the stored value
response.syncState = @_parseAttribute "syncState",
type: "string"
if response.timeout > RequestParser.MAX_TIMEOUT
response.timeout = RequestParser.MAX_TIMEOUT
response.timeout = response.timeout * 1000 # milliseconds
response.resources = (@_parseResource(resource) for resource in (compile.resources or []))
rootResourcePath = @_parseAttribute "rootResourcePath",
default: "main.tex"
type: "string"
originalRootResourcePath = rootResourcePath
sanitizedRootResourcePath = RequestParser._sanitizePath(rootResourcePath)
response.rootResourcePath = RequestParser._checkPath(sanitizedRootResourcePath)
for resource in response.resources
if resource.path == originalRootResourcePath
resource.path = sanitizedRootResourcePath
catch error
return callback error
callback null, response
_parseResource: (resource) ->
if !resource.path? or typeof resource.path != "string"
throw "all resources should have a path attribute"
if resource.modified?
modified = new Date(resource.modified)
if isNaN(modified.getTime())
throw "resource modified date could not be understood: #{resource.modified}"
if !resource.url? and !resource.content?
throw "all resources should have either a url or content attribute"
if resource.content? and typeof resource.content != "string"
throw "content attribute should be a string"
if resource.url? and typeof resource.url != "string"
throw "url attribute should be a string"
return {
path: resource.path
modified: modified
url: resource.url
content: resource.content
_parseAttribute: (name, attribute, options) ->
if attribute?
if options.validValues?
if options.validValues.indexOf(attribute) == -1
throw "#{name} attribute should be one of: #{options.validValues.join(", ")}"
if options.type?
if typeof attribute != options.type
throw "#{name} attribute should be a #{options.type}"
return options.default if options.default?
return attribute
_sanitizePath: (path) ->
# See http://php.net/manual/en/function.escapeshellcmd.php
path.replace(/[\#\&\;\`\|\*\?\~\<\>\^\(\)\[\]\{\}\$\\\x0A\xFF\x00]/g, "")
_checkPath: (path) ->
# check that the request does not use a relative path
for dir in path.split('/')
if dir == '..'
throw "relative path in root resource"
return path